Thursday, May 7, 2020

Little bits of normal

Well, after several weeks, the mason guy finally showed up this morning just before 9:30. My eye dr (the specialist one) just sent out a text that they are now completely open for all regular and routine appointments. My doctors office (the one who was so confused a few days ago) sent out an email that they are now also doing office visits, as well as virtual. And I actually found the toilet paper we like/use online to order from Walmart. These are all good signs life is heading back towards the normalcy range.

DD got her new kitchen sink and they started installing it last night, but of course it wasn't as easy as they thought, haha. Her DH ended up taking today off, so he could finish it this morning. She put her old sink on marketplace and sold it right away for $40. Then they realized the garbage disposal they bought was too big for under their sink, so they had to return for a different one. The one they ended up getting was $100 cheaper than the first one, so huge savings there.

DH drives me nuts with his "ideas". Compared to most people we hardly drive our car anymore (especially in winter months). We usually seem to end up having to go to the city for something on average 3 times a month. We end up driving the 10 miles to our little town on average once a week. Most of the trips are "his" trips, not mine. Our car is getting older - 10 years and 130,000 miles. He'll say stuff like "we need to stop driving this car so much" or "we need to cut down our trips and save this car". Stuff like that. So, of course I need to drive it 400 miles to go over to move my mom in 2 weeks. I say to him if you want I can just rent a car and my mom can reimburse me, as part of her moving costs. He says "oh, it's fine to drive over there". I kind of just stood there not saying anything, looking confused and say well you said not to drive it much....."Oh, it's ok to take over there to get your mom. I just mean we need to cut down our trips". ok, LOL. Like I said - we hardly drive anywhere. Not sure how we can cut down much from hardly anything to begin with, LOL. Sometimes we go more than a week without it even leaving the garage. And then he wonders why I don't listen to or pay attention to half the crap he says because he doesn't end up really meaning half of what he said.

We apparently have "squatters" out on some land across from us. Not sure if they are on state land or on some private property belonging to a guy who's house is about a mile farther down. There are like 3 vehicles and a camper trailer and they came in back on a dirt road across from us and came in at like midnight Sunday night and keep doing this about 11pm every night. He just called the guy who lives down a mile and part of his property butts up to this area. He is out of town right now, but apparently just also made aware of it and says they are squatters, but on the state land part. He said they keep getting booted out of places in the area and moving around. Our other neighbor said he is going to let the sheriff know (he's working p/t at the sheriff's office now I guess). Apparently they are just moving around and leaving messes. I saw them last week, when I was on my way back from my eye dr appt., on the other side of our 7 lot subdivision is 20 acres of state land and they were camped down at the end of it. Granted, I guess they can stay like up to 14 days or something in a 30 day period, but folks around here aren't going to like it much and will most likely be pushing them to move along, which apparently has already been happening.

I did just get an email back from that part guy on the porch light that they are shipping out the mounting hardware/screws. Mason guy wasn't here too long. Put on the cement type stuff but I guess he has to let it set until tomorrow, so that's all he gets done today. Did I mention we are getting our driveway paved? That's what DH is using his inheritance money for. It was in our original budget for the house build to have it paved, but of course our contractor blew our budget and then some, so paving was taken out. They are supposed to come today or tomorrow to drop off their equipment is the message we got today. I have no idea how long it will take them. They will have some prep work and new "base' gravel to bring in, so it may take quite a few days. This will make it much easier for DH to plow our big driveway in the snow and get rid of the mud from it during the spring months. I don't think either situation are quite as bad as DH makes them out to be, but he always over dramatizes everything. Well, better he spend his money on that and improving our place, than buying a stupid hot rod he doesn't need!


  1. It's one thing to have squatters but it's totally another thing when they leave a mess behind them isn't it. We get gypsies who come twice a year just down the road but they leave the place spotless, so I guess that's why the farmer allows them to use his land. Others aren't so respectful.

    1. yes, it's one thing for people to come out and camp on the state lands, but campers are usually very respectful of their surroundings and leave their campsite clean. You'd think if you wanted to live like these people are, they'd clean up after their messes so that they aren't making people mad.

  2. Tommy is always saying things that I believe, then he says it is okay. So, I get it. Maybe you can sell the gravel to people who are willing to load it up in their pickup.

    1. I think they are just going to cover up what gravel is there now. It's not very good gravel - not good for a base under asphalt
