Friday, December 24, 2021

A full house

All went well yesterday. The kids made it here in 7 1/2 hours driving over 3 snowy passes and didn't have any problems. They had decided to leave their house at 8am and got here at 4:30 (hour time diff) so it was nice to have them here for the whole evening. I just made pancakes and sausages for dinner.

Mom only called once yesterday morning to see when/time I was coming. Then just before 8pm I realized she still had not taken her evening pill. I was just about to call her and my phone rang and it was my uncle. She told him someone just stole her credit cards! Oh I called her and she's convinced someone took them. I'm sure, if they aren't in her wallet, she decided to hide them somewhere, so now we have those to look for. It appears to be her credit card, debit card and her ID.

Then she called me this morning about a half hour ago and wanted to know again what time, because her tummy wasn't feeling well. She decided she still had plenty of time to get better. She just called again about what she should wear, so she must be feeling fine now, LOL.

It snowed a bit last night, but I think dd is going to drive their pickup and she and I will just go get mom, rather than having dh drive. I'm sure in a few more hours, with no snow expected, the roads will be even better than the highway cams looked first thing this morning.

I just came upstairs to mobile deposit my bonus check. My boss sent it UPS and it came yesterday along with a $100 visa gift card from my boss. Very nice. We're just taking it easy this morning. Coffee, showers, some help yourself breakfast (dd brought bagels). DH is out plowing the 2-3 inches we got over night. We're not leaving until 12:30 to go get mom.

Keep your fingers crossed I 1)find the missing clock 2)find the missing credit cards and 3)that she does ok here 2 nights. I didn't sleep very good last night worrying about all this.


  1. One,
    I hope all your wishes come true! It is sad a mind must go like this. Thankfully, the doctor said I have no signs of dementia. But, at 75, I suppose it could happen at any time. I am glad your daughter and husband had a safe and uneventful trip.

  2. I hope your days go well and the missing items are easily found. I'm happy for you that your children are safely there. Merry Christmas 🎄🎄.

  3. i hope you find everything that is missing. wishing you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas! ❤️

  4. So glad your kids made it safely and earlier than expected. I do hope you are able to find all of the "lost" items and that your mom will feel safe and comfortable while she is at your home. Best wishes for a very Merry Christmas! Ranee (MN)
