Thursday, September 2, 2021

the long afternoon

Yesterday turned into a long afternoon, thanks to Walmart. I'm really tired of their app to check in to pick up an order not working. This time when I called the phone number on the sign it was a recording saying to leave your name and parking spot number. Ok....wait...about 10 minutes or so into my wait one of the workers stopped at my window, looked at my spot number and asked me my name and looked on his little hand held machine and said ok, it'll be just a bit. Wait and wait....finally at 35 minutes wait I called again (after people pulling in after me getting stuff, not to mention I was now halfway into the next hour delivery time frame) and got a live person and was told my name and spot didn't get logged in. By the time I got my order and got out of there I had been there close to an hour. That isn't the first time I have supposedly checked in and waited, only to find out I wasn't checked in.

Back up to first stopping in to see my mom. I need to change her mailing address with her health insurance company. They also mail out a ream of paper for each prescription filled (as does the pharmacy company). Plus she had some papers from her apartment about the covid booster shot. She would pickup of of them and ask me, set it down and pick up the next one, then set it down and pick up the first one we just talked about and repeat. No wonder she can never throw anything out. Her table was covered in magazines, newsletters and such from where she lives. BUT.......miracle of miracles, I counted her pills left (she should have taken 17 of each since I counted them) and she had taken the right amount! So, for now I'm just going to keep watching it that way and see how she's doing.  I totally forgot that I should have stopped at the bank and gotten her some cash out (not sure where her $20 ended up, most likely in the wash) and just before I was leaving I remembered I have 2 $20 bills in my wallet. I tried to give her both, but she only wanted one, LOL. We put it in her wallet, but I'm sure it'll end up bank in her pocket soon.

I got to my dr's office and was checked in quickly. There is a provider filling in for my PA, who is on maternity leave. She was awesome. I just loved her. I don't think she normally works at this office, but I think I'm going to try to find out where she ends up after she is done filling in. While I liked my original provider fine, I just totally clicked with this lady. Everything looks good. My BP was normal, etc. I had brought that printout of my blood and urine screening from my life insurance 3 months ago, so she went over that. There were 2 urine screens that were just out of the normal range and she explained those to me. That if I had high BP or diabetes it would be a concern, but since I don't she's not worried about it. She also mentioned she's usually worked with elderly patients, so I think she'd be great with my mom, too.

Back to Walmart. Boy, the Glacier Freeze Zero Gatorade dh likes and is trying to drink instead of Mountain Dew is hard to find. They ended up outing me, so after spending almost an hour there, I then had to stop at another grocery store to try to find some. I only found 5 bottles and ended up just buying another darker blue kind of the sugar free for him to try.  Hopefully, between that, 7 up and some smoothie drink I got, he has enough to drink for a little while now.

After stopping at the 2nd grocery store (which was packed because it was everyone stopping in as they head home from work) I still had to stop in the co-op place to pick up the lawn fertilizer. That place is nice. They have a drive through building. Pull up by the fertilizer pile. Tell them what you need, they load it and then go up to the register they have set up out in the drive through building and pay. I didn't get home until almost 6pm. I should have been home like at 4:45. Ugh.

And now my log in for my health chart is messed up. I had just set up dh with a user name and log in. I used different user name but apparently used same email. I logged into mine yesterday morning to do an online check in for my appointment. Now when I try to log in, I end up in dh's account. Either log in and password (different passwords) take me to his. Weird.

One of dh's insurance claims is finally showing online. It's his GI specialist visit last Wednesday, but all his hospital claims are still all showing zero dollars and no detail. Odd.

DH is kind of back and forth with how he seems to feel. If I ask him, of course he's not feeling well. But, there are often times he "acts" totally when he's on a rant about this that or the other. This morning it was about that guy across the river starting to do shooting again. He has his total voice then, acts totally normal. Then later he'll act like he can hardly make the effort to talk and acts like he's dying. But, I guess the good sign is that he is having times where he acts normal, LOL.


  1. Waiting just exhausts me. About the tests--Maybe you should have these tests done again since a person of any age or weight can develop diabetes. Maybe those are warnings. I guess your husband must rally when highly irritated. Sometimes, when I am sick it takes great effort to talk like I am alive, but then when someone does not understand me and I get upset, I can communicate and loudly. Then, I sort of lapse back into lethargy with no voice. I don't know why.

    Good for your mother on getting the meds right with her machine. That is good news.

    1. I just had the blood work done 3 months ago. The urine test was done at same time, so it wasn't showing any diabetes at the same time, so she said she's not worried and felt that 3 months was ok with her to not need to have it done already again. I haven't gotten my mom the medication dispenser machine yet. She's still using her daily pill box, so as long as she's still getting them taken every day I'm going to hold off for now.

  2. Sorry but if you go into the other grocery stores I can’t imagine putting up with the Walmart pickup. (Yes I hate their lines too) but at least then you go in , see what they have and get what you want plus often new/amazing products you’d never know about.

    1. honestly, I just really don't enjoy spending an hour or more walking through a grocery store, so that's why I try to do the grocery pick up service. Since I usually shop for 2-3 weeks of food and supplies, my shopping cart is filled over the brim. Getting 2-3 cases of water, soda, and milk pretty much fills up a cart. Not to mention by the time I get a couple of cases of water lifted onto the bottom of the cart my back is hurting.(and then I have to lift them into my car). Let alone by the time I am done filling it all up from my list the cart is so heavy to even turn the corner to another aisle. I find it much easier and less tiring to order for pick up. After a 45 min drive to the city, then usually a visit with mom, numerous other stops for misc things, the last thing I feel like doing is another hour or more shopping with another 45 min drive home. LOL. I've actually found several things I never knew about doing the online shopping. I'll put in search something and it will also give similar or alternatives and I've tried a couple things that way. I wanted some muffins, but they didn't have what I wanted but I saw some orange/cranberry muffins and they are delicious. I just wish they'd fix their check in app. I don't mind waiting my turn, when they are busy, but it's hard to know how long to wait w/o checking with them again to make sure they know you are checked in.

    2. Yes I do get the lifting. Sometimes I’d be better off not seeing new “good stuff”. H! Just got a couple of PJ sets on clearance for 7.00 and they often have the best, softest pajama’s.

  3. Have you ever tried ordering from Wal-Mart on-line for home delivery? May find it easier to get your Gatorade that way. I usually order my Crystal Light liquid this way - along with a few other things just so I get free, 2-day shipping (I think $35 min. for free shipping - which is easy to do). Just a thought. As for your long wait times at the store - I would get hold of the store manager & find out what the heck their problem is - this should NOT be happening. That's ridiculous that people coming in after you were getting their good before you! Only way they can fix it is if you let them know it's broken.

  4. I do sometimes order online and have shipped, but we were finding it getting a bit annoying because a lot of it seems to all ship out in separate shipments and ups or fedex was coming daily and dh starts getting too many boxes to get rid of (we don't have recycling here). I did put in some feedback about my order, so hopefully might help.

  5. Have you updated your Walmart Grocery app recently? I had trouble with the app picking up my parking spot number a couple of times, but after I updated the app I haven't had any more trouble. Like you I hate grocery shopping, especially at Walmart. They never have any cashiers and I refuse to do self checkout after spending an hour trekking through the store to grab all my items. I'm thankful for grocery pickup.

    1. I did try that a couple months ago but it still didn't work. Then the next trip I asked the girl bagging and she said lots of people were having trouble with it. I could tell that everyone pulling in next to me the other day was also having to call in as they had their window down and had their phones on speaker
