Sunday, June 21, 2020

A little progress

My mom had a much better day yesterday, even though when I called her later morning, she was her usual not quite feeling very well. But, she had left the bandage on and eaten breakfast and had taken her pills. Then I told her that since I was just there Thursday and coming again next week that I wasn't coming this weekend, so we'd need to get her pillbox filled up and I could help her over the phone. She said it's already done! She said when she took her pills she saw (with the exception of Sat eve pill) it was empty and that she needed to refill it for the week so she did that. I was super surprised!

I brought up again if she had done laundry yet and she hasn't and now her idea is since she's coming to stay with me a few days she'll bring her laundry to do at my house. Ok, LOL. You'd think she be looking for things to do, rather than sitting in an apartment all day with not much at all to do. When discussing her mornings, she brought up that she's been sleeping fine. So, obviously she hasn't needed those Tylenol PM's (ie benadryl), but that also apparently hasn't been her morning problem, since she's not felt well for like the last 4 mornings in a row. Sigh......

Then about 4:15 she called me to tell me good news (her words, LOL). She went downstairs around 2:30 to check her mail and heard some talking in the dining room, so she looked and and a small group of women were gathered over in the corner. They invited her over to join. In honor of Father's Day they were having a little chat and talked about their fathers and grandfathers. When they were done my mom said she was putting her chair back, all but one had left, so she said she helped that lady push chairs back and clean off the little chalkboard. She seemed very proud of herself that she did an activity and I was sure happy to hear it. That is so what she needs.

We kept busy yesterday, but nothing too major. DH finished fixing a gutter spout on one corner of the house. Shortly after they were originally put up someone working here at the house just stepped on the piece that was coming out from the bottom and dented it. DH instead buried a piece of pvc pipe down under the ground for the downspout to drain into. While dh was out in his shop trying to organize some more, I got in a good nap. He was at least able to empty one big plastic bin. It basically just had some boxes in it that a couple of his power tools came in. He even saves boxes! It was a struggle for him, but he broke down the boxes and threw them away and was able to put the empty bin stacked in with his other empty bins. One at time LOL. Maybe it will all be done when he's 80, LOL.


  1. I was so miserable when I took one of Tommy's Benadryl. I hate that stuff. I am not ready to stay in bed all day until I feel better. Never again. And, pushing through was the only way I could function. Now that she ha broken the ice and other people know she is there, she will go down more often. That is funny that your mother brings her laundry home to you.

    1. I think I've taken benadryl only twice before and hated it too. Completely knocked me out. I don't know how people can take these during the day for allergies. My DH sometimes takes Claritan, but it's non drowsy type

  2. Benadryl or the generic is the only thing that gives me relief if I am overly exposed to cats-so I know I have to plan accordingly. That is some progress for your mom and being social. I find it hard to meet people at 54-I can't imagine starting again in my 80's but I suspect many of us may need to depending on how life pans out for all of us.

    1. my mom has always been very social and outgoing (unlike me, LOL) so that's why I was so surprised she never got involved with anything at her previous senior living place.

  3. Glad to hear that she took the initiative to refill her pill box and join the group of ladies for a chat.

  4. I wonder if she got the pill box filled right.

    1. The pills she described sound right. I'll find out Thursday when I take her to the dr.

  5. Sounds like your mom is beginning to get on her feet. I hope it continues. Maybe she's just starting to feel a little more comfortable in her new place. I hope so.
