Sunday, June 28, 2020


Someone's going to have to remind me to take deep breaths and relax, LOL. My mom comes down this morning already dressed. Ok, but as we have done 3x a day for the last 3 days I need to change her dressing and put on the anti fungal cream first thing. Annnnnddd....I'm guessing she just left her undies on from yesterday. So, while she's eating breakfast I go upstairs to look in the laundry basket I set in her room for dirty clothes and sure enough, not another pair has been added.  After I get her back upstairs so we can put on the cream and new cotton bandage part, I explain to her that she needs to put on a fresh clean pair of undies. She was kind of like "oh, I guess I didn't". I then went into how, with clearing up this rash infection and making sure it stays gone, it is most important now that she puts on a fresh, clean pair every day. She starts to say "oh, well I'm not sure I have enough for that (she does) but I can wash them in the sink. So, then I had to explain, NO, we can't have you doing that any more. That is probably most likely what has caused this rash to get so bad and not heal the past few weeks (with the diflucan and cream we did for 2 weeks, it really should have started to get better and it got worse).

She seemed a bit confused and concerned, just by the look on her face. Then she said she thought the cleaning ladies did her laundry and I said no, they are only doing linens, you are responsible for your own clothes and we need to start having your clothes washed once a week now. She then was concerned "well, I don't have a big enough load to do it that often". I said well, if you have 7 undies, 7 pairs of socks, 2-3 jeans and tops, you should have enough. I said you can do a small load just as easy as a full load. I then told her if she doesn't want to have to do the laundry there is a lady who does other residents laundry to help them out and we can get her to start coming in once a week. She doesn't charge very much (I have have no idea what she charges, LOL, I just made that part up to help convince her). I mentioned this a couple of times that we can just have her start coming in once a week to do wash your clothes, like she does for other residents. She tried to mention again she could just do her undies in the sink. I'm like NO, we are not doing that anymore. I asked her what soap she used to wash them. She's not sure. She guesses she just used some liquid laundry soap. I said that isn't getting them clean enough or they can't get rinsed out well enough. They have to be done in the washing machine from now on. When I commented again about doing laundry weekly, she'll have 7 undies, socks, etc she says well, usually I wear my socks an extra day. I told her for her skins health she needs to be putting on clean clothes.

So, tomorrow I'm calling the lady that the manager gave me her # for and see if she can start coming in weekly to do her laundry. Then I'm going to just have her start doing more and more to help my mom, so mom probably won't even realize it as we gradually add the help (like just making sure she showers at least every other day). I'm guessing the reason my mom isn't doing her laundry anymore is because she is forgetting how to do it/use the machines. I'm also guessing she was probably washing her undies in the sink at her old apartment, often, because she didn't think she had a big enough load to use her washing machine.

I'm also realizing (though I already knew it) how much of a homebody/introvert/recluse I am LOL. I read one time that introverts need to recharge by themselves after dealing with people. That is me, haha. I do not enjoy having to feel like I need to make small talk/chat all day with someone. It exhausts me.

This morning after I got up I made the mixture for the ice cream to be made in my kitchenaid ice cream attachment. I was going to make it yesterday around noon, but haven't made in a few years and forgot it needs to chill for 8 hours before making and I didn't want to be doing it at 8pm last night. So, now I'll get to do it around 4pm. About 9:30 this morning my mom went back upstairs to lay down, so I'm getting a little break.

The rash area that is around the bad part (that part is covered with bandage/dressing to leave on 2 days at a time and then change) is almost all cleared up, so that is very good. Still putting on cream 2x a day, of course, but glad to see it getting better. Tomorrow we get to change that bandage again (and shower) so I'm hoping that part is showing some more improvement.


  1. Your mom sounds like she can use that lady's help. I hope, she is a likable character so, your mom does not reject her. Is there any way they can help with the memory issues? Is there a med may be? I have also heard that eating at least two whole walnuts a day has tremendous benefits for the heart and the veins in the brain. Hugs...

    1. I take her to see a primary care physician tomorrow but as far as I have read up, there isn't medication to help with this.

  2. Personal hygiene gaps goes along with the other aging let alone with dementia challenges, causing a whole host of other issues. You are wise to stay on top of this. My parents were fortunate and that there were several of us to help, and between us, we made sure they had laundry regularly done. It sounds like having the laundry help would make your life easier as well.

    1. I could start doing it weekly, when I visit her, but I think it will just be best to hire it and then it will be easier to have this lady start helping with more and more as we go along. Plus when snowy roads come in winter there might be weeks I'm delayed a few days to get in.

