Friday, May 15, 2020

Weather, working and what not

Yesterday was fairly sunny and nice weather wise. Today is pouring rain. The mason guy came yesterday, instead of Saturday, and finished all up. Took him about half the day.

I went into town and picked up the medication for the other dog - who's having the soft stools/sometimes diarrhea. 5 days of 2x a day. Some kind of antibiotic that works on the diarrhea. Let's hope. The other dog didn't have any of his "accidents" yesterday, of course once I called the vet about it, he stops doing it. A week post op and his incision is healing very nicely. I stopped giving him the pain pills. He doesn't seem to be in any pain and might as well keep those pills on hand. And who knows maybe being on those pills was causing his little accidents. The vet says no, so maybe it's just coincidence that I stopped giving them to him and he stopped having the accidents. I actually gave one to the other dog the other day. He's out of shape now and the first day dh mowed the lawn on the tractor, he of course wanted to do what he had always done for years...follow dh around while dh has the chuckit and throws the ball for him as he's riding around. He over did it, and especially because he seemed to want to play the most on the hill up and down. His right front leg was pretty sore for several days and was almost better and then when mason guy brought his dog last week, they played and roughhoused all day and he strained his leg again. I'm sure it didn't feel good to him, so I figured since I wasn't using all the pills up for the other dog, I'd give him one after dinner a few days ago, when he was still limping a bit.

I had a really good MTurk day yesterday with almost $24 earned. Today is payday. Bills have now been paid online and money budgeted.

I am loving my chickens. "Queenie" is quite brave and always wants to come over to me when I go in the coop. Last evening she even let me pet her a bit. She'd run off but then come right back. I had given them a little bit of lettuce. She was taking it out of my hand, but then the others would steal it from her, LOL. I haven't decided completely, but I'm thinking other names will be Gladys, Penny, and Agnes. We have this old wooden ladder that is too old to stand on anymore. Mostly would be good for a yard decoration and put plants on it. DH put it in the coop and the chickens seem to like sitting on the bottom step of it or underneath it. He's also going to go down to the river bank, once the weather clears up and the river goes down some and find a piece of driftwood log to put in their coop to hang for them to sit on. But, right now the river is still a bit too high with spring run off.

We had 3 deer visit our backyard last night  about 9pm. Always a neat sight. (until they are eating your plants and shrubs you don't want them to eat!). We haven't planted anything yet, though.

Boy mail and delivery is slow. My mail order prescription took like 7 days. On the 5th I mailed out a check for my side job company for an employee expense reimbursement. As of Wed he still hadn't received it, 8 days later. He emailed me at the end of the work day yesterday he still hadn't rec'd it, so I told him I'll stop payment and put a replacement check in the mail in the morning. Then I got an email from him last evening that it showed up in his mail. My boss said she mailed one of our rent checks from the office and it took like 8 days. An Amazon Prime order I just placed has a week delivery time. So much for paying for the "Prime" 2 day shipping annual fee, eh?

I think our plan tomorrow, since it's supposed to be the only decent weather day again for many days, is to drive out to this nursery plant place in small town about 30-40 minutes away. My friend with the chickens had just gone there to get all her flowers and plants and said they also had trees. And a neat gift shop next door. I told her we were going to try to go Saturday, so she asked me to pick her up 3 lavender plants, if I could.

Well, back to work. I am not feeling it today. I miss my half day (every other) Fridays.


  1. Chickens love things to sit on. I put a broken ladder in for my chickens. I also put a broken plastic chair in for them. I always wanted a swing for them. Sometimes, Tommy and I would just sit in the yard and watch the chickens. They were so much fun. I miss them.

  2. I'm glad you are enjoying your chickens. Nice job on the MTrurks.

    1. some days I just am not feeling like doing MTurks, so I'm happy when I can do 3 days worth goal in one :)

  3. Personal checks have never been a thing in my country. Businesses used checks from time to time but mostly they were hand delivered and never mailed because of the strict regulations about lost checks. Nowadays use of checks by businesses are very low. We extensively use electronic funds transfer via internet. I know some people may not feel them safe but the banks have put in policies and provide guarantees as long as you follow the procedures. Never had a problem during the past 20 years. I liked using checks way back when I lived in the US because it was so easy. Now I do everything electronically.

    1. We try to do as much electronically as possible, but checks are still done quite a bit. We still have a lot of mfg that pay us that way, though with this recent stay home situation several have now started using EFT to pay us our commissions, so that is helpful. On my side job, they are almost all checks recieived - the owners wife won't sign up for EFT payments, as she for some reason likes to make trips to the bank, LOL. I rarely write a personal check anymore.

  4. Oh those deer are beautiful. And considering how rural it is here I'm just amazed that in 30 years I've only seen one deer near my home!

    1. It seems like right in town they see more deer then we do! Our old neighbor across street said they have been jumping her fence and coming in her yard, LOL.
