Friday, September 17, 2021

Yay Friday and more doctors

Another thing I just thought of, in relation to getting tax breaks or discounts on dh's medical bills, is with the amount I am going to have to pay out this year, we should more than qualify for the healthcare deduction on the tax return. The total I will pay out should exceed greatly the 7.5% threshold, so that will also help reduce my tax due on my return (at least for the portion I don't pay out of my HSA). In a quick estimate I should be able to claim an additional $10k of the medical expenses on my itemized deductions, lowering my tax owed for this year.

I'm so glad we put in a heat pump for our heating and a/c system. Running the a/c all summer long in 95-100 degree heat and my highest electric bill this summer was only $125. And having a/c that does the whole house comfortable, rather than a window unit (like we had for years and years) is so much better. Right now were in the in between month where we don't need a/c or much heat. I have turned the heat on a little bit a couple of mornings, but then it's warmed up to 70's outside for the day.

Since the week dh went in the hospital I have cut way down my calorie intake per day. I ate small light dinners the 9 days he was gone. Then since he's been out, he's been trying to eat what works for him, which for the past month now most of his dinners are either an omelette or soup. Most of the days he has an omelette I just have a bowl of cereal for dinner, though sometimes I make myself an omelette (now that I'm an expert omelette maker, LOL). I rarely have an evening snack anymore. Have I lost any weight? Nope. What the heck?!

This afternoon is his appointment with the urologist. This was a secondary issue the hospital doctors noticed and recommended he have checked out. They also gave him a prescription of Flomax to start taking and he has noticed a big difference since starting that. Hopefully that is all that's wrong and this doctor today will just say carry on with taking it. If he does, he current bottle runs out Sunday. Our town pharmacy isn't open on weekends so I'd have to get in there before they close today and not sure if we can make it back in time, depending how long his appt. lasts. I might ask the dr if he has any samples of it he can give until I can go in Monday and get filled - or better yet, if he did have like a week or 10 days worth, I could just then have them call in the prescription to the mail order pharmacy with his insurance. That's usually a cheaper route and get 90 days worth at a time. If not, I'll get the 30 days at our local pharmacy and switch to mail order after that.

After the appt. we'll run over the to grocery store so I can run inside and get some things we're out of. I'm making dh stay in the car. He doesn't need to get covid before he's supposed to have his endoscopy next week. Mostly we are out of gatorade, orange juice and oranges. He's been drinking and eating a lot of that lately. I only have like 10 things on my list, so should be a quick in and out. DH has been craving a cheeseburger, so we will probably stop at Wendy's for that. But, I have a feeling he's going to regret it...I'll bet his pancreas won't like it. I'm going to suggest he get a single rather than his usual double.

I have today off work. I didn't even tell dh, LOL. I'll spend half my morning up here on my computer anyway. He'll probably end up either out in his shop or out mowing, if the lawn dries out from the dew early enough before we have to leave for his appointment. I can get my desk cleaned off (again!). 

Yesterday mac and cheese and corn bread sounded good, so that's what I made for dinner. DH isn't a corn bread fan, so he didn't have that, which is a good thing, because it tasted horrible! I didn't even finish one piece. It almost tasted like soap or something. I have no idea why. It's just the boxed cornbread mix, eggs and milk (the milk is good). Disappointing and then I had a bit of a stomach ache for an hour after eating it.


  1. Maybe your body needs time to figure this Plus, metabolism changes when a body is deprived. I am quite sure, though, that you were not consuming so few calories. Maybe not eating more of the cornbread would be a wise idea, not for calories, but because it is probably bad.

    1. I threw out the cornbread right away. I figured I’d lose a few pounds at least. Oh well

  2. You need to be more physically active, too, in addition to reducing caloric intake. Start walking a few miles a day (or when you can). Probably would be good for your hubby, too.
    Regarding your husband not getting COVID before his tests, you need to be careful not to get it, then transfer it to him! Hope you take precautions (mask, wipe hands, etc.) often - because this is what will keep him from getting it, too!
    We, also, have a heat pump (all electric home) and it's amazing! We keep air at about 72 24/7 starting spring till now & our bills are like yours, really low (2700 sq. ft home). When family comes over they usually bring a sweater because they always say it's too cold here!

    1. We are definitely cautious. We rarely even are out in public, and only when it's necessary. Even at home I wash my hand constantly (as does dh).We carry disinfecting wipes and sanitizer in the car, masks, etc. I just figured it was safest if he stayed in the car, even though I had to go to the grocery store. Kind of hard not to grocery shop! I find our a/c too cold in the summer too! DH likes it colder than me.

  3. Heat pumps really are a great economizer both winter and summer. I'm glad it's working well for you. Every now and then I've had bad results from a box mix. My DH wanted Mac and cheese this week too- the real kind with homemade sauce. Comfort food at it's finest.

    1. I have an awesome homemade 4 cheese and bacon mac and cheese recipe, but only do that on a weekend, since it takes so much longer than boxed m&c. It's the best!
