Saturday, June 27, 2020

On my staycation

As if I needed anything else to deal with, while I we were waiting for my mom's dr. appt, I get a text from her banks fraud alert department. Did she make this charge to some unknown name (I can't remember what it is now) for $3.45? I texted back NO. Got a text back that her card was now restricted for use, call the bank. When I got home I logged into her banking and was also able to click on a few questions there that reported that as a charge she did not authorize. So, they canceled the card and now a new card is on it's way to her. I'm really hoping it will be in her mail by next week, so I can activate it for her and then change her auto pays that get charged to her card.

I kind of wondered the past many months what exactly my mom does all day with her time. She doesn't watch much tv, other than a little in the evening (jeopardy and wheel of fortune, of course). She never mentions napping much, but I had a feeling she must. She's already taken a nap before lunch and now at 1:30 she's taking another one. She did sit and work on her crossword puzzle book a bit.

Before we left for my mom's dr appt I remembered I need to turn off her medication alarms on her clock. Go to do that and realize the clock is unplugged! I asked her if she just did that and she said she did since she's going to be gone 5 days and didn't know how else to stop the alarm. I wonder if she really turned it off for that or had already unplugged it awhile back, because she doesn't like the alarms going off twice a day?! We'll see I guess, when I take her back and reset it and then see if it's still plugged in the next visit.

She had this envelope in her file cabinet safe that has been in there forever, so she brought it to have me look at it. It's for 200 shares of stock my dad bought back in like 1970 for a silver mining company. I looked it up. Apparently still in business. The stock value? A WHOPPING .11 (yes, that is cents) per share. LOL.  Too funny. No gold mine found in that silver mine ;) We had a good chuckle over it. I showed it to DH and he said that is actually the mine a friend of his works at now. Apparently the reason for the basically zero stock price is until just recently they were on strike for like the past 5 years.

Last evening we took a quick drive over to this area where elk and deer like to spend the evenings. We weren't seeing anything but came upon another car stopped like they were watching. He pointed out a herd of elk off in the distance on the other side of a grove of trees. He had binoculars, so was getting a better view than we could get. I do like how living here it's normal to just pull up and chat with people you don't even know. And with people you do know, haha. As we continued on down the loop road a truck was coming by and it was a guy we know from doing our site work when building, so we stopped in the road and chatted with him a minute.

Today starts my week off work. Yay! Once we get up and about this morning, I'm going to get started making/prepping stuff in the kitchen. First up will be making some ice cream. I haven't made any in at least a couple of years. Then I'm going to make a peach cobbler to try to use up the peaches I got and also chop up the onions and bell peppers for freezing. Those bell peppers would be good for my home made pizza I make - if I can ever find my Classico pizza sauce again. I haven't been able to find any to buy since Covid hit. Weird. Great, now pizza sounds good, haha.

The hot weather is taking a cool down turn starting today. It will only be 73 and then in the 60's tomorrow and in the high 50's on Monday. Summer? LOL  We had a young buck deer wandering through our front yard yesterday afternoon. Our dog started barking a little looking out the front door so my mom went over to see what he was barking at and got to watch him wander through a bit. She enjoyed that.

Sometime in the next few days I also want to drive her into our little town. Show her our previous house. Stop at the grocery store and get some more milk. Once she is up this morning I get to take off that one bandage to change it (and she can take a shower). I so hope it is starting to look better.


  1. I sort of miss having jobs where when you took a vacation, the work wasn't waiting for you when you get back. Of course, when I had jobs like that I didn't make very much money either and couldn't afford anything but a staycation. I remember wondering how my parents kept busy as well, though they were huge readers, and did like to watch old movies. With a big family, they had visitors a lot as well. I hope your mom is encouraged by the friendly faces she met last week that you mentioned, and that her rash has healed or is healing and she feels better. That sound slie a nice little day trip with her.

    1. Ya, I don't have a job like that either. LOL. It'll all be there when I get back. The rash is starting to look better, thankfully

  2. Even when that kind of rash looks better, even one day not caring for it can make it come back as bad as it was. It is vicious. And, it really hurts. I think she definitely needs someone with the background to help her out, not just some other elderly person who may be developing her own issues. I am quite sure she is enjoying her days with you and having something different to do.

    1. I'm not sure what you mean by some other elderly person helping her. I will be hiring a professional care aid person to assist her

  3. Gold Bond is a very good antifungal powder that often does great under damp skin fold areas but.... should not be started until her open sores are healed. Then a good wash, dry, and the Gold Bond. (She'd probably need help with that). This time with you will really help you gauge what she does and her cognitive capabilities. Thank goodness you moved her near you.

    1. Good to know about Gold Bond to help. I did assume nothing like that should be used until it's all cleared up.

  4. You're so lucky to be able to see that deer up close and personal. My friend lived about 30 minutes away from us and they had the deer coming down into their garden too. As for us, nope, only just the once. I've seen more wild boar than deer (not that I want to see them ever again though)!

    1. I've never seen a wild boar before. Would probably be neat to see once, haha. We also see wild turkey's which I find them pretty funny to watch.
