Monday, November 30, 2020

The trees

The decorating for Christmas continues, but I have the majority of it done. I do love decorating the house for Christmas. The Monster tree is done, though even adding 50 more red and gold balls to it that I bought yesterday isn't really enough, haha. But it will do. 

It does seem like they put more lights on the top 2/3rds of the tree than the bottom. I may add a string or two more next year and there is that one spot that doesn't have any, LOL. DH already wrapped his gifts. He's an over achiever.

I decided to put my smaller extra tree in the corner of the dining room. I moved a small table out of that corner to the other side of the french doors. This tree seemed like a piece of cake to decorate after that Monster. I did it all in blue and silver ornaments I bought years ago when I had a white tree. That white tree was something I got on clearance at Walmart for $9 whole bucks and it did last quite a few years, but after taking it out of the bag it was stored in (not used last few years) it had yellowed so we threw it out last year.

Today I'm going to wrap some fake blue and silver presents to put underneath it.

This is the first time I've ever had 2 trees  - or the room to display 2 of them. Now I'm addicted and want more! LOL. This decor page I've been following on Facebook, a bunch have been posting about this flocked 6ft $30 tree from Walmart and all their pictures. My Walmart had them in stock so I decided to get one yesterday. It's adorable.

Step 1: fluff out the branches

Step 2: I added 2 strings of white lights

Step 3: I was going to call it a day and finish up today, but had to keep going, so I added gold and silver ornaments (bought a set when I got the tree) and a few woodsy squirrels. I didn't have a tree skirt but I did have an old gold and white table runner that does the trick fairly well.
And done, except for a topper, but I'll dig around and see if I can find something before I buy one for it. Total spent $68.

Saturday dh tried to see what outside lights he has and what works. Seems like too much mismatch stuff for his OCD. We decided to spend some extra and some good quality commercial grade lights that should last quite a few years. We went with the C7 style. Since they are so expensive we decided just for now to get 2 50' strings and one 100' string. Then we sat at his computer and debated on colors for an hour. He loves blue,but we didn't want all blue. We kept looking at the blue and green but something was niggling at me about it - then I realized it totally makes me think of Seahawks football colors, which is all over where we used to live, haha. We nixed that color combo. We decided to go with blue and white. That seems like "winter" and should look good when it snows here.

Now that I'm addicted to Christmas trees in every room, haha..will there be a 4th??!!

Have I mentioned how glad I am to have today off work? ;)


  1. Wow, your trees are so pretty. I wish you would come over here and put mine up as I hate decorating for Christmas. I'm thrilled when it's done of course but ....

    1. I love decorating - hate taking it all down, haha.

  2. Beautiful! I have a friend who has a tree in every room and left up all year. They all have themes and expensive ornaments.

    1. I couldn't leave them up all year, especially in every room! Takes away the specialness of Christmas time (and seems lazy to me LOL)
