Friday, November 20, 2020

Here we go again

Right before I was about to be done with work on  Friday and ready to relax for the weekend my mom calls. She got "some call" from "someone" about "her insurance" and she thinks she gave them her social security number. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

Why why why?!! I got on her verizon log to see what phone number she talked to. Someone called and talked to her for 10 minutes. She said first it was a lady talking but she couldn't understand her very well (there's your first clue!), so then a guy came on the phone.  I called the number just so I could at least maybe see who was calling and what they were trying to get out of her, but it's just a recording that says please leave your message. 

So, I got online and signed her up for a year of Lifelock identity protection. I locked and/or froze her credit. Hopefully she's protected now from someone trying to use her social security to get a credit card or something. Bank of America is always good about detecting fraud on her checking and credit card (and we will only have that bank for few more weeks anyway). I log into all her accounts almost daily and keep an eye, so this Lifelock will be an extra layer of checking/protection. 

Don't know what else I can do. She has to have a phone, yet she can't seem to understand to not answer these calls or at least just hang up on them. My uncle had a kind of good idea......he said tell her you had to get her a new social security # (since she gave it out to fraud) and then give her a fake#........he said she can give that # out all day to the spammers, LOL. I said that is really good idea, BUT she won't remember I told her she has a new #.........she can't even remember she has a new bank account. :(

She needs a cell phone that she can only take calls from set numbers. Is there such a thing?


  1. Yes, there is a phone that will only take and receive calls from set numbers. So, she has the ss# memorized and cannot learn a new one. That is sad for all those with dementia. So sorry.

    If all you need is a caller with a name and a number you can use a cloud pbx that filters your calls, enabling a feature called “Privacy Manager” that works this way: when someone calls you from an unknown number, an automatic messages answers asking the caller to type in his number. If the caller fails to type in his number, the call is not routed to your phone. Alternatively, you may even enable a call-back: the number typed in by the caller is called back and only after the call is routed to your phone. This service can be enabled for free (there are a number of service providers on the Internet you can pick from).
    Use a virtual receptionist. Works like #1 but this time it is a human being answering your calls. Most offer a free trial for 1 month, enough to get your mobile number out of those call lists used to spam people around and, who knows, you may even find useful to have a virtual receptionist in the future (I’ve seen prices starting from 20bucks/month).

    This did not have a specific carrier.

    1. I copied and pasted the second and third paragraph.

    2. thanks for the info. I will research more into that.

  2. I do not know her phone but some phones have this "Do not Disturb" or "Block Calls" features. You can make certain numbers exempt like yours, uncle's, whoever you like and the rest of the calls will be blocked. Look up the features of her phone to see if hers has that.

    1. I was just online with her carrier on her account trying to see what's available. It appears that to use these services she needs a smart phone w/data and app capability. I'm going to call and see if there's anything they can do with the old flip phone she has. I really don't want to change phones, but may have to.

    2. Changing phones or the cost would be worth it!

    3. yes, I'm leaning towards that. While a different phone might be hard for her, its still got to be better than these calls she keeps answering

  3. Oh I'm so sorry. That must be not only frustrating but also very worrying for you (and a lot of work)!

    1. yes, dinner was a bit late last night, after dealing with that.

  4. Check to see about phones made for kids. There used to be some that would only allow outgoing calls to preset numbers and would only allow incoming calls from preset numbers also.

    1. that's what I'm finding. I think that is what I will have to do.

  5. Even some pre-smart phones had this. You may want to look at her phone's settings.

    1. I'm going to take a look at it when she's here for Thanksgiving next week and see what I can do.
