Thursday, May 28, 2020

Thursday this and that

I got the dogs prescribed medication picked up later yesterday morning, so I gave them the first dose (2x/day). When I got the previous prescription for the one dog, for 5 days, it was $20, so I figured the vet was doubling it to 10 days (he said he was having them take longer period) and now 2 dogs, so would cost $80. He's having them take for 14 days and it was $40 total, so apparently whether it's 5 pills or 28 pills, one bottle costs $20. Seems strange.

The paving crew worked another half day yesterday (doing prep work) and said they will pave on Friday now. Why not just get the prep done in one day? It's not like they left and went to another job after working 3 hours the first day. They left all their rakes, shovels, and equipment here.

One of the things we bought at Home Depot over the weekend (while we had DD's pickup) was another of the big metal shelving units. DH put it on the back wall of his new shed. He also put a bunch of hook things on the walls to having shovels and rakes, etc. We also gave DD/DSIL our floor/window vented a/c unit we had used at our house in town. We don't need it anymore and they can really use it in their 2 story house to help keep it cool during the hot summer days. DH also gave her a tote bin with a bunch of moving blankets it it. We still have lots of both left and he doesn't need to keep that many and I'm sure they can use for something off and on. Getting more stuff out of the shop and garage, little by little.

On my way in to see my mom yesterday afternoon, I stopped in the nearby Petsmart. I had ordered online, for curbside pick up, so that was handy and quick. The dogs need to be on FortiFlora for 30 days and that seemed to be the quickest way to get some, rather than waiting 8 days for Amazon or probably 4-5 days or more for an online pet store to ship. Hopefully this extended period of medications is going to fix these dogs problem. DH is also tired of trying to pick up soft or runny poop from the yard. He usually goes out every day to scoop poop. I'm sure some days it's nice when they go over on the vacant lot next to us (it's just wild overgrowth grassy and vegetation) and there's no poop to scoop, but that is also probably where they are eating deer poop, so we are trying to keep them in our yard.....HEY FENCE GUY-WHERE ARE YA?!! (he was supposed to come Tuesday....)

Older dog made it all night sleeping on the bed with us, without needing to go outside, so I think he's starting to at least have the diarrhea part go away. Last evening as I was out watering plants I saw a really normal poop in the lawn. I'm sure it was the other dog, but that's a big improvement over what he's been doing, too.

The weather here has turned nice and pleasantly warm. We ate dinner out on the front patio last night. There is a Mc'D's just outside of the city on the way home. I decided to give a try to getting some and seeing how it holds up in a hot/cold insulated bag for the remaining 30 minute drive. The burgers and chicken nuggets were fine. The fries were too cold and soggy. But, better than getting home at 6:30 and having to make dinner.

I need to get back into doing MTurks. I have not done any in over a week, with all the mom move stuff. I did just get a nice $2.30 bonus from one of the surveys I did.

Of course, I checked my mom's pill box when I got there. She had it sitting on her little dining table. She had taken all her morning pills, but had missed Tues evening (cholesterol) pill. Not bad, considering she is still trying to adjust to all the new surrounding and new things to remember. I left these 2 sticky notes. One on her computer screen and one on her door.

I did decide to add dates to the notes, so she'd have an idea of the "when". We'll see if that helps. I think next time I'm going to write some notes to stick on each pill bottle that says "take from pill box". I really think that will do the trick. She had one pill bottle that last summer or so her dr had told her to stop taking (one of her anxiety meds) and she had written on the bottle "do not take" and so every time she'd pick it up (because all the bottle look the same) she'd see that and then put it back in her cupboard. While we were unpacking, she saw that note on it again, so I just took the bottle home with me and discarded, so she doesn't have to keep coming across it.

Progress, I think :)


  1. Hi, you can check with her doc, but some cholesterol pills no longer need to be taken at night. Years ago at the hospital I worked at, they started giving patients cholesterol meds at 9am, with their daily meds. One less thing for your mom to remember.

    1. that's a great idea. I will be getting her in to see a dr here in the next couple of months, so will definitely ask about that. It would be so much easier if she could take them all at one time. She has one pill (omeprazole) she has to take firs thing in the am, 1/2 hour before eating. She seems pretty good to remember to take that. I have tried and tried to convince her to just take all her am pills right then, and be done with it, but she has it in her mind she's always taken the am pills separate from that one. Ugh. LOL

  2. You’re doing tremendously well. It’ll get easier as the days and weeks go by and the best thing is she’s near you now and little problems can be ironed out as soon as they crop up. I know how tiring moving an elderly parent can be - just when you think you’ve got it covered they throw you a new request! Good luck xx

    1. thank you! I too think the hardest part is past and we'll be able to figure out the other issues much easier now that she is close by.

  3. If you want pictures of normal dog poop I can send you some. I have to shit shovel every day from my back yard and as you know, I don't even have a dog!!! Still, it's a small price to pay for good neighbourly relations (and I do like the dogs - just wished they'd crap in their own gardens)!

  4. I agree with keeping the omeprazole separate from the other am pills. I was told to do that. Then, the next doctor said to take it all. If I take another pill with it, the pill I took causes reflux. Plus, the idea in taking it alone is so that it can take effect. I would rather die that take anything with the omeprazole. And, the pain is so bad, I do think I am going to die!

    All the bottles looking the same is a problem with picking them up and putting them back. So, I take a marker and put a large capital letter on lid of each and front and back. It helps tremendously, even with filling my weekly pill minder.

    My cholesterol pill could be taken any time of the day, with or without food, as long as it was at the same time. Well, good luck for that. I never got it right. lol

    1. that's probably a good reason to take the omeprazole separate from her other morning pills.
