Saturday, May 23, 2020

Moving Day 2 & 3

That was an even longer, more tiring day. I stayed in a hotel near my mom's place on Thursday night and actually slept really good. This time the hotel was quiet and no noisy neighbors, like when DD and I stayed there last December.

DD and her DH got there right at 8am. We checked in (temperatures, all that jazz) and no uncle yet, so DSIL, helped me get the tv into the big moving box I brought and took apart mom's bed frame. Still waiting for uncle. Then at 8:30 he called lost. He was just a couple of streets away, but still took him until almost 9 to get there. We got it all loaded, with room to spare in the uhaul trailer (some of the stuff went in the bed of their truck/canopy, behind their seats and in the back of my car. It took us about 2 hours and we got on the road.

About 7 1/2 hours later (more stops with mom to use restrooms and we went thru a McDonald's drive thru for lunch) we got to my house (lost an hour in the time change) at 7:40pm. EXHAUSTED! We just had sandwiches. Mom went up to bed about 8:30. I made it until like 9:30. I think DD, DSIL, and DH stayed up chatting awhile longer.

We didn't rush too much this morning. I figured we'd be ready about 9 or 9:30 to leave and it was a little after 9. By the time we all checked in (temperatures, all that jazz) we got busy at 10-ish and were done unloaded in about 2 hours or a little less.

Mom is of course overwhelmed, to say the least, and her memory is super bad. At some points, comments she'd make I'm not sure she even quite knew exactly where she was or where we live, etc. DH was of course coming with this morning to help and she says something like "well, then what's he going to do? fly home?" No, we're only about 40 minutes from your new apartment.....

She is quarantined in her room for maybe 14 days. They said 14 days, but the governor of our state is lifting that on June 1st, so should be 9 days, but when I asked the front desk gal didn't seem to know that. But, they said as her "caregiver" I can come and see her during this time. Otherwise I think I would have just had her do the quarantine for coming from out of state at my house. Mom's having trouble remembering that she has to stay in her apartment these next 2 weeks. But, honestly, it's really not much different then she's been doing for almost 2 months! The only time she ever left her apartment was just to go downstairs and get her mail.

DD, DH, DSIL left and I stayed there about another 2 hours. Just decided she needs some rest and I'll go back tomorrow. At one point in chatting I said, when your quarantine time is over we'll got out and do shopping and show you around town. She says "oh and I'd like to see your house, I don't think I've seen it yet, have I?" (she just stayed there last night). Another time she said something like "well, now I'm moved over here - when are you guys going to get moved over here?" Once I remind her, then she's like oh, right, of course.

She just needs a few days of rest and get into a little routine. It's always really bad when she's overwhelmed. The people met so far all seem so nice and her apartment is nice, her bedroom is bigger than she had before. The only thing is very short on kitchen counter and cabinets/drawers. Same with bathroom. We'll probably need to get a little creative and get her some more storage or shelves. She has a nice view of mountains on the other side of the town.

During this Covid time, of course they are bringing all the residents their meals  to their apartments, and all the meals are included in her rent. She's not quite "liking" that she "has" to take a meal, what if she doesn't feel like eating or fixing a bowl of cereal on her own instead. At her other place they were bringing up meals, but she had to call each meal and let them know if she wanted it. Here, they just bring it. I told her eat what she feels like and don't worry if she can't finish it or doesn't want it once in awhile and told her once this quarantine time is over, meals will be served in the dining room and if she doesn't want to go down, she doesn't have to. She was like oh, ok. that makes sense. (but she's probably forget and mention it again tomorrow)

BUT, the hardest part is OVER! Now, it's just the settling in/adjustment time.


  1. I am glad it all went so well. I guess being tired and so much happening affects her short term memory. Too bad. But, with rest, hopefully, she will get a bit better with her memory. And, I am happy the move went smoothly with no glitches.

    1. It all went as smooth as it could, just lots of work.

  2. Glad to hear that it all went went and she is now moved in. Hope you can get a little rest, yourself, with all that driving, etc.

    1. I'm ready for a rest, haha. I'm hoping some time for that tomorrow, before back to work Tuesday.

  3. Moving is a lot for anyone. I'm sure the confusion can be overwhelming. I hope you all get good rest.

    1. It is a lot to handle, especially at her age and moving such a big distance.

  4. I am so happy that she is living closer to you now. Please hug her tightly and tell her you love her as often as you possibly can.

    1. thank you - I hope your mom is getting better.

  5. Oh my goodness, even the thought of just moving would do my head in so your poor mom has done really well (as have you for getting it all done). But at least it's done now and hopefully you can all get some much needed rest.

    1. I realized I've had to basically do 4 moves in the last 4 years. Our move to this state, then our move into the shop, then moving into the house, then moving my mom. I hope that is the last!

  6. It sounds like everything went smoothly. You have to be exhausted. I can understand your mom being confused etc. That's a lot for her. Once she gets settled, after quarantine, she will settle in. I would think the quarantine could cause some confusion for her especially in a new place.
    I hope you can rest up today.

    1. I was thinking the same thing, the quarantine, masks, etc isn't "normal routine" so is just adding to her confusion.
