Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Off work! (sort of)

What a day for work yesterday. Lots to cram into a day. I'm glad I started at least somewhat on payroll the day before. Something is always a challenge with it. Every. Single. Time. I'm so tired of it. I specifically emailed the payroll person Monday morning to make sure we had it set up in the system so that I could transmit payroll on Tuesday, earlier than scheduled. Tuesday morning I go to create the payroll batch and get an error message. Have to email her (thank God, she is good though, she responds right away, not like the previous lady who would take 6 hours to reply to an email about payroll...on the day you are trying to process payroll). She fixes it. Then I'm ready to submit it and my boss says "ummm...when will the employees actually be able to see this info showing they got a bonus check?"....because some haven't gotten theirs yet and don't know about it.  I ask the payroll lady when will they see this if they log into their payroll account? She doesn't answer me when, she just says to put those checks into a separate batch and release it later. Ok...but then we find out we'd have to re-enter each of those checks. We already spent a couple hours doing this last week. Not going through it again! Just tell the managers that haven't handed out their bonus checks yet to get on the damn ball and take care of it! GEEZ LOUISE!!

My mom called at 9:30am yesterday. No memory of wanting to put a hold on her money or her camera she found. She just wanted to know what day and time I am coming to get her......I told dd I can deal with answering that daily, just not 3 times during EACH call and then 6 times a day. I then told her I was super busy with a work project today so if she tries to call again I probably won't be able to answer. Not that she would probably remember, but, hey, worth a shot! I also checked her phone log again and no more calling that phone number over and over. She did not call me until like 4:30, so it was a good break for the day from it.

While waiting on payroll answers I did the side job payroll. They have a new company processing, too. They are using their CPA office, who uses some payroll processing company I've never heard of. I have been doing their payroll (like 20 employees) for over 10 years and even when I had to enter the sick and vacation in the system (which is how I did it until just recently) now I just send the list of sick and vacation days to a lady at the CPA office. Last payroll period there were no sick or vacation adjustments and when I emailed her that she commented that's good, it's so time consuming to enter those. What?? what in hell type of payroll system are you using? I have used 3 different ones over the years and for 20 employees and typically about 6 or 7 of them to put in sick or vacation for each payroll, it literally takes like 5 minutes.  Everyone is salaried, so unless they have an adjustment there is very little to actually have to enter. Weird. I looked up this payroll system they are using, online, and it specifically says "do payroll in minutes". It appears to be a similar as others. Just pop in some hours into the sick and vacation fields, if there are any, hit process, LOL.  Not to mention I send her the list in alphabetical order, so should be even quicker. Their payroll is the easiest I have ever done in my life (and has been for 11 years or more now).

I got the state business tax return done and submitted. Then I got the bills due before I return to work paid. I got the bank balance set to what it needs to be to cover payroll and other things coming out automatically for the next 10 days. Then I was finally able to submit payroll and all is good to go. With 2 hours left in the work day to spare. So, nothing was rushed to get done at the last minute, which was really nice.

And then right after 4:30 my side job CPA emails that he wants November financial report. Well, dang. I usually can't get it done until almost the end of the next month, because I am using reports that come in from their manufacturers as to commissions earned in November, but not paid until Dec or later. But, I'm close enough, so I spent an extra time trying to finish that up (and told them I'd had it to them in the morning). So, this morning I am waiting on a couple of questions to be answered and then I really will be done working, LOL.

I was messaging with dd last night and told her I'm just making more rosettes (gave them all away) for us to have and not making the sugar cookies. They never turn out and take so much time. She said maybe she'll make some kind of cookie and then sent me screenshot of 2 cookies she said she wanted to make - snickerdoodles and some other kind of drop cookie. I said yummm. I love snickerdoodles and make sure you have cream of tartar to make them. She said do you have any? Oh - you want to make them here? LOL. Yes, I have some. I'm not sure when she thinks she's going to have much time to make them but we'll see, haha. Maybe Friday morning before we got pick up mom.

So, as soon as I get my side job stuff completed this morning, I can get started on my to do list to get ready for company staying. It's after 8am at side job - hopefully they will get to it soon, so I can finish up. I think I'll do upstairs cleaning today and downstairs tomorrow. Dh did clean our masterbath toilet the other day for me. No clue what got into him there. Until he had his shop toilet he probably never cleaned a toilet in his life, haha. I won't clean it and he does a good job cleaning it now so I guess he decided he could handle the house toilet cleaning.

I might go to the store in town today or tomorrow. I want a couple of things and also want egg nog, if they have any. I keep forgetting to get some. If they don't I'll get the stuff to make my own. I might even have it, come to think of it, I have some cream frozen in the freezer. I should take it out to thaw and see if it would be any good to use anyway.



  1. When we used Oracle for payroll one lady in Finances used to go through every single pay check (for about 700 people) manually, it was that bad. It improved over time but you can't possibly keep that up!

    1. oh that sounds awful! I pretty much have to go over each person (about 55) for my main company I work for and that's a pain. I can't imagine 700.

  2. I have a favor to ask. Whenever I try to reach my blog, I get re-directed to very inappropriate sites. I tried everything and cannot fix the issue. I used a VPN and it works just fine. Can you tell me if my blog redirects to such sites when you want to read it?

    1. Hi - it's working fine when I access it through my link I use

    2. Thank you. I have partially solved the issue.

  3. Sometimes, I ask Tommy to do something once, and he just keeps doing that job. He had not cleaned his kitchen sink in 15 years. Now, he does it every time he walks by He tells me how shiny the sink gets with Barkeeper's Friend. I hope your job gets done without trouble.

  4. Oh my goodness. I had a good laugh about your dh cleaning the toilet. Congrats on him "graduating" to cleaning your master bathroom toilet! You have given me hope for my dh. Lol
