Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mom's Day

I barely sat down all day yesterday, I was so busy helping DH stain boards as he was cutting them. I can't believe how many boards, different sizes and lengths this chicken coop has. Just the big door he is making to enter the coop has like 16 boards, each piece needing to be stained on all sides. We got the wire up and secured (more boards on each side of the wiring). Little trim pieces he added around top and bottom of the post beams.
Each side of the wired areas has 7 boards, inside and out, so 28 pieces he measured and cut and I stained. The big door is almost done. He decided to add to more pieces of support to it, so he will cut those today and I will stain. I still have some touch up stain to do as well as stain the inside of that larger door into the nesting area. It's almost done! The light fixtures are supposed to be here Tuesday and I need to pick up some more hardware for the door at Lowes, when I have to go into the city on Tuesday morning.

Our mason guy came again yesterday for about 5 hours, but not quite finished and I guess now he's not going to come back until next Saturday to finish up.

I literally could not move by the time I got to sit down at 7:30 last night. My hips hurt when I have to stand for long periods. My wrist (carpal tunnel) hurt from rolling all the stain on for hours. My feet hurt from spending half if it standing on the concrete inside the garage.

Our neighbor got a brand new pick up truck yesterday. It sounds like they traded in his older car and also an older pickup truck. Kinda glad to see the older truck going, LOL. Only because they parked it outside along the edge of their property and it was kind of an eyesore, only because of the paint job, haha. It has been a business truck of theirs years ago, when they lived in the city and so basically wrapped like a moving billboard, LOL. Every time DH would try to get a nice drone picture of our whole property that truck would be in the picture, haha.

Happy Mother's Day to all you mom's. It's pretty much a bittersweet day for me now, since I don't have my son in my life anymore. Wish we could have had my mom over here already, but 2 more weeks and she will be.


  1. It sounds like your whole body needs to rest and do nothing for a bit. That is a fine looking coop. How many hens will you get?

    1. I'm usually ok after a nights sleep. 3-4 hens is the plan.

  2. Happy Mother's Day (it isn't until the last Sunday in May over here in France). And I still think your son will come around in his own good time.

    1. I actually had a dream about him last night, which doesn't happen too often. I was showing him our new house, but it wasn't this house, LOL.
