Thursday, June 4, 2020

Black top has arrived

Surprise - the paving crew showed up at 8am and are paving our driveway and widening the lane out front. Of course it's garbage pickup day and no way for garbage truck now to get in down to our place and farther down to last lot/house, so DH put the cans at the entrance to our road in front of our other neighbors. But, apparently they are going to take 2 days to pave it (probably because they only work half days LOL)

Last evening, after dinner, I got my planter boxes filled up. I like how big and chunky they are - more to scale with how big our back patio is, LOL.

We painted the insides with that roofing sealant stuff, but my boss just told me that burning the insides with a blow torch also keeps it from rotting.

Someone from my mom's new place came up to visit her yesterday afternoon and ask her questions to complete some info they needed. Just general info type stuff, it sounds like. But, I guess her phone rang when the lady was there and she just answered it hello and then told whoever it was "I'll have to call you back" Well, she had no idea who it was, LOL. She doesn't know how to look at her phone for recent calls (and I don't know how to tell her on her little flip phone, without being there to actually look at her phone). She called me after asking if I called. Then she thought maybe it was my uncle. A couple hours later or so she calls me again to ask if it was me. Of course now she couldn't get off her mind that she was supposed to call someone back. I haven't been able to see her call log on her Verizon online now for at least a couple weeks. But, finally this morning I was able to view it (but only since 6/1 - apparently in part of April and all May they gave everyone unlimited minutes and the call logs stopped working) and it was a number from someone at her apartment office who called. I'm sure when I call her today, she'll have forgotten about trying to figure out who called, so I'm not even going to mention it, unless she does.

She also called me last night, as she keeps forgetting what the little "emergency call device" is sitting on her side table next to her recliner. It kind of sounds like she unplugged the charger, LOL. Like I told DD, it really won't do her much good for her to even have one, if she'll never remember she even has it to use. I'm guessing even if she wore it around her neck (which she says she doesn't want to do right now), she'd forget it's there during an emergency.

Been dealing with 2 long "issues" with my regular job and side job. The one with the side job is finally over. They purchased an office building, rather than leasing and it was a long headache of constant information needed by the bank and underwriters. What a relief. My main job we are still dealing with the audit, but it's almost done, I think. That has only been going on since end of January. It was so strange. A couple weeks ago my boss got a letter from the auditor stating we owed like $1400 from his audit findings. She was thrilled that's all it was, LOL. Quickly sends the check, thought it was over....then gets a letter from him dated 3 days earlier than the payment notice, asking for more info! Weird. You'd think they'd wait until it was completely done before telling us if we owed anything.

About to take a lunch break and make some tapioca pudding and hard boil some eggs. Just received notification that I got a payment on a class action lawsuit from a previous health insurance company I had DH and the kids on years ago. A whopping $12.91. Apparently they were originally expecting to pay out $50 to each person, but because the local news had "advertised" it last fall, they had 4 times as many people put in a claim and typical in these cases.

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