Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Short and sweet

Nov 3 and another warm sunny day of 63 ahead. Better enjoy it while we can, as Saturday is back to the 20's during the day, haha. Yesterday dh put up his snow stakes around the driveway. He figured it was a good time to get it done, while the ground was warm and easier to get the stakes in the ground. But, mornings are still very cold. I just walked some outgoing mail to the mailbox and had to wear a very warm coat and hat.

Another issue the neighbors have been having with their dogs the past couple of months is something new. When Mr. gets home in the afternoon (he gets home before Mrs) two of the dogs will start fighting one of the other dogs, almost every time. They don't bother the other dog all day when they are gone, but as soon as Mr. gets home they start trying to fight with him. The only thing we can think is as Mr is trying to say hello to all the 3 dogs, the 2 are jealous and trying to keep the one dog away? Yesterday was quite the growling and snarling session going on when he got home. More so than usual. Hmmm...not a healthy pack. Also, Mr told dh that their son and family are coming soon for a week, again. He laughed and told dh he hasn't recovered (nor fixed all the things the kids broke) from their last 2 1/2 week visit.  It's hunting season, so that's the reason for the visit, but usually their son just comes for like a long 3 day weekend to hunt with his dad.

Well, back to work - oh hey.......another purchase order request with no ship to address........


  1. Are snow stakes so he will know where the driveway is? Are the two dogs jealous of the other or is it a new dog?

  2. Are snow stakes so he will know where the driveway is? Are the two dogs jealous of the other or is it a new dog?

    1. Yes, so he will know where to plow and not get off I to the lawn or gravel areas....and so the delivery drivers stay on the driveway
