Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Tuesday this and that

Another thing I've noticed with my mom, is that it doesn't appear she's opened her email in the last month or so. I go in regularly and delete any spam that makes it way past the filter (more lately, for some reason) and her investment broker guy does this weekly newsletter to his clients. There are now 5 of them in there, she hasn't read. I'm guessing she's now getting to the point she is forgetting about email completely or how to access it. I can see why she'd start to forget it, because really, other than that weekly email, she doesn't get anything else. Occasionally a friend will email her, but I think they have probably come to the realization she's not emailing back - or when she was checking her emails she'd leave the email in her inbox and then send another reply to them a week later, not remembering she already answered it.

I think she is still doing her crossword puzzles. She still has books next to her chair, but I didn't look to see if she's got them filled in or not. Usually, I can tell when I bring her to stay here, she will work on them for something to do. 

DH is starting to feel a bit better. He's gradually trying some of his normal foods again, like a lunch meat and cheese sandwich on wheat bread for lunch and some chips....and a dang Mountain Dew, but he hasn't been having more than one a day and some days, none. The doctor at the hospital also gave him a prescription for Flomax, because his prostate is enlarged. He said this med has been helping, which is good. He has an appointment with a urologist on Friday to check into that more. Hoping he can just keep taking this med, since that seems to be helping quite a bit. I hardly ever hear him get up in the middle of the night to go now and when I do hear him he's got much better flow now ;) Funny, the urologist office is right by where my mom lives, like a block away. Probably because all the old folks places in that area, haha.

DH got the lawn mowed again yesterday. It is getting a bit easier, as it's not growing so fast now. Soon he will be turning off and blowing out the sprinkler system (within a few weeks, I think) and be done for the season. As soon as the temps are going to start freezing at night.

I gave the dog a good brushing after dinner yesterday. So. Much. Fur. LOL. I really need to do it more often, then it probably wouldn't look like I have another dog sitting next to me, with the huge pile of fur I brush out. He's like triple most dogs amount of fur, since his fur is really long (flat coat retriever).

Two of dh's friends (long time friends) called him up last week. You'd think it was to see how he's doing..no, no. As usual it's because they want something or need information he has. One was an ex employee of dh's, who now has his own small construction business. He had moved to the other side of the state, got married, started his business, etc. It looks like he's done well and I'm sure he has, he was a good, smart worker, but it's a lot easier when you can register your business as a double minority, eh? Anyhow, after a dozen or so years living where they have been (smaller, rural side of state) they are feeling the change in demographics and politics and he wanted to know more about Montana and our area. He heard there weren't many DBE business's so he thought this might be a good place to move his family (one kid still left in school) and take advantage of bidding work as a DBE. Anyhow, he just wanted to know what it's like living over here, I guess. Then the friend who bought property over here a couple years ago and and has slowly been working on finishing the log cabin it came with called to get info on something over here. DH didn't know and for once didn't offer to figure it out for him, LOL. He's slowly learning. But, at least one other old friend (also used to work for dh......that was his problem in business...he was friends with his workers and that's not the way to run a business) called and truly did just call to see how dh is doing, so at least that was nice. 

When I took my mom to the Verizon store to get her new phone, you don't know how tempting it was to upgrade my phone, LOL. But, I didn't. I'm always way behind the new phones. I still have an iphone 6s, haha. But, it still works, so I'm just going to keep using it. When I bought it, it was already an older model, but new they were only charging $99. I was hoping maybe I could now get a 7 or 8 for that price. I keep checking, but they are all now just certified/pre-owned models and it appears the cheapest new phone I can get is an SE(2020) for $400. No thanks. I'll keep hoping mine works for awhile longer (and dh's iphone 7, too). Maybe a pre-owned one would be fine, but since I like to keep my phones for as many years as possible, I like to buy them new. Or maybe I should ask my boss....seems like one time she mentioned to me she has old iphones at the office, from when salespeople upgrade (they all have company phones), maybe there is one I can get from her for free and get my service set up with it.


  1. Ha I've had an iphone SE for a few years now and even though I changed the battery about a year ago I think it might be on its last legs so I'm looking to upgrade. I have to admit it really chaps my hide to pay a lot of money for a phone though, so why don't you go ahead and ask your boss. Nothing ventured, right?

    1. I think I will ask her. If they have extra phones laying around, might as well use one of them

  2. I paid $45 for my phone. I just won't pay more! It is good dh is getting better.

    1. That’s amazyvalue PP. We pay 100s here in the UK

    2. I have bought cheap phones in the past, but they really weren't very good. Once we got iphones, I'd never go back to the cheap ones, but I'm not willing to pay $1000 or even $500, so I just use the oldest iphone versions, haha.

  3. My phone is old too. I'm trying to make it last until summer 2022. I'm impressed with the way your mom seems to be adjusting to a newer phone. That's pretty good. I hope I'm not speaking too soon. That would be great if you can get one from work. Your boss usually comes up with something. :)
    It sounds like your dh is improving. Great!
    My dog is a shorthair retriever mix. But when she sheds, which is happening now, I swear the floors are covered. I can't imagine how much your longer hair dog must leave around the house. lol The price we pay. :)

    1. I hope mom will figure it out. I called her last night and at least the getting calls is working fine. I don't see she's tried to call anyone yet, though, so hopefully she can figure it out when she does.
