Friday, November 6, 2020

Happy Friday

This week has zoomed by. Woke up to rain this morning. We've been having 3 deer visit our yard each night. DH had filled up the 2 bird feeders with seed and each day it was gone. We figured out it was the deer eating it all, which is fine, LOL. But, now we are out. DH put the game camera on the bird feeder. They basically lick out the seeds, haha. And hopefully they make it through hunting season, but dh said this morning he heard 2 shots really close by :(

Wednesday dh filled them up with some of my chicken scratch. Figured they'd like that just as well since it has cracked corn in it and they did eat out of the one in the back yard.  I have a lot of that in the bin, as it was a 50# bag and I only give the chickens a small amount each day. These are probably the same 3 deer I saw crossing the road about a mile down when I went shopping last Saturday. DH said he's picking up more deer poop than dog poop these days. If he doesn't try to pick up as much as he can, our dogs eat it! Gross. and then they puke at 3am.

I looked at the coffee table on Amazon this morning - it's back to $269. Weird. We decided to order the gate hinges for the gate dh will build for the main entrance in our driveway. They are a bit pricey, since they need to be so heavy duty, as it will be a timberframe type of gate out of our beams leftover from our cut trees. But at least it will be able to now get him started on building the gate.

My mom's investment account is $151 away from a million dollars. Sooo close! I just want to see it be over a million, haha. So, I logged in later this morning and it apparently did an update. It is now $1,002,000! I sent a screen shot to my uncle. haha. I know he trusts me, but just wanted to show him I'm not stealing her money, like Step bro told him I would (asshole!).

I was logged in and checking my mom's facebook. She doesn't use it anymore, but every so often I log in, in case one of her friends had tried to message her or something, not realizing she doesn't use it anymore. She didn't use it much before, as she has never really understood it. Anyhow, a couple of her Facebook friends are from her old neighborhood, where she lived before moving to senior living. It was next to a golf course. The golf course got sold to developers and apparently now the site work has started. The lady was saying she can't take the 9 hours a day of constant noise and vibration from all the construction. She said everything rattles in her house all day. A couple of other neighbors commented they agreed with her and it was really getting to them. My mom's place was right along one of the holes, so I am glad she isn't there anymore to have to deal with all that. They said it's week 8 of dealing with it.

But, then one of the neighbors commented to the lady "go see your doctor. Sounds like you have an anxiety issue". I'm sorry - it just drives me nuts when that is people's answer to dealing with annoyances in life. That was my mom's answer and I can't tell you how many times she told me to just go on anxiety meds when I was going through a stressful period. And look at her now. She can't get off the damn stuff, not to mention it more than likely has contributed to her memory issues. I know it caused her heavy weight gain and her excessive sweating issue. 

One of the dogs is shaking his head, which means he is probably getting an ear infection. He gets one every so often. Last time I ended up buying some ear solution called Zymox. It cleared it right up. This time, while his ear isn't really red inside yet (so I'm not exactly sure which ear it is), I'm trying to be proactive and so I put some in this morning. One ear appears a tiny bit red compared to the other, so I'm putting it in that one.

I have an email into the manager where my mom lives to see if they offer auto pay for the monthly rent. If they don't, I think then I will just set it up as a "bill pay" on automatic payment with her bank account. 

I got an email not too long ago that my Paypal credit card was being upgraded and a new card was coming. I don't think it has come yet, but when I log in it is asking me to activate the new card. I did just get a new debit card from them, but that's because my old one was expiring and I got that and activated. Now I'm wondering if it came right before dd visited and I was cleaning up my desk and now it's buried somewhere in a pile! I'm a terrible "filer". I'm a piler and I know whats in what piles on my desk. But it cleaning up to make my desk all clean I think I just took most of it and stuffed it in a drawer....honestly I don't even remember what I did with the stuff on my desk, haha. I guess I'd better do some searching and make sure that card isn't in there somewhere. Usually, though, I am really good about opening mail right away and tossing what is junk, but it it happened to come that day I might have just stuffed in away, LOL. I wanted my desk clean! I'm looking through stuff now. I might go back through my informed delivery account with usps and see if it shows in my mail pictures in the last couple of weeks.

No weekend plans. I guess I'd better figure out what I am making for dinner tonight, so I can take something out of the freezer. Even dh said the other night that he is tired of eating dinner. I said me too, not to mention tired of trying to decide what to make/what sounds good. Maybe I need to find/try some new recipes.

I have a new book to read I just downloaded from my library and it's a long one. I still have 5 other books in my reserve waiting queue, but it appears they are a ways out before I'm next in line. The one I just finished was pretty good. Kind of a psychological thriller with a twist at the end. The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides. I don't typically read thrillers, unless they are more like CIA/spy stuff.

DH frequents this huge forum/message board online and a couple of the people on there said they went to grocery shop this week and see toilet paper was all out of stock again. Oh great, that'll be fun to go through again. Thankfully I have been buying some just about every shopping trip, whether we need it or not. I suppose I should see how much we have. DH keeps taking it out to the shop, so it's out of sight/out of mind for me to know exactly how much we have on hand right now.


  1. So, you did order the coffee table? We have plenty of tp, but I bought a 48-roll pack this last week. I don't expect good things to I noticed there were few packages on the long tp aisel. I bought the last package of any size in the tp I prefer. Deer poop throwup! Yak.

    1. I haven't ordered it yet. I held off yesterday as I was waiting to make sure the check made it to my bank and deposited. I've just been busy today with work and not ordered yet, but I'll probably do it tomorrow morning.

  2. I am glad you are in the driver's seat for your mom's finances, Step Brother definitely sounded like he had other plans for her $$$. I hope the deer manage to stick around! We have very good weather tomorrow here, so I hope to get in a walk/hike!

    1. It's beyond me how he didn't think she'd have enough $ to live on. My only guess is he really isn't that smart about money. Enjoy your good weather day!

  3. Just curious: Does your step brother call her and/or you every once in a while? Sorry, if I am being too nosy.

    1. I have only texted with him once since. He hasn't called my mom now in a couple of months (I check her cell phone log). My uncle is good and calls her at least every other day, just to say hi and they chat a few minutes.

  4. While I'm not a great believer in anxiety meds/anti-depressants they certainly can help in certain circumstances. Hell, they helped me when I was trying to get out of the sh..tstorm that was my married life, but obviously as soon as I got divorced I no longer needed them. Someone suddenly having to tolerate previously unknown construction noise next to them for 8 hours a day doesn't strike me as someone "who should take anxiety meds" either. What would that solve? Would it make her go deaf - or maybe, as you say, provoke further troubles down the line when the problem was not solved!

    1. That's great you were able to get off them. My mom's was supposed to be temporary too. My half sis said she was on them when she was going through her divorce and had a really hard time getting off them, but she did. Most of the comments to the lady in my mom's old neighborhood were for her to get out away from the house for a bit everyday, even just to take a drive.
