Thursday, May 14, 2020

Lots of to do's

I'm trying to take care of a bunch of items on my "to-do" list. I looked to see what prescriptions of my mom's I could renew right now and got that done, so they'd deliver before she moves and still be under her current insurance/doctor plan. She should be good now for a bit, giving me time to find her a new doctor after the move. I asked my dr (a PA) if their office sees elderly/geriatric and she said yes. They have a new Dr. on staff who she said would be good, if my mom prefers a dr. to a PA. So, we'll probably give them a try. I've been happy with this office the 3 years I've been going there. They are also part of the larger local hospital network.

I reserved my hotel room for next Thursday. I'm sure during this time, there's probably no shortage of rooms, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. Originally, I was going to stay in the "guest apartment" her place had made available to rent to overnight guests, but because of the virus situation, they aren't offering it right now.

My mom's latest concern seems to be with her current cable/internet and if she needs to cancel. I'm like 99% positive it's paid for through her rent/by the apartment place. The bill I looked at when I visited her several months ago was like a billing statement but showed zero balance owed. She has never had anything charged to her credit card or checking account since she's lived there. But, she's not sure and keeps asking me. I keep telling her when I get there next Thursday we'll check into it with the manager and we can cancel then, if need be. I'm sure since it's covered under their account, they will take care of canceling it when she moves out.

And I need to get her new cable/internet scheduled to hook up. At her new place she does have to pay for it. That is on my today to do's.  And I need to get her signed up with a new medicare advantage plan to start 6/1.

DH is taking a little break on projects, but he did go into the town lumber store and get some new saw blades, as he's worn his out with all the shed/coop building. He also picked up a spring loaded hinge thing for the chicken coop door, so that when I go inside it stays shut and the chickens can't accidentally get out. I am not a good chicken catcher! LOL.

Our neighbors are re-doing their area of grass in between our properties. Theirs has always been just kind of natural grass, not nice lawn like in front of their house. But, after we put in the sod along our side they want theirs to match (as it all kind of blends in together) so they sprayed something to kill the old grass and are now getting some topsoil put down. They had a couple of young teenage guys come yesterday and they did quite a bit of it.

I've been hit and miss with my days on doing MTurk work. Some days I just don't feel like it, though the days I make an attempt I seem to have no problem earning my $8/day goal.

My dogs incision area on his back seems to be healing nicely, though he's been having this odd new "problem" with pooping just a tiny bit in the house. I don't know if it started when he had his surgery or just before, I can't remember. But we'll find this little drop of poop on the floor every so often. The most common place (off and on the last several days) has been on DH's side of the bed - we are guessing it's when he jumps down to get up in the morning he squirts it out?! TMI, I know, but it's such a strange thing he's never done before. It wasn't there when DH went to bed or when DH got up a couple times during the night to use the bathroom, but dog usually jumps off the bed on his side when he gets up in the morning. I'm not sure why this is happening. I'm hoping maybe it's just something to do with the surgery or the pain meds I've been having to give him? He gave me like 10 days of the pain med, to give him 2x a day. I'm not sure he really even needs any now. He seems fine and doesn't seem to have any discomfort and it's been 6 days since surgery.

I got the names of the chicken breeds I have. Rhode Island Red, Cinnamon Queen, Plymouth Barred Rock, and Delaware. The Cinnamon likes to come up close to me and is very chatty with me. Of course I will have to name them, LOL. I think Cinnamon will be "Queenie". The Delaware will be Gladys (it's an old joke between us and the friend that gave me the chickens). Still thinking on the other 2 names. For some reason, to me is seems like hens should have old fashioned ladies names.


  1. One of the things that keep me sane these days is reading my favorite blogs. I do not comment as much as I used to but today your post made me smile. I started thinking od fashioned ladies names like: Hepzibah, Georgiana (Mr. Darcy's sister), Esme, Selma (it is also a Turkish name) and may be Trudy... Have fun with your new pets. Are they already laying eggs?

    1. I like our blog community as well! We have our regular readers, and commenters, and then new folks join the fun!

    2. T'Pol and SAM, thank you! They aren't laying eggs yet. My friend is guessing later summer. I was thinking Henrietta for one name. Trudy is a cute name :)

    3. I like Henrietta! Just like Hetty Lang of CSI: Los Angeles, one of my favorite shows.

  2. Gertrude, Clarissa, just throwing ideas out there!

    1. Gertrude is cute. I like Agnes and Ethel, LOL

  3. Thelma and Louise. Tommy would leave the chain link door just pulled to and chickens got out every time! They took advantage of every crack they could find. The door spring is a wonderful

    1. The barn cats we had at our old house were named Thelma and Louise :)

    2. I guess there are lots of pairs with that

  4. Well if you have an Ethel you have to have a Lucy....same with Laverne, you need a Shirley. lol

    1. I was thinking Ethel and Lucy, too! The Red one for Lucy, of course, haha.

    2. I think Ethel and Lucy would be wonderful names!

  5. Harriet & Hazel. lol
    Question: what is the difference with a medicare "advantage" plan?

    1. Medicare Advantage Plans are a type of Medicare health plan offered by a private company that contracts with Medicare to provide all the Part A and Part B benefits. Basically a replacement option to original medicare

  6. Thank you, I would think it would be more expensive. Is the coverage the same?
    I find the whole Medicare confusing.
