Sunday, September 26, 2021

Sunday ramblings

Even though the couple we talked to yesterday said they are buying the lots, it also didn't appear to be a done deal quite yet and there must not be an offer in (or if so, not accepted yet) as the listings are not marked pending yet. But, it sounded like they were very serious. They said he also has some of his own excavating equipment (being stored somewhere) so he can do his own site prep. That would probably speed things up, not having to wait on "excavator guy" LOL. And maybe they'll have a better builder, who brings out more than 2 guys to build a big house. She said they were heading back to their other house today, so it doesn't sound like they'll be back for a couple of weeks. She said they come every  2 weeks, but I'm not sure how long they stay, when they come over here.

It will be a slow process, just as it was with us. If they could close on it right away, it still unlikely he could get much site work done before winter and freezing sets in. We also heard there is a year wait in this county to get a well drilled. While that may be an exaggeration, I'll bet it's not far off. We are just glad it's an older couple, who also said they just want peace and quiet. Living next door to a young family with kids would not be peaceful.

DH got the gutters cleaned out yesterday, so that is done until next spring again. He also worked out in his shop to discard more stuff. He threw out (except he saved a few) all the old magazines, some old nextel 2 way phone/radios (god, I hated those things!) and I don't know what else. He emptied out 6 bins and freed up a pallet to get stacked with his other empty pallets (in the garage now). I don't think he threw away 6 bins of stuff, so I need to ask him where he put the stuff he didn't throw out, LOL. But, with that pallet of bins no longer sitting on the floor of his shop, he freed up another 16 sq ft of floor space. I know our huge garbage can is full. He did find the wood toilet seat that my grandpa made that I used to have in our guest bathroom for years. I don't even know if it will fit on our new toilets, as I think the new ones are more elongated now, but dh will take a look. It would be nice to use it again and be reminded of my sweet grandpa.

My mom did well last week. No phone problems and she sounded good. Though she did call me about 8:30 last night as she was looking at something on her computer and couldn't get it to close. Apparently no X anywhere to get off the page and from what she was describing I have no idea what she was on. Something about create an account. I was saying to myself "please don't ask me how to get on your banking, please don't ask me how to get on your banking". LOL. She didn't and I didn't ask if that's what she was trying to do. She hasn't asked me about her banking in several months now, which has been so nice. I just told her to shut her computer down and that would take care of the problem.

I have a bunch of overripe bananas so I'll probably make banana bread today. I thought about it yesterday, but after mopping, dusting and cleaning some windows, I didn't feel like it. Then spent 2 hours outside when we were chatting with that couple.

I've been waiting for an ebook through the library and it now says I'm #3 on 3 shouldn't that mean one is available now? LOL.  

The cat carrier I ordered arrived yesterday, so now I can take kitty in to the vet here soon. I'm kind of waiting to hear when dh's surgeon consult is, as my luck it'll get scheduled the same time I make a vet appointment. I used to have a cat carrier, but gave it to dd when she decided to keep our old cat, and then she got another cat after he died, so she's just kept it. Speaking of kitty, it's becoming a job to try to type all this out every morning with a cat pouncing on my keyboard. Not to mention, he'll get down and play awhile and then suddenly run and jump into my lap, digging his sharp claws into the side of my leg to get up. Ouch!! I'm only wearing my pj pants, so not much to protect myself. I need to bring a blanket in my office to lay over my legs.

I need to call my mom in about an hour or so, to make sure she gets her pill box filled up for the week.


  1. Your husband seems to be on a roll with getting rid of stuff - you might be able to start renting him out at this rate!

    1. I'll just settle for being able to move around easier in the shop, LOL. But, the progress is spurring him on, it seems, so that is a good thing.

  2. "We also heard there is a year wait in this county to get a well drilled." -Well, that's how long it took to get our new build well dug. In fact, the well company dug it *just in time* before the 1 year permit was going to expire. Sadly, it's not COVID or any such stuff--the old owner was in the process of selling, and had several clients he wanted to hand over to the new owner. (Read, "Clients I've worked with before who will pay you on time.") Had he told us that we would have gone with another company. The well was our responsibility to oversee, not our contractor's, and one client isn't going to have a lot of pull. What finally *did* get the ball moving, (I think) is that I let our contractor know right around Christmastime how upset I was at having waited since July. I am pretty sure a phone call ensued, because they arrived the first week of January. The other thing that is taking tie is getting your hands on the actual goods. For instance, we had to pick a larger shower insert for the master than we wanted, because there were none to be had in the standard size for 3 counties! The lack of availability is actually making *some* things easier. For instance, two weeks ago I had to go to the interior designer to pick out flooring/counters/backsplash. When I got there, (since it's a 45 minute drive) I asked the designer to please find out what was available BEFORE I chose. For flooring that was two, yes, just TWO boards worth of samples, both engineered wood. I had my choice in less than a minute. I was furious, because no sooner did I get home, (and I'm sure you know where this is going) than I get a call saying my counter actually isn't available. So, BACK down the following week to pick out new counter and backsplash. This time, I refused to leave until they assured me it was available.
    Also, on Tuesday, I am receiving delivery of the dishwasher for our new build. Are we anywhere near needing to put it in? NO, the framing isn't even complete. BUT, when I went to pick out my appliance package, I was told that was one of two in stock. My contractor told the sales rep to go ahead deliver here, and his installers would take care of moving it to the new place. SO, it's going to sit in my garage along with our generator and outdoor carriage style lanterns! All I can say is THANK GOODNESS for my superintendent. (He's actually one of two owners, but I call him the superintendent.) He understands how to work efficiently under these conditions, and is capable of making the sort of immediate decisions on my behalf to secure items, even if he can't reach me.

    1. I think I would be ordering what I can and storing it, too, since things are taking so long to get nowadays. I am SO glad we finished before all this going on with covid and the economy.

  3. I e seen on other blogs that have kitty keyboard problems like yours. They have a "decoy" keyboard that's in more of a plain view that kitty plays with and the actual human used keyboard is on an under shelf like area to used uninterrupted.
