Monday, May 4, 2020

Money in money out

oh, the weekend went too fast. Yesterday I did mostly cleaning. DH is still working on the coop/shed. It's coming along, but slow when it's just him. It takes time to figure out all the pieces, cut measure, install, paint or stain, etc. He started on the coop part, which is a project in and of itself. He's getting tired. I'll never understand why he can't figure out how to pace himself and give himself some rest time. Seems to me to maybe spend 2 days working a half day would be better than doing a 10 hour day and then being so worn out that he can barely move the next day and can't do much of anything.

The vet had emailed me a copy of the invoice for the dog visit. $81 of it was the medications he gave me for their diarrhea. So, if they hadn't needed meds it would have been about $100 for each dog, which I do not think is bad at all. I think when I took our black dog in for his last checkup (tried a different vet in the city then I had when we first moved to the area, that was a little closer drive) it was like $130 (with some shots).

And speaking of dogs, sad news. Our neighbors are putting down their oldest dog today. She's my sweet "girlfriend", who would always come over and visit and just hang out with us. She's almost 14 now. She doesn't walk too well anymore and very incontinent now, so they can't have her free in the house, like they always have, just been keeping her and her dog bed in the laundry room, which they feel so sad about. So, they decided it's time. She was outside with neighbor yesterday, when she was telling us, so I got to give her pets and hugs and she gave me a kiss on my nose. I will miss her, sweet dog. It will be interesting to see if they end up getting another dog down the road soon.....seems like the Mrs. needs lots of dogs around. When we first met them, they had 3, then one died of cancer so they got another one right away and back to 3....then added the 4th one last year.  I think that's ok, if they were retired and home most of the time, but they are gone most of the time and then wonder why their dogs don't listen or behave or bark.

I started a new book that I'm really enjoying. The Giver of Stars, by JoJo Moyes.

I'm due for my annual physical checkup but my dr office is only doing virtual visits. I really don't see  a need right now for a virtual visit for it. I'm not having any issues and my 2 prescriptions I have been on for years, so I don't think giving me another 2-3 months of them, until I can go in for an office visit, is really too big of deal. I had asked for a refill a few weeks ago and she only did it for one month (rolling eyes) so this morning I requested refill again. Last night I realized I'd better get this done, or I might run out before refill can get mailed out to me.

I came across an article in my news feed that was titled something like are we going to get another stimulus payment in May? I'm like, I haven't even got the first one! LOL. I have been checking my status everyday still. Now that they have my direct deposit info, I've been logging in daily to see if there is an update on when I should get it. This morning finally showed an answer - should be Wednesday! The first thing is $475 of it will be paid to my Lowe's card, where I charged the new freezer to a couple of weeks ago. I put it on my card so I could save the extra 5% and was hoping I'd get the stimulus money before my payment would be due on 5/22. I plan to use some of it to stock up on food and probably do a meat order, at least for ground beef. And then $500 approx for our dogs little surgery to remove his growth coming up on Friday.

I tried the new steaks last night for dinner. Delicious - but huge steaks! I think we might just share one next time. We are used to the thin cut steaks, so not so much to eat. I've never been good at cooking steaks (via any method) but over the past couple of years got the time length down pretty pat on the thin cut. But, I actually managed to do these new steaks perfect. Just too much to eat!

My mom had a birthday (79) on Saturday. Do you think SB or any of the other step kids called her? Of course not. And it's not like they don't know when her birthday to mention their dad (my adopted step dad) passed away on her birthday (10 years ago), so kind of hard to forget either one, now. Ok, I take it back. I just looked at her cell phone call log and my youngest SB (not the one who had POA) did call her, or his daughters did, so that was nice of him.

My mouse is driving me nuts. It's like it's double clicking when I'm not. Seems mostly to be doing it when I am remotely logged into my work desktop.  Like I'll click on a vendor in Quickbooks and instead of just taking me to it's info, it opens up the vendor like I double clicked it. Or in my Outlook email I have the reading pane open below the emails. I'll click on a new email, which should just display it down below in the reading pane, but it opens the whole email up in a new window.


  1. Kids finished our coop, and the chickens spent their first night in there. I was a bit worried, because it was 39 degrees last night, but DD was out several times to check on them. They didn't make an apron, they decided to put some paving stones around the outside--looks pretty. Next up is a fence, but this run is large enough, technically, for the number she has to be considered free range, so the fence can wait.

    1. supposedly they can take pretty cold temps. I know my dh will be a worry wort about them being cold, too, haha.

  2. Your vet bill sounds reasonable to me. It's good to get the cyst removed now. It would just continue to grow.
    I've got the 'Giver of the Stars' on my list. I hope it's a good read.
    That was an awesome care package you received. I would have signed up for it also not knowing what it would be. Why not?!

    1. I thought it was very reasonable and when he said the cyst removal would be like $500 I pretty much expected it would be expensive like that. I figured, hey some freebies, why not sign up?! I would have been happy with whatever they sent, but all the steaks and hamburger was beyond what I ever expected.

  3. How sad for your neighbour having to have her dog put down. It must be heartbreaking, though I can't for the life of me see why they would need to get a 4th dog already if they can't actually take care of the (now) 3 they've got. I don't think it's fair on the dogs.

    1. they take good care of the dogs, but they just aren't home enough for them. After having a dog (years ago) where we were gone all day compared to now having dogs who we are with all the time, I can see a total difference in how they act. Neighbors dogs don't really get to spend much time with their humans :(

  4. 39F is not cold at all for chickens. The draft or too tight house will kill them. It is amazing how SB was so concerned and now not. Actions are telling. Too bad about the sweet dog.

    1. I really think SB was getting all his "info" and "opinions" from mom's BF. Otherwise I would have been involved in them letting me know they had decided to assign him all the responsibility. But, the fact that they didn't and were sneaky about it, tells me all I need to know.

  5. If it’s -20 or colder we put a heat lamp in our coop. We didn’t used to with their old one because it was smaller and their body heat kept them warm enough. The first winter I had chickens I went out after dark with a flashlight and put Vaseline on their combs. I got over that pretty fast lol. Chickens don’t mind the cold, but they don’t like snow much.

  6. Your SB who had the POA is kind of a creep. Imagine sticking your nose into something like your mom's business, but not remember her birthday. Well, you can imagine it!

    1. of any of my step sibs I really thought he would be the one that would remember to call her (or more his wife). Like my mom said before, he should be glad to be relieved of the responsibility of taking care of her money, health and living situation for the next however many years.
