Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Strange times indeed

Well, life might get even more strange. My company is thinking of furloughing every employee one day a week for the next 8 weeks. Knowing we are facing income shortage in the coming months, because while income from previous months jobs is still coming in as normal right now, the income that will be coming in a couple of months for these past couple of months orders are going to be way down. Doing this furlough for one day per week will save the company about $150k over the next 8 weeks, while at the same time the employees would actually be making more money than they would working! Craziness. Apparently the $600/week extra federal unemployment is $600 a week, even if you aren't working for one day. So, like in my case, between regular state unemployment for the 1 day a week, plus the $600. It sounds like it would work out to about an extra $400 a week. Who couldn't use that?! Still just all seems strange and a bit surreal.They haven't decided yet, but my boss called me yesterday morning to tell me, see how I felt about it (as an employee) and also discuss how it might impact doing payroll/extra work in regards to that.

I said as an employee it first hits me as a bit scary news. Like what else is coming? When she first told me the plan, she didn't say for how long. I said I would feel better knowing how long you think this will be needed? She said through 7/25, when the extra federal $600/week ends. She said if it wasn't also a benefit to the employee they wouldn't be thinking of doing it, but with the savings in salaries over the next 2 months, it would help to offset some of the reduction in income the company will be facing. I told her that presented to the employees as what is good for the company is good for the employees, bottom line. The extra income in unemployment is a benefit to the employees, as well as a day off each week. It will be interesting to see what they decide to do. The more I thought it over the more I realized if it's going to get worse, it's going to get worse no matter what, so might as well take advantage of the extra income right now, if possible, I guess.

As I expected, this is going to be rough week with my mom and her memory/confusion. As moving day (Friday) approaches she's getting more and more overwhelmed and then can't remember stuff. My uncle was talking to her about lunch time yesterday and said she was all confused on which day she was moving, thought maybe it was Saturday. So, I called her and she said she was confused a bit on which days, so I told her I'll be over there on Thursday, but we are moving you out on Friday morning. Then she said my uncle mentioned Saturday, so that's where she got confused, LOL. I'm sure he didn't. He knows what day it's happening, as he is coming to help Friday morning. She did write the info down, so maybe that will help (but not usually). I'm sure all this week and next week is going to be tough with her memory, until she gets relaxed and settled in her new place. She's just trying to figure out every little detail, so she's overwhelming herself. But, the more I try to fill her in on all the little details and answers, the more overwhelmed she still gets, so can't remember most of what I told her anyway. It's kind of a catch-22. It's like you'd think explaining things to her and how it's all being taken care of would put her mind at ease, but with so much on her mind, she literally forgets 10 minutes later that you just told her. And if she writes it down on one of her many little slips of paper, of course it's buried/lost shortly and she forgot she even wrote it all down.


  1. Glad things are going ok for your company. I feel like the rest of 2020 is going to be a little iffy but I try to just take one day at a time and not get too anxious. Good luck with your mom's move.

    1. hopefully things will stay ok with the company.

  2. It'll be a good thing when you finally get your mom moved nearer to you. How much nearer is it going to be?

    1. Currently she is 450 miles from me, after the move she will be 50 miles (about a 40 minute drive) from me

    2. Oh that's great! It will be so much better for all of you.

  3. The initial reaction to a furlough day is worry about the loss of income. I hadn't realized that one could still get unemployment benefits even if it was for only one day a week! During the 2008 recession, I had to take a furlough day, every pay period and I remember reworking my budget to accommodate that pay cut!

    Getting ready for the move seems to be stressing out your Mom. Hopefully, once you arrive to help her, she will be less overwhelmed. Good luck with the move!

    1. I'm guessing during this pandemic the unemployment benefits have changed a bit. I was surprised to learn that the $600 fed benefit is paid in full, even if one day not worked during the week. I would have though it be prorated out per day. No wonder so many people are saying they are making more than working. I knew the move would be stressful for my mom, but we'll just have to get through it.

  4. I would certainly check things out regarding unemployment. In my state yes if you're working even part time and lose your job the unemployment is added by 600.00 per week but as long as you're working 32 hours a week I was told unemployment was not avaiable. (Also my daughter a nurse has her hospital working on cutting hours just to the 32 per week so no unemployment. (I was checking because I work a second very part time job to supplement my income and that was eliminated but in Minnesota the unemployment guidelines stated the above).

  5. Also you then will have the opposite of me, having to report your second jobs income. It is very confusing!!!

  6. Wow....proof that regarding your earnings, the world is turned on its side...one makes more money not working. C.R.A.Z.Y.

    1. Oooh, please don't read that as me thinking that is a BAD thing.... anywhoooo....we made an offer they couldn't accept on an ocean view lot, just 10 months out of our final inspection here. Well, guess what? They accepted. And now, we build.

  7. Well just as you mention it does appear that we employees are not going to be eligible for any unemployment benefits working 32 hours as we all make too much.

  8. Unemployment in Montana is a mess. And my oldest dd works for MT Department of Labor-I hear her stories. My other dd was furloughed for 2 weeks about 6 weeks ago and has yet to receive any money. And so far her sister has been unable to help her. She just told her tonite that if/when she’s laid off again then she will break the rules and call someone and try to get her paid. A friend of mine was off 6 weeks, but dd was able to finally get her claim Looked at by someone and got it processed and she got all her back pay-after she went back to work lol. I have another friend that has not gotten any money. He’s self employed-those are the worst.

    1. ugh. The company I work for isn't in MT, so I'm not sure if it's the same issues there or not, too.

  9. Guess it's better to be furloughed then not having a job at all, that's for sure. Will you actually be able to apply for unemployment since you have a second job?

    1. That's a good question, too, since it's self employed income. I have no idea and I think it's all going to end up a moot point. My boss was given wrong info that we would all be eligible for unemployment by not working one day a week.

  10. Is there any way you can make sort of a bulletin board for her on the computer so she can go check it for a short note on a calendar or just a list? You could put it in all caps if it would help her with just one word reminders or notes. One click and the whole thing would be open for her. BUT, not for her to make notes and confound the whole thing.

    1. maybe. I might try something like an actual board on her wall? She turns her computer off after she's done looking at her emails, her banking, or playing solitaire. I think there might be some days she doesn't even turn it on at all and then will think about it.
