Sunday, May 31, 2020

A mom visit today

Oh, my poor mom. She's been having her little episodes of not feeling well in the morning off and on for at least a couple years now. But with her memory, she doesn't think so. I can remember calling her up even a couple years ago and she was supposed to have gone to visit her BF, but she'd say oh I wasn't feeling good when I got up this morning so I called him and didn't go.  Last summer I can remember him telling me about it. She was doing that to him all the time. (which was making me wonder if it really had something to do with her feeling stressed around him, so when she knew she was going to go see him, she'd wake up and fret?)

A couple days ago I logged into her doctor reports and read every visit summary from last several years (not very many, really). While not every visit was related to or mentioned this, a few were. She's had her heart checked, etc. it appears dr. thought it's anxiety, which she's already on Xanax. She also went through those 2 visits last summer where the dr. reviewed her medication to see if they could be causing this (because I think by then BF wanted it checked out and he was also worried maybe the meds were contributing to her memory issues). The only thing the dr. changed was cut her zanax dose by half.

This morning she calls and says she doesn't feel well. Her forehead is all warm and sweaty and she took her temperature and if her thermometer is right her temperatures is 113! I told her that can't be right, something must be wrong with it (obviously!). Then I tried to reassure her she gets this all the time and is fine after a little while.  And of course her reply, as always now, is well this time is different. I told her I'll find her other thermometer when I get there at 10:30. It's interesting that the 2 days I was coming to visit her, this past week, she wakes up not feeling well.

I get there and she's all worried she has a fever. I feel her forehead and say no, it feels fine.  I find both thermometers. The one she used first came out this time at 98. The other thermometer said same. She says well I don't know how my forehead can feel all sweaty and I don't have a fever. I said you can perspire and feel clammy without having a fever. Told her to go lay down a bit while I work d on hooking up her internet equipment that delivered yesterday she gets right back up and says she can't breathe good laying down, maybe something is wrong with her heart. I sit her in her chair and get her a glass of water and tell her to drink that up.  I tried to reassure her again she has this often and it always doesn't last too long.

The first thing I did when I got there was glance at her pill box. I had already put Sunday in last week and it looked empty. I asked her if she's been having any coffee in the mornings. Maybe the caffeine is affecting her. She doesn't think she has even been having coffee that she recalls (I don't think she has been either). I kept busy setting up her Internet and also the new cable tv box they sent with it.  I had to get on the phone with cable company because I couldn't get tv to work with the new box.  Next thing I know she's up and about and doing fine, lol. I'm still on the phone and her lunch gets delivered and she's busy eating, lol.

Then I go to get her pill box filled up. Open Sunday and realize the pills are still in there! The white pills do not show through the opaque white pill box. (my pill box is lavender, so I see my white pill through it). Well shoot - that could be why she's not feeling well! I remind her that missing these doses of 2 of the pills can throw her body off and make her not feel well.

So, I'm guessing these episodes are either that she is waking up and starts worrying about stuff or its related to her meds. The thinking she has a fever is new, though, and I'm guessing it's related to she's worried she might be getting the virus. Either she's missing doses, late taking them, or could even be doubling up once in awhile and not realizing it. Like I said she has been having this exact same thing once or twice a week for at least a couple years and it only happens in mornings and by later morning or afternoon she's forgotten she even felt bad that day, if I bring it up later and ask how she's feeling

Once I know I have her med situation under control, then I'm going to guess its anxiety.  Dumb me forgot to bring sticky notes to tape around her pill bottles with a note that says only open to refill pill box. I now have the written our on yellow sticky in bold red letters and will tape around her pill bottles on my next visit. I'm wondering if maybe the "Alexa" device to remind her it's time to take them, like my uncle says he uses, would be worth a try. The problem is 20 seconds later, she'll just forget it reminded her!

