Saturday, November 28, 2020

The Monster

 My goodness! This 12 ft artificial tree we bought last year for half off after Christmas is a MONSTER! It was a chore just for dh to set it up (though it clicks in easy and the lights connect that way). Then it all needed "fluffing". I think that took me 2 or 3 hours just to do that and that is with mom helping a bit with the first bottom section.

And there's no way I had enough colored balls to go on it. I might end up with enough ornaments, but that's only because dd gave me a bunch of new ones for Christmas last year. I will be buying more balls and probably a few more ornaments when I take my mom back home tomorrow. So, right now only the top half of the tree is decorated. An 8 ft ladder was needed and even that was hard for reaching the top because it's hard to get it close enough with the bottom sticking out so wide. The top of the tree wasn't very good for putting a topper on, was the only issue. DH did some of his "upgrading" and ended up cutting the tip off, LOL, and then the topper fit ok.

And during the whole process I don't know how many times I answered the same questions about it over and over with my mom. DH got the stuff put out at the front door area for me. I did get the little piano top decorated and my sofa table and fireplace mantle done. I decided to put the smaller 7.5 ft tree in the corner of the dining room, so dh did get that one set up for me. That one now seems a piece of cake to set up compared to the Monster. And it looks so puny, LOL. I do have a full set of blue and silver ornaments that I used to use when I had a white tree, so I'll use that on this tree.

This morning mom got up a little after I did but said she didn't feel so good, so I suggested maybe she go back to bed for awhile.......hence I had time to write this post!

Today we'll get that smaller tree decorated and mom should be able to help more with that due to the size of the tree. I'll also get my village set up in the loft upstairs and maybe/hopefully get the garland on the stair railings. If not, there is always tomorrow.


  1. Uugh, I never put my tree up before 1 December and I absolutely HATE doing it. I'm fine once it's up - it's lovely actually - but I hate putting the damn thing up! Bah humbug I guess!

    1. I always put up the weekend after Thanksgiving. Once Thanksgiving's done over here, it's on for Christmas :)

  2. Today is the day I usually put a tree up. This one is only 3' tall, so it should not be too much Tommy will pull all the limbs out for me. I am glad your mother is getting to help with the Christmas decorations and the tree.

  3. I got outside done-minimal effort. Tomorrow the girls will help inside.

  4. Fluffing... it takes forever. Hence the reason that I move my totally assembled tree upstairs to the storage room after Christmas and then move it back come Christmas. Minimal fluffing required.

    1. that's smart! but this 12ft tree won't fit in any other room haha :)
