Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Confusion abounds

My doctors office doesn't seem to know what each other is doing. I was due for my annual checkup a couple weeks ago and of course I was out of refills on the 2 prescriptions I take. I requested a refill (you know...until they are seeing patients again....) and I got a 30 day supply. And of course now I'm almost out again and want to make sure I get my refills (mail order) before they run out again. My doctors office website says they are only doing virtual visits right now. Well, seems dumb to me to do a wellness visit virtually. Just give me an extension on my meds until I can get in for a visit. Shouldn't be that difficult. I've been on these 2 meds for years. It's not like much is going to change over the next month or two. I put in a refill request online with a note saying "refill until I can get in for my annual wellness exam". I get a message back from a nurse saying it's been a year, you need to call the office for an appointment. Really?!

So, I call and the receptionist tells me they aren't doing office wellness visits right now, they are just doing a 90 day courtesy refill. I said well, that seem logical to me, but I requested refill last month and only got 30 days and I just got a message from a nurse saying I needed to come in if I wanted a refill. So, she puts an email into the nurse and then they call me back. The doctor wants me to come into the office for my wellness exam. Fine. Geez. So, now I have an appointment for next Tuesday morning.

and obviously I'll need a face mask. That one I used that DH had was not good. Didn't fit well and the little thin metal strip that bends over the nose was hanging on by a thread. I tried making one out of an old sock, that I saw a video for. It's too narrow and won't stretch wide enough to fit around my ears. I grabbed an old sock of DH's but I think it will probably have same issue. They just aren't wide enough. I even tried stretching it out. Unless I'm just doing it wrong, but I watched the video very closely.

So, then I tried making a new sew one out of an old t-shirt. It's better, though the straps are kinda stretchy from the shirt material. But, better than nothing and better than that paper mask from DH's stuff. I'm tempted to try making one out of an old pillow case. I do have a sewing machine. haha. Maybe if I just sew the strips on the t-shirt one it would be better.

DH has completely over done it, and as always, has no "off switch" to pace himself. He just goes until his batteries run out and now has to wait for them to recharge.


  1. I would think the doctor's office would have masks.

    1. well, you'd think they'd have some disposable ones to offer, but who knows. The eye doctor specialist office did not have any.

  2. From what you wrote about your doctor's office, if I didn't know better, I would swear we went to the same clinic.

    1. I'm sure there are a lot of dr's offices not sure what to do right now.

  3. Usually it's ok to just use a scarf or bandana of some sort to cover your mouth and nose.

    1. I think the only scarves I have are winter type. I used to have some pretty dressy type scarves...years ago when they were popular to wear. I'm not even sure I have them anymore!

  4. Hubby's prescription situation is about the same. Fortunately his doctor's nurse said to come in and she would just give me a couple bottles of his meds because the online pharmacy is being a pain and even with the doctor talking to them, they would not fix the fact that they sent a 30 day refill instead of a 90 day refill. Good luck with the mask making, I think just about any fabric will work but I've heard it's virtually impossible to find elastic these days.

    1. that's strange your pharmacy isn't cooperating, but good that the dr was able to help get you the meds. The t-shirt mask I made uses strips from the t-shirt as the elastic and are fairly stretchy. Works in a pinch, I'd say.
