Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Waiting on follow up

It's sounding like the GI doctor who did the endoscopy last Thursday dropped the ball in moving forward with the consult with a surgeon. The "patient instructions" paperwork they printed out and sent home with us after the endoscopy only mention on the first page  (of 6) "an appointment has been made (or make an appointment) to see a surgeon". No where else was anything mentioned about his gallbladder. Nothing in the "impression" or "recommendations" section. He just told us this verbally. As well as the anesthesiologist came in before the dr. to check on him and said looks like your gallbladder needs to come out. Then the GI dr. came in once he was more awake and explained it all.

So, I called the GI office on Friday and left a message asking to call me (my cell#) as I need to find out if their office handles getting the surgeon consult appt or does his primary dr need to do it? No call back. I called again this morning at 8:30 and left the same message, other than adding I had called Friday, too.

This afternoon the GI dr's medical assistant calls (our landline #) and asks for dh. I tell her I'll talk to her about it. She says she's calling to find out if he had his ultrasound done? I'm like um...well he had an ultrasound done weeks ago, before he even saw Dr S...or do you mean the endoscopy? (because they called it an "endoscopy w/ultrasound" when we were there). She kind of ummm'd and I said well he had the endoscopy with Dr S last Thursday and Dr. S said he needs his gallbladder removed and needs to consult with a surgeon and I've left 2 messages at your office to find out if your office sets that up or we do? She said no, we set that up....but I don't see anything here where Dr. S has that in his notes. I said there isn't anything in the paperwork sent home with dh either. She said she's going to have to talk to Dr. S and find out what is going on. Then she asked how he's feeling and I said not good actually. The past day and a half he's having stomach cramps, diarrhea and feels nauseous and we aren't sure what to do. I said that during the discharge I had asked Dr. S about the omeprazole prescription he was prescribed for 30 days by the dr when he was in the hospital, because he only has 3 days left and is it something he needs to keep taking or ? He didn't really answer me. Said "it's something we can look into". So, I told this assistant that he's been done taking it a few days now, so not sure if that could have anything to do with why his stomach is feeling worse, but she said she'd ask him about that, too. He doesn't have a fever. She just said if he gets really bad, then go back to ER. So, it sounds like basically we are in a wait and see when this surgeon consult is going to get scheduled. I asked when to expect to hear back from her on this and she said it will probably be tomorrow, as the dr is out for the rest of today.

I'm really hoping the consult with a surgeon is able to happen soon and not wait weeks and weeks for it. I see a FB friend of mine (old high school chum) just had her gallbladder out a couple weeks ago and seems to be doing well.


  1. My husband refused surgery until I took him into the ER in the middle of the night. So, the surgery can be done by appointment or as an emergency. I hope you can get this straightened out before it is an emergency. Gall bladders can burst. I know YOU are willing...lol...but doctors and husband have to get this done. I wonder why there is nothing in notes??? I hope you hear from her tomorrow.

    1. The dr did say it can be done as emergency surgery but based on how he's been doing the past month he didn't think that was necessary, but geez! at least get him scheduled!

  2. I remember you saying your daughter put something, a basket?, on her coffee table; and her cat took it over? Cats love curling up in cozy spaces, a basket or small/shallow cardboard box on your desk-top might become a favorite napping place. I adopted a 10 yr old cat, in June. Sbe's a sweetheart and thankfully less active than a kitten. It makes me smile hearing about your kitten's highjinks.

    1. Hi Mary. He is so active LOL. I tried Linda's suggestion of an extra keyboard on my desk, which helped a little, but then he was right back to on top of mine, haha. The basket is a good idea to try. I'll have to pickup a cheap one to try. I don't think I have anything here to use.
