Sunday, November 29, 2020


I am exhausted. I'm realizing 5 days/4 nights with mom here is just too much for me. It needs to be 3 days/2 nights. That's about how long my energy (and patience) will last before I need to recharge myself. I am SO glad I decided to take tomorrow off work. Now, having her here is like double exhausting because I have to talk louder (I don't have a loud voice) so I feel like I am yelling or I have to repeat myself because now she is constantly saying "what?". And it not just one or two questions she asks repeatedly - it's almost everything.

We left to take her back at noon. She needed a few things at the store and I wanted to stop at Target before I get my Walmart order anyway. After I got her suitcase and laundry basket put in my car I forgot to put in my cooler and cold food bags. Ugh. Oh well, it's only like 36 degrees out, so the stuff will make it home ok. But, when I realized I forgot it during the drive and commented on it, she was like oh, you don't have to come up to my apartment then...I said no, that won't change anything. I'm not picking up my groceries until after anyway and can't pick up until 2pm. I had to tell her this like 3 times. It's fine, I NEED to come up to your apartment - you are confused on your meds because they changed a couple pills and they look different. And we need to find your new bank checks and get rid of your old ones now.

We get to Target and there's a stupid line to get in as they are only letting in small amounts as others leave. oh sure, let's stand there in 36 degree weather. And she can't find her mask...she last had it on in my car on the way to my house and took it off and put in her purse...I finally had to open her suitcase and found it there. And of course I forgot that it takes so much longer to shop with her. She did make a list but a good half of the items I don't know why....she put 2 of her prescription meds on the list (don't get at Target and she has plenty). Every single time her list has "TV Guide". (do they even make those anymore??) I told her for the 100th time - there is a guide button on your remote control, you just press that and it will show you what is on. 

As we are pulling into her apartment she's looking for her keys and of course cannot find. I finally told her I have a set, we'll use those to get in and then we can look for her set. Then she found them in her pants pocket. I got her meds all figured out, extra bottles thrown out etc. Then I told her to give me all her bank of america checks, I'm taking them so she doesn't accidentally write a check with them and told her to find her new then we spent 10 minutes trying to find them. "someone must have taken them". I finally found them on a shelf under her desk. I gave her one booklet and took the rest with me.

I was supposed to pick up my groceries between 2 and 3 and it was after 2 when I left and I still wanted to go inside Walmart to look for a tree they have for $30 and then they notified me they were out of turkey lunch meat and so sub. I didn't really have as long as I had planned to look at Christmas stuff at Walmart as it was getting close to 3. I really didn't want to make another stop at a different grocery so I quickly walked to the food section and just found a different brand, which was fine.

I got home at 3:30 or so, got everything put away and made a quick dinner of salad and turkey sands and then I finished decorating the monster tree with the new balls I bought. It was a set of 50 and still not enough I don't think, LOL.

More on my 3rd tree just bought tomorrow............


  1. A few weeks ago I had a pickup time but then I had to go puck up my daughter after an auto accident and take her to the ER. I knew I wouldn't make it intjme so I called them and they said coming later is no problem.

    1. That's good to know, I could have used an extra half hour

  2. I think her memory problems and the attendant care is hard for you because it is your mother and you are continually faced with her slipping away. I know it must be difficult. I am looking forward to all the trees!

    1. that's true, I'm sure. She's a sweet lady and certainly not her fault, but boy it's hard.

  3. That would be exhausting, but Im sure she appreciated being company for a while.

    1. yes, but I do think she was ready to get back to her apartment and more familiar surroundings yesterday :)

  4. I remember reading that when the elderly starts having memory issues, it is best not to change the things they are used to. For instance, if they had been using a stove-top kettle, don't get her an electrical one. So, if TV guide is still available, may be you should've let her get one. It must be really tough to watch her becoming more fragile every day. Nothing is ever easy as we all get older. Hugs to both of you...

    1. I'm going to look into it. I just figured with everyone having different ways to get tv: cable, satellite, streaming, etc, where all the channel #'s are different it would be hard for them to make one anymore.
