Friday, May 1, 2020

And we're back to Friday again

It's been an eventful Friday morning, so far.  First up, the mobile vet I had set up an appointment with showed up promptly at 9am. It was a very good visit. I liked him and the dogs were totally relaxed about it all, rather than being nervous at a vet office. I also felt like it was much more attentive type of visit, rather than seeing a rushed vet in their office setting. Since both dogs have been having some bouts of diarrhea and/or soft stool, he gave me some probiotic stuff to put on the food and some pills to give them each twice a day. He's assuming they are eating crap (and probably literally - deer poop and such). The pills are pretty large. Hmm, how to get those down them? I had some green beans in the fridge (their favorite thing of all time) so kinda just split it on the side and tried to put the green bean over it and they scarfed them down. Might not be so lucky the second time, but we'll see. Usually I do hot dogs, but have no hot dogs. He also said what I have been doing with the dog who inhales his food and was regurgitating it is helpful. He said either do that (I let his kibble soften in water for awhile first) or put big rocks in a bowl so he has to slow down to eat.

Our oldest dog has this cyst growth on his back that has been getting larger. He said it's not cancerous, but will keep growing, so we're going to have him back next Friday morning with his neat mobile vet hospital van and he'll remove it then, while parked in our driveway. Other than that he said both dogs look good, especially the one for being 11 1/2 years old now, he's doing well for his age.

I didn't think the cost of the home visit too terrible for 2 dogs checks up and some medications supplied. $283. I think the last vet visit I had for checkup was like $140 ish anyway. I asked him how much the cyst removal will cost, just so I have an idea. He said around $450-$500 - which I figured was going to be expensive, so I'm not surprised that it's that much.

A week or so ago we got a work email that one of the mfg's we rep wanted to send out "care packages" and if we were interested in getting one to click on the link and supply our home address. Sure, why not. Our mgr that sent out the email wasn't sure what it would be, but sounded like maybe some snacks/meats. I was expecting maybe trail mix, beef jerky type stuff. It came today. Wow!! Was not expecting 12 steaks and 2 packages of ground beef. All nicely packed in a Styrofoam cooler with ice packs. I guess I don't need to order any steaks from the butcher for awhile yet! What an awesome "care package". I don't think a lot of people bothered to sign up to get and are kicking themselves now that I shared some pictures on our team messaging app.

After I was done working yesterday I helped dh with some stuff on the shed/coop. He's putting in tongue and groove boards in the ceiling and needed them stained, so I spent about an hour or so doing that. My mom called while I was in the middle of it, so I called her back when I was done. She just cannot understand this money transfer done to her checking and savings. She called me again about it this morning. She had apparently wrote down the $18k deposit. then apparently she did write in the $15k withdrawal (that was transferred to her savings account) but she wrote in the notes part the name of her current Senior living apartment and then crossed it out. She never deducted the $15k from her checkbook balance. I think I finally got her to write that in her checkbook to deduct it from her balance and write the note next to it saying "transfer to savings".

Then my neighbor told DH (he was outside working on the shed) that she wanted her purple vase back (haha) and of course she put some flowers (tulips) in it and brought it back to me. Along with a head of lettuce. She got more than she could eat from her vegetable co-op thing.

I'm ready for the weekend, but it sure seriously seems like it was just last Friday a few days ago!


  1. A mobile vet service sounds like a wonderful business during a pandemic or even when there isn't a pandemic...maybe more vets will think of doing this! Also, great care package! It's nice to see businesses caring about actual people.

    1. seems like a smart idea for the mobile vet where so many around here live rural and there are no vets in the area. Closest is 50 miles.

  2. I share your dogs' love of green beans, but I don't eat poop. That was a very nice box you received.

  3. Oh man!!! If I was going to get free stuff I'd have signed up even if it was just beef jerky - but that is such good timing you literally just posted about ordering steaks!!

    1. It was perfect timing to get that nice gift. I was just expecting some snacky items and maybe a mug with their logo LOL.

    2. lol and that would have been amazing too. you're smart for signing up, free stuff is always amazing, but steak!!!! especially during these times.

  4. What a wonderfully generous care package. It speaks very well of that manufacturer doesn't it!

    1. yes it sure does. I looked up the company they used for the steaks and woah - it's expensive black angus beef stuff!
