Monday, June 1, 2020

Sunday stuff

The paving lady called this morning and now says it won't be until Thursday when the driveway is paved. ...and just as DH figured, neighbors got home Saturday from their week vacation and the first thing neighbor said he thought was "oh it's all still sitting here, I'm going to make them re-seal my driveway for parking rent!". Then he said "well, my very first thought was you guys must be so mad it's still not done, haha".

After I got home yesterday from visiting my mom, I spent the afternoon staining the two big planter boxes DH made. Again, we used up extra lumber pieces and leftover stain. I did buy a gallon of roofing sealant stuff, as a friend recommended to paint the inside of the box with it and it will last longer. We are going to put these on our back patio

They are nothing fancy, but look rustic. I had googled "planter boxes" just to give DH an idea of what I am looking for. $849?? for a planter box?

Sorry, Pottery Barn - you are nuts.

When I went to bed last night, I was like wow - the weekend just zipped by. I don't like weekends like that at all. When my mom gets all settled in and (hopefully) can get active with things in her apartment community, I don't think I will visit every weekend. At least every other weekend, with maybe a late afternoon weekday visit here and there. I figure 2-3 visits a month compared to 2-3 visits a year is a huge improvement. I just hope she will get active, once life can get back to normal activities. I do see that our town's annual car show weekend coming up is still on, so that's good news. I'm sure car entries and spectators will be down in attendance. The first summer we lived here, they had 150 cars entered. I think last year it was like under 100.


  1. I have an ancient planter box that is only about 2 feet long, but, I hated to plant in it because it would rot. Now, I know how to preserve the inside.

    1. seems like a good idea to seal inside with that stuff. I used to have some old wood window planter boxes and after awhile they started rotting out

  2. I've said it before but our hubs is a very talented man! But over $800 for the other one????? Oh my word!

    1. their prices are insane. I should tell DH to start building some exactly like that and charge $400 LOL

  3. Love your planter. Much better looking (in my opinion) than pottery barns.
    Susan R

    1. thanks! I think they will look nice out on the patio once we get them finished

  4. No cruise-Inns this summer where the downtown is blocked off every other Saturday night for classic cars. It was a 1-2 summer thing for us. I hope your mom starts feeling at home, and busy as you stated.

    1. they have been doing some Friday night cruising in the nearby city the past couple of weeks
