Monday, September 20, 2021

So this happened

We were pulling up to our driveway after going to get dh covid tested and just on the other side of the gate was a little kitten! OMG. Then it ran down into the culvert pipe. Meow meow. But wouldn't come to us. I had a new unopened bag of cat food in the house (from when that stray adult cat was hanging around our back door that week or so, months ago) so I put some in food in a bowl and tried to tempt it that way. It ran out the other end of the culvert, zipped across the lawn and into the other culvert, LOL. Oh boy. But, there was no way I wasn't going to try to rescue this little thing.

DH took awhile, but found our animal trap (one of those Haveaheart traps that don't injure the animal). We blocked one end of the culvert and put the trap at the other end with the food in it and went back into the house. Within 10 or 15 minutes kitty went inside.  I then had dh get out our old dog wired crate to set up. Originally for our dogs, when they were young and crated. Then we used for a while with our 2 barn cats until they got acclimated. DH set it up in my office and we put the kitten in there. It was scared but didn't seem mean. It got right to business, eating. A little while later I knelt down next to the cage and kitty started purring. Well, shoot, can't be too mean. I opened up and started petting it and warmed right up to me so I took it out and we loved on each other some. It's a little purr monster. 

Then I figured I'd better get some cat litter and a litter box soon. I didn't even know if our little grocery store in town would have a litter box! Maybe the little hardware store would. But, thankfully they had some litter boxes on the top shelf of the cat food area. I got some kitten chow, the litter box, liners and liners for the box. 

Ok, so is it a boy or a girl? I'm pretty sure it's a boy. Not that I've ever even looked with any of our previous cats. LOL. We'd just either get them already knowing what they were or the vet told me. haha. 

Most likely someone dumped it off. It doesn't belong to our neighbors and then the next nearest neighbors are a mile away. And it's been on it's own for at least a little while, seeing how skinny and bony it is. Who knows how long it's been out there in the culvert trying to stay alive.There isn't anything on the lost pets Facebook page of anyone missing a kitten. How did the universe know I've been wanting a cat? LOL. And it's orange. Our previous cat was orange, too. DD said are you keeping it? Heck ya I am!


  1. Now, you have a yellow cat! First graders in a classroom were discussing whether a kitten was a boy or girl. One child told the class she knew how to determine whether it was a boy or girl. The teacher was cringing. The child said, "We vote to see what it is." Have your husband look for you. That was a good rescue job. Obviously, it has been around people. Feral cats don't tame that easily. Or, maybe it was too hungry to fight you and now loves you.

    1. ok, I vote boy! LOL. that is a cute story. I don't think it's feral either. Way too friendly

  2. Aww, he is precious! I love orange kitties, too.

  3. Oh, thank you for rescuing that little cat. Most orange cats are male, but some are female. He is one lucky cat!

    1. I couldn't not rescue it. Dh knew he'd better find that trap haha (he couldn't remember where he moved it to after his recent reorganizing. I didn't know that about orange cats, but our other orange cat was male

  4. Good job rescuing the kitty. Kitty doesn’t know how lucky he is.

    1. If we had lived in town, I would have just thought oh it's someone's kitty got loose, but not 10 miles out of town where there are hardly any homes. He'll be spoiled.

  5. And so the family grows!!! I won't voluntarily get either a cat or a dog but I'd have a hard time passing up on one that decided to adopt me too!

    1. it certainly has taken to me. Quite the sweet little thing.

  6. Colour me jealous. I am crossing my fingers he and your doggy get along, what a fine set of friends they could be.

    1. Our dog will be fine. He's been around cats we've had before and no problem. The kitty seemed curious about him and was checking him out while he nicely layed there to let him investigate what this big black thing was.

  7. What a pretty little boy(?).
    Congrats! :)

    1. I'm pretty sure it's a boy, but I'm no expert, LOL
