Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Wedesday feels like a Monday

It was very nice to also have yesterday off. Other than a few minutes at my computer first thing in the morning, when I got up, I didn't even go back up stairs to my computer all day! It was a nice break from, that, too.

Anne Brew had suggested a book called Elizabeth is Missing and I borrowed the ebook from my library and spent 2 days reading that. It was really good, as she said. The first half or so it was just like my mom, almost to a T. The slips of paper with notes everywhere. I kept reading, thinking, oh my goodness, this is my mom. Notes she doesn't remember now what they are about, but doesn't want to throw them away in case they are important. Not interested in reading or watching tv shows, because she forgets what it's about. I'll bet the tv show/movie is good, too, but not available for free on any of my platforms I have. 

DH is still kind of back and forth with how he feels. He starts to feel better, is hungry (well, his normal hungry LOL) and then eats more regular food, but then starts to feel bad again. The problem is he'll eat several normal foods the day he's feeling better, so we have no way to know if one of them isn't agreeing with him. He is getting some energy back. With the cold night temps and cooler day temps the grass is growing slower now, he can go 6-7 days between mows and not have to empty the catcher as often.

Neighbors arrived back home Sunday and we were surprised to see they didn't have son's dogs with them. Seems like they are about due to dump the dogs for months, again. Our retired friend from town, stopped by for a visit. Then he stopped by for a few yesterday, to drop off tomatoes from his garden, he forgot to bring the day before, LOL.

I did finally get the floors mopped yesterday. Dh and the dog went outside and sat on the front patio, while I did that and let it dry. It dries quickly, but I didn't need them walking around until it was. I think I got a nap in just about every day off :) I'm glad it's just a 3 day work week for me this week. I'm also scheduled to take off the last week of Sept, as my friend was going to come for a visit, but due to so much Covid everywhere, again, she's going to wait until a better time. I think I might shift my days off to the prior week, as that is when dh has his endoscopy and I'll need to take it off anyway. I'll figure it out here today. I figured I might as well take it off anyway, I certainly have enough time to do so.


  1. Can I ask who the author of Elizabeth is Missing is please. When I look on Amazon there are two - Lilian de la Torre and Emma Healey!

    1. it's the one by Emma Healey and she said also made into a movie/show with Glenda Jackson

  2. I'm delighted you enjoyed it.
    Glenda Jackson really brings her to life as well.

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