Sunday, November 22, 2020

Weekend this and that

We decided we'd like another cabinet in our laundry room. Something tall, like our bathroom linen type cabinets, but we'd like the bottom section to be a tip out drawer, so we can have a bin attached with dog food. Currently the wall has a small folding table with dog treats on top, dog toys and stuff in a basket underneath and our ugly plastic dog food bin next to it. So, I emailed the cabinet lady...........

I know! what are we thinking trying to engage with one of the sub contractors again?! Are we nuts?! Of course, it's been days since I emailed her and no reply. Nothing's changed! It won't do much good to call her either, as it will just be a voice mail, as it always was before. I'm guessing sometime next spring we'll probably finally get the cabinet...I wonder how many times I'll have to email and call her.

Neighbors have a little grove of walnut trees they planted 2-3 years ago on their 2 acre lot on their other side of them they bought (the lot we first looked at, but decided where a house would need to go would take away some of their river view. Once we pointed that out, they bought the property!). First they had little wire cages around all the trees, then last year they put up a fence around the whole little grove. Mr told dh yesterday if he could use any of the small cages around the trees, help himself, as they don't need them now. DH ended up taking 5. Mr neighbor said while the deer won't eat our little pine trees, they often rub up against them, which isn't good when trying to grow. So, dh put 3 around 3 pine trees we planted earlier and then put 2 around the 2 shrubs that we know the deer do like (and have!) eaten on the leaves. 

Yesterday I used my new Shark vacuum again. Still loving it. It does good on hard floors, too. The dirt canister cleans out really easy compared to the Dyson. This one I just open the bottom and it all falls out. With the Dyson it has like a cylinder inside the canister and all the fur and dirt would stay stuck up inside between the sides and the cylinder and I always had to dig it all out every time I emptied it. It also "clicks" in easily for everything. To put it upright it just clicks right in and stays. With the Dyson it doesn't always click into place so I have to be sure it has clicked in place or I'd let go and it would fall over.

Last night we started watching the tv show Yellowstone. It's a "marathon" weekend of all the episodes, so I'm recording them. We are starting from the beginning since it's been a couple years since we watched part of the first season. At least we'll now have something to watch for awhile in the evenings.

I got my turkey out of the freezer this morning, so it can start the thaw process. Always a bit of a struggle to make room for it in the refrigerator, LOL.


  1. The only time I can get a full bird in this country is close to teh New Year's. I make a Thanksgiving Menu for New Year's eve. I can get turkey pieces year round but roasting a whole bird has a festive feel to it.

    1. I agree, roasting a turkey is different from just buying turkey pieces. Plus the house smells good while it's cooking :)

  2. Just when we thought you were out of the woods with contractors, LOL! I hope they return the calls sooner rather than later. Glad you got the fences for free to protect your trees too!!

    1. we must be nuts, haha! I don't even know how these people can stay in business and I think myself wow - imagine what kind of business she could do if she actually was on the ball ~
