Tuesday, September 21, 2021


Well, this is certainly a friendly "people" kitty. He loves me already, LOL. I'm keeping him in my office for now, and shut my door and opened the cage. After a little petting, he came out on his own and wouldn't leave me alone. Likes to get up on my shoulder and rub his head against my head. I finally had to put him back in the cage, so I could respond to a work email. Stupid work. LOL.

He was a little miffed at me for putting him back in, but now is calm and stopped meowing.

While I've been wanting a cat for quite awhile, I didn't really want a kitten, LOL. Only because we live so far from a vet, that to take it in for all it's series of kitten shots is going to be a pain in the butt. I would have adopted a cat or at least an older kitten with all it's shots. Oh well, apparently this little one chose us, so that's what we will deal with. Now that he has food available he should start filling out and growing.

Last evening we all, even the dog, sat up in my office on the floor and let kitty get to know us. The dog was more afraid it it then the kitty was of the dog, LOL. 

DH got his covid test results on his mychart already and negative so good to go for his endoscopy on Thursday. Dumb that this hospital can have the results in less than 24 hours but the hospital here in town couldn't guarantee it even in 3 days. But, if we hadn't had to go into the city hospital and hadn't pulled up to our driveway right when we did, we'd most likely have never seen this poor kitten out there all alone, so it was meant to be. I doubt it would last much longer out there by itself. It's so young I doubt it even knows how to hunt for anything.

My mom's senior living place just started a new thing where family can log in and see what activities their person is partaking in and what the activity schedule is. That will be handy. I can even notify them through that if she's going to be away, visiting me for a couple days.


  1. Love this! Seems like a very friendly addition. And so glad you can log on and see your mom's activities, etc!

    1. must have been fate that he was there right when we pulled in

  2. It will be handy being able to see what your mother is doing. That kitten has surely been around people since she is so friendly to you. At least the dog was not hostile.

    1. our dog grew up with a cat in the house, so he's used to them and he's gentle

  3. So sweet! You were meant to be together! You should have hubby build kitty a scratching post. Start training kitty to use it (then give a treat after) - you'll never have any problems. And he can sit it up by your window to watch the critters while you work! :-) Any name yet?

    1. I was just thinking that same thing! We have leftover carpet and he has posts! Still working on name :)

  4. Your kitten will be good company for your dog. It's so funny to watch a small kitten jumping around and pouncing on a big dog, who's just patiently laying there.

    1. I'm sure he will be doing that soon. He's almost there, but not quite sure yet and neither is the dog, haha. Our old cat used to curl up on the dogs big bushy tail and sleep.
