Monday, November 23, 2020

Animal poop and pie

Neighbor stopped by yesterday afternoon and dropped off some cookies she made - I gave her 1.5 dozen eggs I have overflowing my fridge. Turning the coop "porch" light on for a bit first thing in the morning and for a bit, until they go inside their coop at night, seemed to do the trick to bring the egg production back up to 3-4 eggs a day. I got the coop all cleaned out yesterday. I switched back to using the pine shavings instead of the chopped straw. Much easier to scoop poop out of, in between complete cleans, and not all dusty when scooping it all out. I had to wear my disposable face masks when cleaning out the straw stuff.

Other neighbor's 2nd baby due date is getting closer. We've all offered to be the back up ride to the hospital in the city, in case she happens to go into labor while her dh is at work (in the city) and she needs to get there sooner than waiting for him to drive 45 minutes home and then 45 minutes back. Though now his mom lives a few miles away, so I'm guessing she can drive, too, if need be.

I'm only working 2 days this week. Picking my mom up Wednesday afternoon. She asks me every day which day I'm coming to get her. Or she'll say "you said you are coming to get me Wednesday, right?".  Thankfully the weather is staying dry and no snow, so it will be an easy trip to go pick her up and take her back, it sounds like. When I take her back on Sunday, I plan to pick up a big grocery order at Walmart.

I have been hating my hair the past couple of years now. It's gotten pretty curly, which isn't so bad, but once it's all dry it just poofs all out and looks awful. Most of the time I just end up putting it in a pony tail. I tried leaving it all one length, thinking it might weigh down the poof, but not really. I've tried to layer it again, but hadn't really gotten brave enough with the scissors to get much layering in the back. Saturday I decided to go for it with the scissors. It turned out ok and layered around my face good and more in the back......but once it's dry my hair still just is a poofy mess. The curling iron works to help a bit, but not much. It looks great when it's still a bit wet and drying LOL. I've tried my leave in conditioner but no luck there either. I think I either just need to keep it in a pony tail or get a hair straightener and try that, but I don't really want a completely straight look either. I'm guessing the curls and poof is from it all being white now and it's a different texture than my hair before. I try to blow it dry so that I can get it a bit smoother and less poof and it looks ok for awhile and then later on I'll walk into the bathroom and Poof!

The banana cream pie I bought at the town grocery store on Saturday is sooo good. Better than I could make, haha. It's dh's favorite kind of pie and has been good for dessert in the evening. We've spent the last couple of evenings watching Yellowstone. But, then I go to bed and he watches another episode or two and then I have to catch up. It's annoying, LOL. We just started season 2 when I went to bed. This morning he said he's liking season 2 better than season 1. More realistic, he said. Not so much "jumping the shark". Last night as we were watching one of the characters get into yet another fight, dh says "isn't this like his 4th fight in less than 2 days?". 

I went to bed with a headache and woke up with it. Feels more like a tension type of headache at the base of my neck. 

Our front yard keeps getting covered in deer poop! Like a LOT. They are apparently having a party out there at night. Usually we/camera only sees like 3 deer coming around, but that last couple of nights it has to be more with all that poop. DH said he scooped up like 4 shovels full today just trying to clean it up. They can't poop in the 1000 other vacant acres around, haha.


  1. Maybe the deer are familiar with the old CCR misunderstood lyrics "There's a bathroom on the right"

  2. EDIT: dh said he scooped up 40 shovels full, not 4. I typed it wrong!

  3. I suppose you don't have to figure out what to give to neighbors since you have plenty of eggs. 40 shovels of poop is ridiculous!

    1. it is ridiculous - I said geez, what were they doing out there last night while we were all asleep? having a party?!

  4. I live in the city and we were finding a lot of racoon poop around a tree next to the house. We bought, online "coyote urine" scented sprinkles, and scattered it around the base of the tree. Hard to tell if it worked or not. LOL.

    1. I have deer spray, but dang, the area they cover I'd have to spray it over our whole property, haha!

  5. 40 shovels! That must have been a crazy party. Tell them it is time to socially distance now and no parties on your yard. Lol! Wİll you be fencing all around your property?

    1. Currently there is no gate at the main driveway entrance and not fencing along river front side (nor will there be)....but that's neither here nor there - they all can jump a 4 ft fence with no issues LOL.
