Friday, December 3, 2021

Friday brain dump

With DD sharing their new Netflix account, I am able to watch season 4 of Atypical. It's a cute show about a young man with Asperger's. After that I don't now what I plan to watch on it. All the other shows I used to watch on it aren't on anymore. A few years ago I watched Christmas Chronicles and really enjoyed it. I started to watch the sequel the other night and it wasn't catching my interest at all and I turned it off.

Yesterday I finally received the billing from the town hospital for the doctors dh saw while in there. Only took them 3 1/2 months. It was nice to log into dh's claims with his health insurance and see the last 2 claims, for the MRI and radiologist to read, at $0 patient balance and paid in full by insurance. The biopsy he has next week will probably be a couple thousand, again, all covered by insurance. Too bad the deductible and coinsurance will start over in January. Just praying his biopsy is normal and then maybe we won't have anymore costs for awhile.

I actually felt pretty good with my neck and elbow last evening. I've been trying to stretch my neck often and while it's still a knot and feels tight, at least no headache yesterday. I've been wearing my wrist thing I sometimes wear when my carpal tunnel is bothering me. For the first time in a couple of weeks I was able to reach down on the side of the recliner and pull the piece out to lift up the recliner. It's kind of a hard pull and every time I tried it before was pain in my elbow.

Hmmm...I let kitty out of my office this morning because he kept meowing at the door. I don't hear anything crashing downstairs or any noises coming from him getting into stuff upstairs. Maybe he went back to bed with dh, haha. He did sleep with us almost all night. Dh got up at 5 to go to the bathroom and kitty got woken up and then got busy being a cat, so I put him in the office and went back to bed until I get up at 7.

The days until Christmas keep ticking away and I need to get on the ball, especially with things I still need to order. It sure doesn't help that I've been feeling like crap. By the end of the work day I haven't felt like doing much of anything. Ok, just got one thing ordered. My loveseat upstairs in the loft (which I didn't have until after Christmas last year) has 2 big throw pillows on it. My Christmas pillow covers I have are too small, so I needed to order some 20". Done. My Christmas cards I just need to get them done and in the mail. Knowing me it will be the week of Christmas before I get them out. I also need to get something for our UPS guy.

I just ordered a book of Christmas stamps for my cards. Says will be here in 3-5 days. They had paypal checkout option and I have $25 from a Paypal "offer" I did, so I used that to pay for the book of stamps. Apparently the only way to use the $25 I got is to do it through checking out and choosing paypal, if that is an option. I can't just transfer it to my bank or anything.

I also just earned $16.42 from using "Honey" when I am online shopping. It searches for coupon codes before you check out. It doesn't often find any, but it also earns points most times I use it. When you get up to $10 in points you can cash out to paypal or a gift card. Apparently when I signed my mom up for the Hero medication system, I earned the equivalent of $12 in points, added into the $4 I already had on there and I was able to cash out the $16.

My mom must have went downstairs for breakfast this morning. I'm getting a notification she hasn't taken her 8:30 am meds yet. Usually she's back up to her apartment by now and then takes them, but I think it will only remind her one more time in one minute, at 9am. Oh - she just took it! I love this app system! But for some reason, it keeps saying she is low on one of the meds in the cartridges and I keep getting a notification daily and she sees it on her screen so she calls me every night about it. There has to be at least 30 in there. I filled it up with the whole bottle of 90 like mid October. She's not due for her 90 day refill until the first of January. I'll have to look inside it next time I'm at her place. 

With some $30 Kohl's cash I had (from getting that extra vacuum) I bought a Christmas table runner. I love it :)

ok, trying to decide if I am going to go into the city this weekend or not. I just kind of need to do a little misc Christmas shopping. I could check in on mom (and that medication). But, part of me just wants to stay home! I drove in there 3 times last week, haha. It's all stuff I could get online if I take the time. Plus we have to drive in next Wednesday for dh's biopsy. Then I will have to drive in again soon, probably the  next week, to take the dog in to have his lumps looked at. I haven't called yet, because I haven't decided when I want to take more time off work again. Probably will see if I can get him in on Mon or Tues 13th or 14th. I wish they were open Saturdays. 

DH is having trouble figuring out replacing some fluids in his pickup. It's a 23 yr old truck. The transmission, rear end, etc type of fluids that were used/recommended when it was new aren't made anymore, but he keeps getting different opinions on what is the right fluids to now use and how much. He's searching the internet, message board forums, etc. One person will say use such and such. Others will say no, this kind is bad to use and will cause damage. He's getting overwhelmed and then he gets crabby. His mechanic friend will say just use such and such and then he researches and others say no. And dang - the various fluids are so expensive! Like $30 - for a quart!

My mom just called me. She said she was having problems so had to have her friend help dial me on her cell phone. Then she said she was walking back to her apartment. She said she really didn't know what she was calling about, she thought maybe she had missed my call and then she couldn't figure out how to dial me. I reminded her about the desk/landline phone. Sometimes she remembers it and sometimes doesn't. I think the next couple of visits I need to start "suggesting" maybe she just give up using her cell phone and just use the landline.....kind of like I did to get her checks from her.


  1. I love the table runner! Kohl's is the best for home decor. They always have the nicest things of good quality.
    "Firefly Lane" is a book by Kristen Hannah & was a series on Netflix. I think I have that info right. It was a good show. I'm waiting on season 2.

    1. I like Kohl's home decor, too. Thanks for the show suggestion, I will check it out.

  2. The table runner is cute. I ordered stamps too, but now I worry that I might not actually get them.

    1. thanks. The table is 7 ft long so I had to make sure the runner was going to be long enough. I've ordered stamps a few times and never had a problem getting them in a few days.

  3. The table runner is pretty! Love your trees too. They look so nice. I like Kohl's a lot.

    1. Thank you! I've always liked Kohl's. I like their bath towels, too.

  4. Maybe he can call the car dealer/service department for the make of his truck. They should be able to help I would think.

    I enjoyed Virgin River, they are now working on season 4 & #5 will follow after that from what I understand.

    Your table and Christmas trees are beautiful. Great picture!!

    1. apparently he's gotten different answers there too. I read some of the Virgin River books and then started to watch the series a few years ago on Netflix and it seemed so different than the books to me, that I was disappointed and didn't watch too many episodes. Everyone says it's good, though.

  5. I like the runner. Maybe when she 'loses' her phone again, (or you can help it get lost), you can steer her more to the other phone. Is kitty still trying to climb the tree?

    1. I hope so! her new thing with her cell phone she keeps doing is not holding it near her mouth when she's talking and all I can hear is faint talking.
