Thursday, November 12, 2020

Getting Thursday going

Goodness, it takes a long time for the Social Security Administration to change bank account info for the monthly payments. I changed it online for my mom on 9/24 and they said it won't update until the December payment. I just want to get this old bank account closed, so it helps my mom be less confused. One more month....

I ran into the town grocery store to get a few things. The last 2 times I went in the past month or two it was masks mandated, because we had more than 4 active cases in our county. Now we are under 4 and I was wondering if people will still continue to wear them, just as a precaution (as our county health dept recommended). I'd say a majority were not. Our town is just rebels, LOL. A few in the store had them on, but none of the people that work there did and most of the customers did not.

I pulled the trigger and bought another vacuum. A Shark Liftaway Navigator with self-cleaning brushroll. Kohl's for the win, with all the coupons and Kohl's Cash. It is reg. $299 on sale for $199. I used a $10 off $25 coupon, a 30% off coupon, and $5 Kohls cash I just got in the mail ("anniversary" gift), which brought it all down to $129. I earned $20 in Kohl's Cash, $6.47 in some other Kohl's rewards, and will get 2% back from Rakuten (formerly Ebates). Basically got it for $100. If nothing else I'll now have a vacuum for upstairs and can leave my Dyson down (or vice versa). It would have cost me over $130 to buy a new Dyson vacuum head. Or if it just doesn't work well, I'll return it to Kohls.

I got a bit worried yesterday morning when I tried to call my mom a couple of times and she didn't answer. The first was at 10:15, so I thought she must be in the bathroom/shower. Tried 20 minutes later and still no answer. Then it was around 11am and her usual exercise class time, so I didn't want to try again, if she was busy doing that. I tried back after I got back from town/lunch break and she answered. She had been downstairs to a new activity during my calls, LOL. Wii bowling on the big tv and she said she even got a strike, LOL. She said it was her second time doing it and she enjoyed it.

My uncle called the other night and wants to get her an Alexa thingy for Christmas. He has one that he says he loves. Of course he wants me to order it for her and then he'll pay back. He said his kind of looks about the size of a peanut butter jar and was about $100. He uses it to remind him it's time to take his meds, ask what the weather is and tells it to play music. Honestly, other them me setting it up to remind her to take meds, I doubt she'll remember she can talk to it to tell it stuff.  The meds reminder would be good though, as I think she would like that kind of reminder better than her digital calendar clock which just does a buzzer she has to turn off each time. Do any of you have one? recommendations on what to get?

Both FedEx and UPS are supposed to deliver stuff today. One of the UPS packages is from Amazon. I cannot figure out what it is! My Amazon orders doesn't show anything for delivery today and the tracking # doesn't match anything I have coming/ordered. It's a mystery. I know the FedEx is some stuff I ordered from Walmart.

And now my mom has some bill from Xfinity for her previous place - $120 for unreturned equipment. I am so confused, because tv/internet was included in her rent. I don't know why, but she would get a billing statement from them each month, that showed thel $31 charge and then $0 balance saying "paid with credit card".  It was nothing that she ever paid with her credit card, so I always assumed it was the apartment place. I didn't move her in, but assumed the modem for tv/internet was supplied by the apartment place when she moved in, since they were paying for it. We just left the modem there in the apartment. I tried to call the apartment place, but the manager was out yesterday and won't be in until later this morning. I think I remember even going downstairs, when we were moving her out, to ask about the tv/internet.

Everything finally working this week IT wise with work, so keeping my fingers crossed the day will keep going smoothly.


  1. My husband has mild dementia and is very confused when Alexa comes on as a reminder for things. I'm not sure if it would confuse your mother or not but it's something to consider. My husband thinks there is someone else in the house when he hears Alexa.

    1. that makes sense. I have a feeling she will be confused by it, too. Not to that extent, (yet) but it will probably startle her. We'll see.

  2. I don't know how your mom will like Alexa. May be you should introduce the idea to her and see if she would like that.

    1. it sounds like uncle already did talk to her about it...not that she'll remember. She won't know - she really doesn't understand anything "techy". He just knows he likes his, so he thinks it will be good for her.

  3. Please wear a mask if there is any doubt. I hate them too but it is one small gesture!

  4. I think your mama might be confused by the Alexa tbh, sometimes the devices are random and will just talk/do stuff I believe. And yes, I hope you wear your mask just to be on the safe side - you never know.

    1. well, that wouldn't be good. I thought you had to say "Alexa" to get it to do something, like play music or answer a question.

  5. I do not have a bit of dementia, but I do not want something talking to me.My flip phone has a whistle when I get a message. It scares the cr@p out of me! It give me the heebeejeebies out of me even when I know what it is.

    What happens to her reminder if she is not there, in the bathroom, etc. Plus, will it say or do anything in response to her talking, muttering or such. I don't have one and don't think I want one.

    I know he is trying to be helpful, but he does not have the same problems she has. I would ask him to pass everything by you first instead of involving her. It is sort of like a relative coming in and asking a child if they want ice cream, new puppy, or anything a parent should control.

    1. If she's not there, I guess same thing that happens now with her digital calendar/clock I have set up with 2 alarms to go off for her med time. It probably buzzes awhile. I don't even know if it goes off by itself eventually LOL. When she comes to visit here, she does remember to unplug the clock.
