Saturday, May 30, 2020

Water everywhere

The sprinkler system guy worked a couple of hours and got it all working and set up/adjusted so they are all spraying in right directions, right amount of flow, etc. They are all set up on the timer now to go automatically early morning, every other day for now. He did not finish the drip heads in our front area where shrubs are, as well as some work DH had added when they originally put it all in and said they'd do it when they came back in the spring to get it all working. DH told him I need to know WHEN, so I can make a decision if that is ok. If you are too busy and can't do it, then that's fine, just tell me. We'd rather him say sorry, can't do it for 2 months then just keep telling us he's coming. He said it will be done within 2 weeks. We'll see.

It's going to be a hot one today at 91. I'm going to go visit my mom tomorrow. I got an email with the tracking on her internet equipment and it's supposed to deliver today. Maybe the maint. guy will be able to hook it up for her today. I also need to remember when I'm there tomorrow to have her write her rent check for June. Then I think I'll wait until next Saturday to go see her again--------that is her get out of jail day! LOL. I might take a day off work the following week, and see if we can go get her new ID card and bank account.

The dogs seem to be doing better, though we have yet to find the older dogs poops the past couple of days to actually see how they are. The other dog seems good now. Hopefully the continued medicine/treatment for the next few weeks will work.

While in the city tomorrow, I'm going to pick up more milk and bananas and a few things we're out of. That is the one handy thing about visiting her often, I can go to the store more often, LOL. There are still limits for the grocery pick up items, but now it doesn't seem a problem go get a time slot.

Today I need to do housecleaning. I didn't really get any done last weekend, of course. I need to figure out where to plant the 3 small lavender plants I bought a couple weeks ago. Not sure if I should put them in the ground or in a pot. I've never had lavender before. What's your suggestion?


  1. I wonder if he will finish the water, too. I know nothing of lavender.

    1. oh he'll probably finish in August :/
