Sunday, November 8, 2020

Easing into Sunday

Woke up to a bit of snow. It's supposed to snow all day with accumulations of 3-7" in our area. Seems a very wet snow, so, so far, won't require Dh to need to do any plowing. Though it would probably be good if he did need to, he needs to get out and do something to blow off a little steam.

Yesterday I did some house cleaning. Dusted, vacuumed downstairs and some laundry. Got the bedding on a guest bed washed up, so it will be ready when we have my mom here for Thanksgiving. She seems back on track with feeling fine in the mornings again (went to exercise class yesterday) now that we have her meds back in the right time slot.

Speaking of meds, mine needed a refill and I forgot to do it week before last. Last Sunday I realized I only had 8 days left so I reordered, thinking well they will get here by Saturday. Nope, still in transit and they shipped out Monday from Arizona. Tonight is my last pills so hopefully they will be here tomorrow as tracking is now showing. I put them back on "auto" fill. I had taken off because they were going to ship out like a month before I needed them....then I forgot :(

The neighbors son and family (and 2 dogs) showed up last night, to stay for a week, again. Hopefully the snow and very cold temps this next week keeps them all inside and quiet, haha. Any bets on if they will leave their dogs to stay?? They'll probably have a new excuse that she can't handle 4 kids (and one in school) and the dogs right now, during Covid. The oldest boy must be in Kindergarten or 1st by now. Not sure if he's distance learning or in class, but I'm guessing where they live it's distance learning going on.

Today I'm going to vacuum upstairs (where it's all carpet except the bathroom). Yesterday I got 4 eggs, which was nice. I've been getting between 2-4 since the weather got colder. 

I had ordered dh a bunch more frames he needs for some of his loose pictures for the shop. I was hoping they'd be here by this weekend, to give him something to do. 


  1. My bet is they'll leave those dogs again. Good luck!

  2. Why have dogs? The light is what affects the egg production. Look it up. Some people put a light to come on early in the morning to keep the egg production high. Some people think that is cruel. But, if it is cruel not to let hens rest, how do chickens fare near the equator? I never used a light with mine. My four laid eggs all winter, usualy two or three each day. But, since you cannot use all you get, slowing down egg production is not a problem. It was never a problem for me, either.

    1. Not sure why neighbors have 3 dogs of their own, when they are hardly there to spend time with them, let alone their son has their 2 (when they don't keep them for months each and every year). I don't mind the lower egg production, like you said, we don't use them all ourselves anyway. I did read before that it's the shortened daylight hours that causes it.I do have a light for their coop walking around area that I have been turning on in the morning and then turning off when I got back out a bit later to give them their bread treats. I turn it back on later afternoon for a bit, until they go inside for the night. Gives them a bit more light for the day.
