Sunday, June 14, 2020

Friends, who needs 'em?

The other evening DH was talking on the phone with our old "good neighbor", just catching up. He sorta had a lawn out front of his place. He'd mow it a couple times a summer. DH would mow it for him a few other times, LOL. DH did this for years and neighbor didn't ever mind. DH would just drive the riding mower over to his part and spend 15 or 20 minutes mowing it down.

He said the lady that bought our house called him up the night before and said "your lawn is getting kind of long". He said he replied to her "yep, I've never seen it that long before". LOL. Then he told her "Old neighbor used to mow it for me". haha! Actually, he said the reason he hadn't mowed it was because his big garage door broke and he couldn't open it to get his riding mower out. He'd been waiting on the part to fix it.

I ordered some various wall storage hooks for DH, from Lowes. Well, they really messed up the order. I'm so confused! It was  a 45 minute wait getting through to their customer service. I ordered 10 of one type of hook, 10 of another, and 5 of another, along with a door mat. The total came to $192. The stuff came Friday and the one I ordered 5 of is missing and there are 5 of a hook I didn't order. Ok, they just picked the wrong item. But, then I look at my order online and it's strange. It shows the total as $192 on the first page, but when I click on details it shows an additional 5 ordered of one of the kind I ordered 10 and the total says $225. My Lowes card shows $192 charged and we only got 10 of the item (as ordered) not 15.When I finally got thru to an agent he will have the 5 missing shipped out, he said my total is $192, so he can't figure out why it's showing more $ and when I asked how to get the wrong 5 back to them, he said "just drop them off at the customer service desk next time you are at Lowes".

DH went to see a friend yesterday. and I enjoyed my "me time". Took care of the chickens with some fresh water and a treat. Finished cleaning the kitchen and dusted and made the bed. Vacuumed up and down. Took about a 1/2 hour nap, ate lunch on the back patio and then it got cloudy and chilly so I went inside and read. Finally, when it was past dinner time and I was hungry I made a leftover meatloaf sandwich and texted DH. He said he was on his way back.

This is DH's friend who has been acting strange the past couple of years. Definitely has a drinking problem which is probably 90% of the problem. DH said they were having a good visit (another friend of his was there for about the first hour) but later dh could tell friend really still has a problem with DH. He's obviously the type of guy that wants his friends to listen to his problems and complaints and bitching about life (which he does a lot), but he doesn't want to reciprocate and if you do try to share/vent (like with our house build problems) he actually gets all defensive and acts like "you just complain too much".

It's also evident that jealousy is a huge part of his life (not just with us). DH said it was just odd...comments he'd make, almost like he was mad...stuff like the size of our house. Or the fact that DH made videos of the build. DH was like well, I love to take pictures and videos, I have a drone, and I wanted to have memories of our build. I made those videos for myself. Friend was like ya, but you put them on Youtube. DH says well, you pretty much have to use that to convert them to a video, especially to share with others, and believe it or not there were a few people who did want to watch (like DD, etc) and see the progress. DH said it's not like I was trying to promote myself or do a "how to" video. There was never even any talking. DH just compiled each stage of the build into photos and videos and would put the video to a song he picked. Sometimes he'd post the link on his (private) Facebook page, as we said, there were a few who liked to watch them.

Then he was mad at the amount of power dh put in for electricity! He's like well you have 2 separate power services! DH is like what are you talking about? No, I don't. It's just one to supply the shop and house. Then he's like well 440 amp service in the shop is ridiculous. DH again says what are you talking about? No, I don't.

And like I said to DH who the F cares if DH did have that for electric or what the size of our house is? It's certainly should be no skin off friends nose. Just strange. Friends place is really nice and he's done fantastic with his landscaping and acres of perfect lawn. DH always tells him so, but he tries to act like it's not or says yours is nicer. DH is like no it's not and friend says your house is way nicer (ie more expensive) than mine. Again, DH says no, it's not!

While he was gone another friend (who he's known since childhood, but now lives on the other side of the state) called. Wanted to pick his brain about something. I told DH when he got home and he said I'm too tired of "friends" right now. I'll call him tomorrow.

Going to see my mom this morning - wish me luck, haha!


  1. I have known people like that guy. You can never just relax because you are always on the defense about something. Drinkers are the worst! I would like to see those videos.

    1. In addition to his drinking he is also kind of hard to follow his conversations because his train of thought can quickly jump from one thing to another. That can be exhausting to me.

  2. My daughter didn't really end a friendship with a childhood friend, but sort of just stopped listening when it was all conversations were just about supposed friend, and boredom or whining if it wasn't. At our ages, why would people ever be jealous any more? What doe sit matter where each of live/or choose to live. I want my home for m, and others can have their hoe for them. I'm glad your husband just corrected him that the memories are for himself.

    1. I don't get the jealousy thing at all either. DH said he even made a comment about the company he works for that the owners son (adult) has a brand new pick up to drive, like that's not fair. What does that have to do with friend? LOL. Friend is almost 50 years old, like you said should be past all that stupid crap.

  3. Right!
    Friends, who needs them?!
    I hope your visit with your mom goes well.

  4. People are strange, aren't they? Hope you have a good visit with your mom.

    1. Indeed they are. I don't understand the interest and judging of what everyone else is doing compared to themselves.

  5. I feel for people who are jealous because nothing is ever enough for them. I have a sister like that. I think she hated me from the moment I was born because I "stole her thunder" just by being born, and she was perpetually jealous of everyone. Not enough to actually do something about it (like get a job), but in a way I feel sorry for her. I always say to my other sister that if the jealous one won £1 million and you won £1,000 she'd still be jealous!

    1. I can't imagine life is very enjoyable if you are always comparing yourself to others, even if you really don't want what they have! LOL. We had some close friends when we were first married who were so competitive with everyone around them. Down to something as stupid as their neighbors got new patio furniture, so she had to. They were the epitome of "keeping up with the Jones's".

    2. We had another couple we were friends with who had 2 kids and he was complaining how we could afford to race with our kids. DH asked him "how much do you guys spend a month on booze (I'd say they spent a couple hundred a week), pot, eating out, going camping on weekends? You spend your extra money on that, we spend ours on racing". Guy didn't have much to say in reply. I'm sure it still never registered with him.
