Monday, September 27, 2021

My Monday rant

Oh Mondays! So much fun and it's payroll day, which is almost always a problem. Let's see, I'm getting an error message trying to code a day of no pay for one employee. Can't get through to anyone at the payroll company (was on hold for a half hour and finally hung up) so I sent an email an hour ago. Then the payroll system kept freezing up and finally for a good hour I couldn't even access it. 

And dh is just on his constant rant about everything under the sun. Every. Single. Day. Yesterday he's back to convinced if that couple buys the 2 lots it's just going to be the end of his peaceful life. Get this - he's mad because when the couple walked up to our fence to chat with dh, the guy put his hands on top of the fence rail and leaned on it "like he owns it". OMG! Who cares if someone stands there with there hands or arms resting on top of the rail? Just ridiculous.

And now for some reason, it appears the major airport at the city near us has changed their flight path into the airport and now we have commercial airplanes going overhead all day. Very strange. We are north of the flight path and have never had this before, at all. Just another thing to get on the nerves he doesn't have any left of. And then he reads some stupid news article that now motorcycle drivers in our state will be able to split lanes and off on a rant about that. 

Then he wants to argue with me about his blood pressure. Pretty much the whole time at the hospital it was high, it's been high at every appointment. Of course the nurses taking it comment on it, say ok, I'm going to take it again when you are done seeing the doctor, and of course they never do. And whenever it's brought up/suggested he may need to go onto bp medication he just says "oh, it's always been a little high". Like that's normal for him, so it's not a problem. Then I heard him talking to a friend on the phone the other night saying "ya, my dad had high bp, too. it's just how we are". OMG. So, this morning I remembered him saying that and said "your dad was on BP medication!". Geez, he just didn't ignore it. It's not like he and his dad are some special cases where high bp isn't harming them. He says he's not taking medicine, it just makes him sick. I said most people tolerate bp meds very well, once their dosage is figured out and you won't know until you try. Not to mention you are now taking a prostate med and not having any problems with it, so you can't say the bp med would be a problem. Then he says he doesn't care.  I said well, I'm the one who's going to have to  pay all the medical bills and take care of you if you have a stroke or a heart attack! So, then he wants to rant some more about the same thing he was ranting about 2 hours earlier. 

I am so tired of him not acting like an adult and me having to act like his mom. He can't even take his own medication in the mornings (now takes the prostate med, and 2 vitamin supplements). He needs to take it a half hour after he eats, so I have to set my timer on my phone to remind myself to give him his medication! Good grief. He's a grown ass adult. 

Yesterday when I was coming back from the store a car in front of me pulled into our street (out of state plates) driving real slow as they pull in. I'm trying patiently wait behind them as we crawl down the road so I can get to my gate. Finally they realize someone is behind them about midway along our fence, between our 2 gates. They got over as far as they could and stopped and I went around them and pulled into our gate and then they continued on down the street. Most likely here to look at the lots for sale. DH saw this through the window and when I got into the garage he's throwing a fit "did they pull off onto the grass there along the front of the fence?! I said no, I don't think so, they just pulled pulled over to the edge of the road. Then he's ranting about that, so he goes outside to see if there are tire marks on the lawn (there wasn't). At that time our neighbor from down at the end of the street is pulling in so she stops to say hi/chat with dh. It sounds like he was just doing a bunch of complaining to her and she told him "it'll be ok". So, now for the past 2 days I've had to listen to him complaining she said that to him. . It never ends.

He is basically now back to the same person he was before we moved here. Just non stop complaining and every thing around him bothers him and he's just miserable. I even told him a week or so ago, well, if moving here didn't help him, then nothing is going to. He wants me to spend time with him outside, but every time I do (we just walk around our property, checking plants, etc) he spends the whole walk pointing out all the things that are wrong, or were built wrong, or he did it wrong in building/designing it. 

I haven't heard back on the message I left the GI dr office on Friday, asking if they are making the surgeon appointment/referral or we are supposed to have his primary dr. do it. Guess I'll have to call again after lunch. I did call that radiologist company on the billing and she said they got a reply back from his insurance that he wasn't eligible those dates. I said he was eligible with them through 9/4 and they processed all the other claims on the same dates, so she is going to submit it again.  

Ok, I'm done ranting. He wears on me, that's for sure. And I'm still not even able to get started on payroll because I can't get one day coded for one person. Dumb. Oh, and here goes by another small airplane (that air traffic has really increased too, for some reason).


  1. Oh, I hope that the flight path changes back soon!!! Very annoying. My mom says my step dad has gotten grumpier too, but he is over 80! I think some folks cannot help their negative dispositions unfortunately - more likely they don't want to help it, but I can see why you're worn down by constant negativity. *hug*

    1. I'm hoping this new flight path is temporary. It sure seems strange to hear it now. He's always been a grump, but some days it just gets too much. Thanks for the *hug*!

  2. We live in an area that is sometimes on the flight path to the nearest airport. Unless your airport only has one runway, the flight path changes with the wind direction. So sometimes we hear it, and sometimes it doesn't come near us. It really bothers some people, I guess, but we hardly notice it anymore.

    1. we are quite bit north of the flight path. I really wonder why it got changed.

  3. Oh poor you - that would be VERY tiring. Husbands eh. You can't live with 'em and you're not allowed to shoot 'em!

    1. yep, that pretty much sums it up doesn't it?! Especially the last few day, for sure, LOL.

  4. HA! I had to correct my spelling of Monday. Pretty much every time I'm trying to type now, a kitty is trying to walk across my keyboard or in front of my screen.

  5. Resting arms or elbows on a fence is not much of an offense. If he was hanging laundry on the fence or nailing up bird feeders, I could see the problem. I think you need to talk to his doctor about all this. If the planes did not fly over your house and now do, how do you know how heavy the traffic was before. I think wind direction is why they change the routes. I feel for you because Tommy is grumpy about everything. It is annoying and not helpful at all. Do you have a blood pressure cuff so you can take his blood pressure at home? It seems blood pressure would be high for someone who is perpetually annoyed and complaining. If you can play with the keyboard, I suppose the kitten thinks it will be

    1. it's no offense at all. He's been like this forever. I have no idea how many planes typically fly into this airport a daily basis, just know that going over our area has never been the route before. We've never heard commercial jets go over before the past week or two. I think that's a good idea to get our own bp cuff to start monitoring it and see where he's at.

  6. I'm sure your well aware that his complaining may be mental health issues- you've live with him but doesn't make it easier. I tend to withdraw and turn my anger and stress inside when I have bad days. At least I'm not taking prisoners with my mood. I'd struggle if I was working full-time and my spouse wasn't, but still was so angry and discontented with life. Get a damn hobby other than b,,,,ing, I'd probably say, and not nicely.

    1. agreed. He needs something different to do than pay attention to politics (even local riles him up). He tried to tell me the other day that the reason I don't watch the weekly county council meetings online is because I know he'll tell me about them. I said, NO, that's not why I don't watch them! I wouldn't watch them if you paid me!

  7. LOL, not saying it'll be easy but you have a great opportunity to hand the responsibility of taking the prostate med back to your hubs. If the med works well, he'll remember to take it, eventually! The alternative is a fussy prostate. Everyone with a smartphone has an alarm that can be set to alarm at the same time daily. Good Luck!

    1. oh, he knows all this! but he won't do it. Why should he? he has a built in nanny
