Sunday, September 19, 2021

Busy Sunday ahead

Well, my mom didn't find her phone. I just tried calling it one more time this morning in hopes she found it, but it still just goes to voicemail. So, I will have to go in to see her today to look for it. I got online with a Verizon chat agent to ask if I can't find the phone can I reactivate her old phone and if so can do it over the phone or do I need to go to a store. I was told due to the age and it being 3g old flip phone, once it was deactivated it cannot be reactivated. Hopefully, I find it, otherwise I am heading to the store to get another one. I'm going to just go by myself, if I have to do that. Wish me luck to find it.

Even though I love home decorating, I'm not one to decorate for fall, or any season, other than Christmas. Just too much work, LOL. Plus, I'd say for the most part my home is already fall colors. Not to mention with my new favorite color being pumpkin/cinnamon/burnt orange (there are various names), it fits right in with fall. My latest cheap purchase was this throw blanket for $10 from Amazon. It's very soft, I was actually surprised at the quality for the price.

Other than all the Christmas holiday decor for a month or so, I don't like changing the "theme" all the time. I don't want my house to look different every few months. 

Ha! just as I figured. Dh has been saying off and on for months (or even past couple years) he wants to change his cell phone # to a local area code/prefix. I finally looked it up on Verizon how to do it (it's easily done online) so I told him that and said ok, are you ready for me to pull the trigger? I guess not yet....I laughed and said exactly what I figured! He's had the same phone number since the beginning of cell phones, he won't change. LOL. What brought it up Saturday was when we were checking him in the dr's office and they asked for phone number contact (I always just give mine), later he was like "I hate giving out a different area code that shows I'm not from here. I want to change it". I said go ahead, I'll just keep mine. Too tied to work and too many people that I'm not interested in changing it. Then he says well, just do it. Then when it comes right down to it, he doesn't do it. LOL.

There's a Facebook group I follow for past several years. They run a dog boarding place as well as a dog rescue. It's family run with a couple extra employees it sounds like. One of their employees got Covid, then the main owner lady got, now her (adult) son has it. All have been vaccinated already. But, the really disturbing news is her employee. So sad. She's probably not going to make it and has been in the hospital for weeks now. The kicker - this lady 1) already had covid and 2) got vaccinated. And here she is fighting for her life (and a fairly young person, to boot). It appears there are no guarantees with any of this, is there? 


  1. Is your mom's phone of a new enough vinttage that she could use a "find my phone" app? I use one (I think it's through google) and even if my phone is on silent it rings really loudly. Not much help if her phone has a dead battery or turned off, but might be worth checking into.

    1. I did check into that possibility this morning, but since it's a flip phone, apparently doesn't have that capability

  2. There are certainly no guarantees, but your chances of being hospitalized after a vaccination are significantly, significantly reduced vs unvaccinated. Current odds of being hospitalized with a vaccination are ~ 1 in 13,000.

    1. Exactly - odds of being hospitalized after being vaxed are much less then if not vaxed. Also - I have to believe some people have some underlying conditions that just put them at a greater risk of dying from COVID regardless of whether they are vaxed or not.

  3. Oh my, I hope that lady pulls through. I was under the impression that if you'd had covid you shouldn't get the vax. I don't know where I got that from but it's a really sad situation anyway isn't it!

    1. I hope she does, too. So scary to have already had it once, get vaxxed and then get it again, this time so deathly sick. Poor lady.

  4. Is that group you follow on Facebook....Lone Star Dog Ranch & Dog Ranch Rescue....
