Friday, November 13, 2020

They didn't want my money

We decided to go the "visa gift card" route for dh to purchase Christmas gifts for me, so that I don't see the amounts and who he bough them from, since I'm always watching our bank account and credit cards like a hawk. I found where you could buy online from vanilla visa and either have the card info emailed or a plastic card. Since he's not going to any stores, I just did the email way.  He also didn't know exactly how much (but he typically will spend a few hundred) so I got one for $500. Whatever he doesn't use, we can of course just use for regular online purchases I make all the time.

What an ordeal to try and get it! I tried to place the order and charge to my credit card. It wouldn't go through. I tried again. Nope. Then I tried my bank debit card. Nope. I'm thinking maybe it's getting denied because they think it's fraud and due to the amount? So, then I tried my Paypal debit card. Nope. Finally, I gave my last credit card (a Target red credit card) a shot and that worked. The confirmation said it would be 24-48 hours to get the info on the email. Then about an hour later my phone rang from some out of area number. I don't usually answer, but I'm expecting another call and maybe this was the # the person was calling back from. It was the visa gift card company. She just wanted to verify I ordered it, my email address and zip code. Then she says "you are sending this to yourself?" Yes...LOL...I'm getting it for my husband so he can buy me Christmas gifts without me knowing. She laughed. Shortly after I received the email with the card info.

I need to come up with some ideas to get dh for Christmas. I bought one thing so far (some buffalo bookends) but I have no idea what else to get him. I'll have to do some thinking on it here, soon, as I know dd will want an idea of what to get him, too. DD's last year gift (the game camera) has been a hit all year. We need better binoculars, but I have no idea what would be good. I know one of his hunting guy friends has this pair but it's supposedly like $2000! That ain't happening but there must be something quality that is better than what we have (an old small pair of my dads, and a $70 pair we bought him as a gift several years ago), but NOT $2000. 

I ordered dh some "sawtooth" picture hangers you can nail into the back of picture frames. The items description (3rd party seller on Walmart) said "set of 12". I ordered 2 sets, so he'd have 24. They came yesterday and in the package is 2 sets....of 3ea, so a total of 6 hangers. GRRRR! I email the seller but haven't heard back yet.

My metal chicken water heater base arrived. It says to test to make sure it's heating (it it set to heat if below 35 degrees) by setting it outside in less than 35 degrees or in the freezer for an hour, then plugging it in to make sure it heats up. Well, of course it was then 37 out. We waited until evening and the temp dropped and tested that is worked. This morning I filled it up and put it out, so the frozen water issue is resolved and this one is easier to fill up. You don't have to fill up from the bottom and then try to flip it over without spilling all over the place.

My new coffee table for upstairs loft area is supposed to come today. Yay. 


  1. Gift will be minimal as next summer I really hope we can swing getting the deck tore out, a patio poured, and new nice steps form the back atrium doors. Then of course, I want a full outdoor furniture set, and a fireplace-maybe a chiminea, and then there is the yard to beautify after. Having a year home I know we need t invest in the quality of our life and home for every day living.

    1. My dd and her dh tore out their deck and poured concrete and steps. She's loving it. She found a nice patio set on marketplace for $400. I still need an outdoor dining set. I was just reading the reviews of the one I had liked at Lowes last summer and they aren't too good, so I guess I'll keep looking

  2. Having the bank check on me always makes me feel more secure. At least, I know no one can steal from my account.

    I am glad the water heater will work for you and the chickens. It is a pain to handle water in freezing weather. Ask me how I know! a dribble on the fingers is nothing in the summer, but one drop on my hand was excruciating in winter.

    I am thinking about getting Tommy books--bird book, tree book. He always asks me what kind of tree is that. We both like books. I may get him a butterfly and flower book.

    1. I've been poking through the ring of ice in the waterer in the mornings and it's cold on the finger tips! Now it's all good. Those are good ideas to get Tommy.

  3. I'm of the "give each other permission to buy"school of gift giving.

    1. we've done it many ways over the past 35 years. Bought each other gifts. Early years was I'd buy him gifts and he'd get his mom to buy me (crappy gifts) - LOL. I finally told him if he's not picking out don't get me anything. Some years we've bought one big gift for ourselves. The past 12 years or so he's been great about picking out nice things (not expensive) and comes up with good ideas.

  4. I am not looking for gifts for TheHub and I hope he will get me nothing either. We both have so much more than we need and our wants are minimal. I suppose I will get his some small something to unwrap, but honestly why shop just for the sake of shopping?

    1. For the most part we enjoy picking out a few items to buy each other and have a few gifts to open at Christmas. Unless we decide to get one big thing as our gift to each other, it's usually not expensive stuff. The year we were living in the shop at Christmas we did the "one" gift and got the metal art designed for our driveway entry rock. Last year we did gifts to each other.