This bit of "hypochondria" she's developed seems to have come on the same time as her memory issues started a couple years ago. I'm seeing that I'm going to have to figure out how to deal with this! I can pretty easily deal with always repeating myself - but I'm not very good at dealing with what to do/say with medical "complaints and issues".

At least I got her internet up and running and she can now use her computer. I had to plug her small cable tv box back up (no guide or on demand with that tiny box) and the lady I was on the phone with scheduled a tech to come figure it out on Tuesday afternoon. I also got her "emergency call button" device (like life alert thing) set up, but of course she doesn't want to wear it around her neck.


  1. I finally figured out on my own that I am not getting enough oxygen. So, the doctor tested me. I was right--only 54% during the night. That could trigger memory issues she has. Also, I no longer wake up clammy. The doctor order me an oximeter to wear on my index fingernail without polish. It did not disrupt my sleeping at all. When I turned it in, it was read and the doctor ordered the oxygen making machine. Read about all the problems without sufficient oxygen. It is worth a try. I only need the oxygen at night because the oxygen in 99% or 100% when I am awake.

    1. I'm glad you figured it out and are feeling better!

  2. Mild hypoglycemia can cause a general unwell feeling, headache, clammy skin. Does your mom feel better after eating something? Or as you surmise it could be related to missing doses of her pills.

    1. when it happens, she seems to eat breakfast fine, but it will still do it for awhile after eating. Once I can totally get her medication on schedule and no missing any, if it still happens I'm guessing anxiety. It's not a daily thing - like maybe 1 to 2x a week. I think with her short term memory problems she gets stressed more easily because she often can't remember if something she is worrying about got resolved.

  3. My med for my stomach and hers are implicated in dementia.

  4. For days when her memory is not good it may be helpful to have printed out step by step instructions for her daily tasks. Just reminder sheets near her pills, tv, computer etc... on how to use, log on, take, etc...
    I know for my MIL that is what we did. Also, made up a daily checklist for her to remind her of daily things that needed to be done. She would mark each one as she did(great for days she was forgetful)
    Susan R

    1. We've tried that with her, but it doesn't work at all. When she first moved into the same retirement apartment as her BF lived in, he had created a list of her meds and a box for each day for her to check off when she took them. I found it the first time I visited her there and she checked off two days and forgot about it. I had a list of her pills taped right next to pill bottles, so she would have the list to refer to to fill out per pill box - she didn't pay any attention it was there and after a few weeks forgot about taking the daily vitamin on the list. I don't know how many times we have written or had to dig around to find the list of log in ID's and passwords. She never puts it back in the one and only desk drawer she has. Nothing that would seem logical to you and I to help remember things works with her. When DD had visited her (before covid started) she took a printed out list I had sent her - with information on the common things she seemed to keep forgetting. Two days later, she's asking me the same things again. Didn't even remember DD had brought a list. She's not having trouble remembering the how and why to do things, just very bad short term memory. It's a bummer, I wish I could figure out something that helped

  5. I think? it's related to the irregular taking of her meds.
    She has had a lot going on & lots of changes.
    Do they have a nurse on call at her facility?

    1. I have a feeling it might be that too. They don't have a nurse on call, but they do supply the residents with the call alert button for emergencies, included in their rent. (like the life alert thing) I will probably have to end up hiring someone to check on her daily and make sure her meds are taken, but first I want to see if I can help her manage now that I'm close by.

  6. I do hope it gets easier for you. The virus may well be playing on her mind. I ate a tasteless grape the other day ( loss of taste we’re told being a symptom ) and had a moment of fear! Then realised they were just tasteless grapes!

    1. I had some grapes with very little taste the last time I bought some too. I didn't know loss of taste is a sign of memory problems.

  7. It’s a Coronavirus symptom we’ve been told to look out for. They started adding it to other symptoms last week here in the UK. x

    1. oh right, I thought you were referring to it being a symptom of memory loss, LOL.

  8. Don’t worry - we’re being told about so many different symptoms I’m beginning to get quite confused myself! x
