Saturday, September 4, 2021

No ambition morning

DH was out in the front of our property spreading fertilizer on the lawn and some couple drove in to look at the lots, so stopped to ask dh questions. "Can I buy both lots, build a house on one and build cabins on the other one? I want to be a fisherman guide." DH said NOPE!  People are so annoying. Sure, put rental cabins in the middle of this nice high end neighborhood..... thank god for covenants.

Then I kept asking him more questions about his chat with the guy. He asked dh if he knew how much the lots were? (huh? you drive 2 hours and don't know?). DH told him and said well, it's worth what someone is willing to pay, but I'll tell you it's double what we all paid for them. Turns out dh was telling me the info in backwards order LOL. The couple didn't drive over here to look at these properties. They were looking for a 3 acre lot on the river a few miles from us and couldn't find it and were driving by and saw the for sale signs on these lots. Sounds like they want property with low(er) bank so they can access the river and also build cabins. Dh gave them directions to the other property LOL. These lots next to us have been on the market now for a month.

Some of the medical bills are now processing through dh's insurance. So, far it's 7 of the 9 days of what appears to just be the doctors seeing him at the hospital each day. Not bad so far. Discounted for in network and then of course to his deductible, but our responsibility ranges from $91-227 per day. The GI specialist visit is $264 and the ultrasound is $390. No bills yet from the hospital, which of course is going to be the huge hit. I did also recently start an HSA account through work, where my employer also contributes $50 per month. By the end of this month I will have $400 in there, that I can use towards paying one of these bills.

I am still so relieved at my luck at getting him signed up for new insurance just in the knick of time. Though I didn't know it the time, I had 3 days left to be able to sign up for an ACA health plan. I could have gotten him another 6 month term with the same insurance he's had, but, it doesn't cover pre-existing conditions, so any visits he has for it now would not be covered. I'm so lucky I happened to decide to see about other insurance when I did. 

Disappointing news from my mom's senior living place. I guess the people working in their dining room are mostly students, who left to go back to school, so now they are short handed and having to close the dining room for dinners and on weekends and will be bringing meals to the rooms again. Ugh. Same reason they haven't had their little bus going on a regular basis. Can't find someone to hire to drive it. It's a bit annoying in the aspect of these "benefits" are part of the rent she is paying. 

Well, my (one and only) cup of coffee for the day hasn't done anything to get me going this morning. I feel like crawling back in bed! I did manage to do $47 in MTurks this week, though I was expecting a $2 bonus from one that I haven't seen added on yet and now I don't remember which one it was. I'm not finding much on it to do this morning. Only $.60 so far. 

I had a funny dream before I woke up this morning. We borrowed a camper trailer from one of my co workers. He delivered it to us but we were planning on taking it back to him, but then I had to tell him we couldn't because the transmission in dh's truck was out. I wanted to give him some money for his time and got out dh's wallet, which had a bunch of bills in it. I thought I grabbed a $100 bill. Then we were chatting with his wife and family and co worker wasn't around. I went to give it to his wife and realized it was a $1 bill, but it said 100 cents on it, so that is why I thought it was a $100 bill, LOL. Then I got out 5 20's instead.


  1. Hopefully the medical bills will be low. Fingers crossed.
    I like the dream. It sounds like real life! LOL

    1. I doubt the hospital bills will be low, unfortunately.

  2. Disappointing news about your mum's dining room.
    She sounds like someone who enjoys the company of others.
    When you eat it is nice to eat together.

    1. for sure. she was enjoying being in the dining room

  3. Damn it was lucky you signed your husband up for the insurance when you did, wasn't it!!!!! And it's funny your saying how short staffed everywhere is. I see it happening in the UK too (can't get the staff, but I put that down to Brexit). Hopefully it really is an employee's market right now and people can start getting paid a decent wage!

    1. from the sounds of it some employers are offering higher wages and bonus and still no one applying.

  4. I hope you aren't but you might be surprised to find that although the insurance shows that the amount is discounted, the hospital doesn't really have a contract with them. When I had the short term insurance, the insurance showed it discounted as in network but the hospital said they did not have a contract with the insurance company and I had to pay full price, out of pocket. I hope that doesn't happen to you.

    1. let's hope that doesn't happen. I looked up the hospital on their network before I took dh in and it said they were in network.

  5. Some mornings we need more than coffee to get us up and going! Don't take this as an inference to you, but I find it ironic that so many people that have hated on the ACA, later are the ones that end up needing the kind of coverage the act provides for. It all just sucks that in the US we are all one illness, one medical crisis away from potential bankruptcy, or people are being denied further coverage through no fault of their own. And then, bankruptcy is supposed to be the last result safety net so people don't lose their homes, but many still do, and then have a heck of a time starting again. It's sad circle. You were lucky timing wise.

    1. Don't get me wrong. I still think the ACA is total BS! when it came into effect my premiums for my family tripled, then quadrupled. It's just another form of a tax imposed to pay for all those getting it free or subsidized. If dh had also had insurance through an employer, like I do, I'd be sitting here like most everyone else...."what's the big deal? it's a great plan!". When your employer absorbs the increased premiums you don't have to notice how it effects those that have to get their insurance on their own. And that quadrupled cost is just for a crappy bronze plan.

    2. As I implied, the whole system is BS to begin with-to make people scrounge for basic health care sucks, and burdening some disproportionally isn't fair either. But, I haven't see any new plan come forward, did you?

    3. Agreed- the whole system doesn't work and like you said, no new plan, which I never expected the politicians to get done. Once they start taking from us (in one form of a tax or other) that's all she wrote.


  6. It is lucky you had the presence of mind to check on insurance in the midst of your crisis. I had ambitions last night when I went to bed, but it all went away by the time I awoke. Now, I have to go plant things. Ugh! Why did I say yes to free plants?!

    Maybe if you ask if your mother gets a discount for services not supplied like the contract stated, they will find people to work!

    1. It makes me wonder if any of the residents do bring that up! Many of them are mentally capable enough to take care of their own money, still drive, etc. I would think they might say something.
