Thursday, June 4, 2020

My new favorite thing

My mom calls me this morning that she has a rash or something in her groin area that just showed up. Red and itchy. Hmmm....I wasn't planning to go see her until Saturday and I can't get out of my garage today (paving being done and we left car inside garage because we weren't planning to go anywhere...should have thought that out more, I guess). I told her to put some of her cortisone cream on it. Then I remembered reading something about that in her medical visits, so I looked up again and a couple years ago she had same complaint and dr. notes says yeast infection. Oh, of course. I didn't even think of that, it's been years and years since I had one. But, I'll bet money that's what it is.

I hate to make her wait until Saturday to get something for it. I looked online to see if there were any same day delivery service in her city. Yep....Instacart does with Target, just down the road from her. It was a $35 min order. She had already mentioned she needs some tissues so I added those to the cart and then she decided she could use some more shampoo. I'd say in less than a half hour she had her items delivered! The "shopper" even texts updates and then texted that the tissues were out of stock and a picture of what was available on the shelf so I texted back, sure that 4 pack will be fine. It was so worth the $3.99 delivery fee (would have cost me twice that in gas to get there) and then I went back in and upped her tip to 20% (5% is standard added on). What a nice option to now know I have if she needs something right away or I can't get in to get her something (especially this winter).

I applied online for her new health insurance 10 days ago and was supposed to get a confirmation notice within 10 day and then welcome packet in 14 days. Today is 10 day and no email. I asked my mom if she happened to get any mail from them and yes, she did yesterday and sounds like it's her welcome packet and insurance card, etc. Good, now I can cancel her old insurance.

I also got an email back from her broker's office that they finally got me added as the POA and SB removed, from her retirement accounts. That only took 6 months.

The pavers were able to finish it all up today. Wow! what a difference that makes with everything. I'll post a pic tomorrow (after I can get one without all their equipment in the picture, LOL)


  1. It sounds like things went well today. You must be ecstatic with the driveway completed. That is good news about the help for your mother when it is bad this winter. I cannot wait to see the pics.

    1. it was nice to get some things accomplished!

  2. I'm very impressed with your shopping exploits. Goodness, ordered and delivered in one day!

    1. I had heard of these new same day delivery shopping services, but they seem to have come about in the last year or two and of course I'm not in an area where they have it, so I haven't paid much attention. But, it sure was handy to be able to use for my mom. It said delivered within 2 hours, which I thought was amazing but then it was to her place in less than half hour.
