Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Tuesday this and that

Now that we know the names of the potential new neighbors, and where they live in town, we were able to look them up on our states property listing website. They have different last names. I figured she was at least 70 (by looks) and the fact that she said her daughter is 50 years old. He looked like 70 to me, but hard to tell for sure, other than they said he was retiring in a few months, I figured he couldn't be much older than 70, then. I looked them up on zabasearch. She is 78! and he is only 65! I just cannot imagine being 78 years old and wanting to go through having a house built, but maybe he does most of the details, etc. Geez, by 78 I'm kind of planning on being done with my forever home, LOL. Time for a condo, haha. She must be a very optimistic person, haha. Her dog, she had on a leash, she said was 17 years old. And she's planning on taking her for walks up and down our street once they live here...ummm...that dog will be 18 or 19.....I hope when I am 78 I am that optimistic, haha.

At least this is only a 3 day work week as I'm taking off Thurs and Friday. I was originally planning to take this whole week off, with my friend visiting most of the week, but she would have had to cancel anyway. She is the one who's hubby of 35 years cheated on her with someone like 25 years younger than him. That was I think like 3 years ago now and he's still living with the girlfriend and he and my friend have not divorced. Who knows why they have not divorced, but he caught Covid a couple weeks ago. He's 60 and diabetic, so of course he's been in the hospital and going downhill. At first I guess he told the hospital, when he got admitted, that he only wanted his gf to have info. But, the gf would not at least even tell his daughter what was going on or how he was doing. Then he kept getting worse, and they had to put him on a ventilator and sedate him. Well, apparently the gf doesn't even know all his health issues, to pass on info to the healthcare team. Finally, she and my friend had a come to Jesus moment and she agreed to add her for contact and updates, at least for his daughters sake. Then a few days ago he was doing really bad, so they transferred him to a larger hospital. He is showing improvement there, but still by no means out of the woods. And who do you suppose is going to end up with all the hospital bills to pay? Not the gf, that's for sure! I feel so bad for my friend, she's had a rough few years and now this.

The cat toys and cat carrier I ordered arrived yesterday. The toys are a big hit, especially the scratching post with the spinning feather toys on top, but I'm disappointed it's not heavy enough in the base and he keeps tipping it over. It's kept him busy (and off my desk) though. Yesterday I renamed him the tiny terror, LOL. He did nap a bit more, though had to do it right in front of me or half on my keyboard.

The company I work for is in a suburb city, but for quite a few years we've had a small satellite office in the city. Right downtown. Well, our lease renewal came up a few months ago and they were increasing it something like 25% or 30%. Just crazy. My boss said the building was half empty of tenants, if anything they should have been lowering the rate. Not to mention the homelessness has exploded there. We had also put a lot of TI (tenant improvements) into the space when we moved in. In the end we decided not to renew the lease and seek another office space. My boss was there yesterday, overseeing the move out. She said that the restaurant tenant on the ground floor had to close up. Between Covid, the homeless taking over, and the huge rent increase, they couldn't afford to stay open. after being there almost 20 years. Just sad. I can't even imagine what this once beautiful city is even going to look like in another 10 years. 

DH was saying the other day that he should just start thinking like a libertarian and think all drugs should be legal. Let them do drugs if they want. I said yes, but all the addiction does is ruin every thing around it as evidenced by all these neighborhoods and cities overtaken by the drug addicts. Not to mention what it does to families. And we as taxpayers and just paying for it all in the end.


  1. I wonder if the new house will have amenities for someone who has trouble with stairs and such. When you are old, things sometimes happen that make it hard to live in the same house.

    Get out a keyboard for the cat to sleep on and play with, right next to yours. Make sure it smells like you or food. Maybe your husband could somehow stabilize the scratching post.

    1. The lady did mention she wanted main floor living and not an upstairs to deal with. DH can probably find something to add some weight to the bottom of this scratching post. I think I might have given my extra keyboard to my dd...I'll have to look and see, but good idea.

    2. I am sure you can find a useless one somewhere. Rub it with catnip.

    3. I found one. It helped a bit yesterday, we'll see how it goes today

  2. How odd to research your new neighbors.

    1. before we moved dh totally researched any potential area and neighbors we were looking to potentially move to - as much as he could. We wanted to know what we were getting into, after living in a neighborhood from hell. I would expect them to do as much research as they could, too. But, living here is different than most places, where no one even knows their neighbors. People get to know each other well here. And all's we did was look up their property address for their house in town. Just wanted to see which house it was and how well they kept it up where they live now and I was just curious of their ages, which is about all zabasearch shows about people, besides their address, which we already had. Other than that, what we know about them we got from talking with them. I'm sure that's why they wanted to talk to us, too. So they could see what type of neighbors they were getting. I did the same thing for my mom's new "boyfriend". Researched what I could about him, especially as my mom doesn't now have the mental capacity to see warning signs, if there might be any.

    2. I don't think it is strange at all to research neighbors or anyone for that matter.

  3. Your DH can definitely stabilize that scratching post! A shame about all the small businesses that had to close down and folks out of work and etc. Here, we kept our liquor stores open to not increase the burden on our hospitals - folks didn't get why, but I did :(

    1. My boss thinks maybe the building owner wants to sell the building, but like we both said, you'd think it would sell easier/for higher price if it has occupancy and income. Would have probably been better for them to keep rent as is and sell as a rented out/income producing building.
      I get why they would keep liquor store open, but for those that didn't get it - why can't the officials just come out and say the reality of "why"?

    2. They should've tried to negotiate with tenants for sure and keep it open and making $$$. I think they officials did say why, but maybe no one listened? I know doctors/other folks did explain the need to keep the liquor store open!
