Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Cat, call, and appointments

It's been awhile since I've had a kitten. Most of our cats (all rescues) were at least 6 months old when we got them. Playful and busy, aren't they?! LOL. More so today, as he seems to have 100% settled in here.

Last night we let him free roam the house. He was pretty intimidated at first, but then spent most of the  evening with me on the couch. At one point I put him back in his crate up in my office, which he apparently didn't like one little bit. I went back up a little later to find he had tipped over water and food and made a mess.

Today, I am just leaving his cage door open so he can go in and out (which he does often to eat and drink) and now that dh is up and about, I'm leaving my office door open. He did follow me partially downstairs while I was doing stuff in the kitchen and just stayed on the stairs observing. I need cat toys, but for now he's decided the 2 bottles of eye drops that were on my desk make good toys on the floor. Either that or he is on my desk trying to catch my cursor as I move it around on my screen. Like I said, busy little guy.

DD has tried several different cat litter systems over the past few years and settled on one she likes, so I think I will try it. She uses the Purina Tidy Cats Breeze litter system. It uses pellets instead of sand type litter and she just orders the refills on Amazon subscribe and save, every couple of months.

I got caught up with another month completed at work. Boss is happy and now I'm working on July stuff. Almost there! I really can't get caught up much more than 2 months out, as we don't get all our reports and info from some of our manufacturer's until 4-6 weeks after a month ends, then it takes me a couple weeks to get it all entered and reconciled. So, if I can get caught up with July by the end of this month I will consider myself caught up. That might be hard to do, though, as I have 2 days off this week and 2 days off next week, so I'm probably not going to get July done, but hopefully will by the first week of October.

DH has his endoscopy tomorrow morning. From reading the instructions that were mailed it kind of sounds like he is not put under anesthesia, just given something to make him drowsy and relaxed and then the "tube can be swallowed with surprising ease". Ok...if they say so, LOL. But, the estimate of (almost $6000!) costs I got from his "mychart" with the hospital includes $1440 for general anethesia, so I guess I will find out for sure if they put him under or not and make sure I don't pay for that if, they don't.

I have a call into the urology office nurse to call me back to explain to me why he's basically having a duplicate appointment of the appointment he just had Friday! Dr. told him he wanted him back in 3 months for a biopsy. So, if for some reason they need a second PSA blood test done, ok, but if it's just going to show same and he still needs a biopsy, then just tell him that over the phone and schedule the biopsy. He doesn't need another appointment to just tell him the same thing he was told on Friday! Just schedule the dang biopsy.

Update: Right after I posted this the urology nurse calls me back. OMG. I don't know why things have to be so confusing. I knew I should have gone back with dh. DH came out the car and said "ok. My PSA is 7.3. At my age that means I have a 1 in 4 chance of it being cancer, so I should have a biopsy to see if it is. I told the dr. I wanted to get through this pancreatitis and endoscopy stuff first and he said no problem, I can have it done in 3 months and someone will call me down the road to schedule it".

Nurse tells me the chart notes say that dr recommended the biopsy but patient declined at this time due to his other issues going on and would like to have his PSA retested in 6 weeks. I asked her if it was likely his PSA would change in 6 weeks, and she said well, it might go up and then dr would again recommend the biopsy. I said, but it's not like it's going to go down and no biopsy needed? well, not likely. Ok, then, there is no reason to retest it in 6 weeks, just to be told he still needs the biopsy. I said I would talk to my dh to make sure he will have the biopsy, but I'm pretty sure that's what he will do, so she said to just call back and let the front desk know. Good grief.


  1. I don't believe they normally put you out for an endoscopy.
    You're right to question the doctor visits. A lot are repetitive & completely unnecessary.
    I hope everything goes well for your dh.

    1. hmmm..well, they'd better not charge $1440 for anesthesia! I'm glad he probably won't have to be put out and like I said the instructions the dr office sent about the procedure just say he's given meds to relax and make drowsy.

  2. there will be anesthesia, but it's the twilight drug like when you get a colonoscopy, not administered by an anesthesiologist.

    1. wonder if that's what this charge is then:
      37010116 - Hc Anesthesia Gen By Min Cdm $1440
      if it is Yikes - expensive

  3. Yikes us right! Did you say you hit your deductible though? I hope so.

    1. yes and no..ended up getting the better insurance starting Sept 1, so now have that deductible to meet, but it was the only way to do it for best $ outcome.

  4. Maybe you could have him call you on his cell phone and put you on speaker when the doctor comes into the exam room during his appointments. This way you can ask your questions and hear what the doctor is saying if you're not able to be there with him.

    1. That’s what the nurse said. Lol. Guys should put their wives on speakerphone

  5. I was put to sleep during endoscopy. There is no way I want to know I am swallowing the scope! He is having an endoscopy for his prostate? Or, what?

    1. No, the endoscopy is being done by the GI dr to try to see what is causing the pancreatitis. He wanted to wait a month to give his pancreas time to get the inflammation down. The prostate and that dr is a separate issue