  3. Definitely get the laundry help. It's a small thing which will make a great difference.
    Last fall, I splurged on a whim, and bought a used Cuisinart ice-cream maker with built in compressor. I can make a simple ice-cream in about 40 minutes! (I don't chill the milk, cream and sugar mixture beforehand, as I saw no difference in the finished product when I did.) I love homemade ice-cream, and the built in compressor is a godsend--if I'm not there when the churning stops, it chills the ice-cream for me. I haven't tried a cooked recipe yet--that mix does need to be chilled, obviously. In any case, my kids can now no longer abide by store bought ice-cream. DD says this machine makes ice-cream akin to that she had in Europe!

    1. Meg B,
      Just before I read your comment, I was looking at Cuisinart ice cream makers and read nothing about a compressor. What is the model you bought? Thanks.

    2. I have the Cuisinart Ice 100. It sells for about $330.00, but I got mine used (barely) for $75. The one I REALLY wanted was the Lelo Musso Pola, but would never had purchased's about $1,000.
      Here's the one I have:

    3. Meg B.,
      You got a great deal. Today, Tommy let me order a Cuisinart that was on sale for $79 and came with two bowls. I figure I can do without the compressor for that With two bowls, I can make mine with the milk I have to drink and not share it with him. Plus, he does not like bananas. Thanks for the information. Maybe someday I can upgrade!

    4. Great deal on the Cuisinart ice cream maker! My ice cream came out yummy. Crazy how much some of them can cost.

  4. I suppose seeing all this for yourself is a surprise and enlightening. Your mother has probably not been washing her underwear in the sink. I do think the sink will work for getting them clean, but IF she did wash them out, it was probably more like a swish through the water and a swish of a rinse.

    I wondered about her going down to do her own laundry. I stood and puzzled over Tommy's washing machine the first time, and then I realized it was identical to IDENTICAL! I was tired and I just thought I needed to figure it out. lol And, I can figure out complicated things yet!

    It is good you have seen for yourself what is happening with her. Pluss, can you ask a doctor if any combination of pills she is taking could be causing this dementia? My friend rushed back to Romania and found the meds his mother was taking caused her problems. When, meds were adjusted, she was just fine.

    1. I think you are right - she washing in the sink but it's probably a quick thing and either not getting them clean like they should be or getting the detergent rinsed out well enough. I will talk to the dr. tomorrow about her meds,of course, but her BF did take her to her dr (the one that prescribed these the past years) last summer specifically to talk about if her meds could be causing her memory problems. The only thing he changed was he cut her paroxetine dose in half.

  5. It sounds more and more like your mom needs assisted care due to her memory issues. My mother lived with me and I did all the laundry, but, she would help with the folding, until, one day, she no longer remembered how to fold the laundry.

    1. I think you are right and now I'm seeing it being with her several days. When she got in the shower on Saturday she said "do I wash my hair first?".

  6. Before Mom had help 24/7 we would have to gently remind her to shower when we were there. She was afraid to shower when she was alone, of course I was there every morning and my sister was there every afternoon (even after we had 24 hour care and most days I was there 3 times a day) Finally we had one primary day time worker who would give Mom a shower at least every other day.

    1. It's sad. It could be she is afraid to do it, being alone, but I think it's more just she can't remember when she did it last, thinks she probably did just "recently" and will tell herself, I'll just do it tomorrow and then repeats the same thing the next day. She did actually say yesterday something about taking a shower tomorrow (when we change her bandage) so it was good to hear her say that (not that she will probably remember this morning! ha!)

  7. I was born HIV the age of 16 I lost my mother because of the HIV infection And I regretted why i never met Dr sunday who could have cured my mum for me because as a single other it was very hard for my mother I came across Dr Sunday herbal center and his herbal exploit online about how he cured all kind of human diseases like Chronic pancreatitis, HIV/Aids Herpes, Parkinson, Asthma, Autism,Copd, Epilepsy, Shingles, Cold Sore, Infertility, Chronic Fatigues Syndrome,Fibromyalgia, Love Spell, Prostate Cancer, Lung Cancer, Glaucoma., psoriasis, Cirrhosis of Liver, Cataracts, Muscular degeneration, Infectious mononucleosis., Cardiovascular disease, Lung disease. Enlarged prostate, Osteoporosis. Alzheimer's disease, psoriasis,
    Dementia, Breast Cancer, Blood Cancer, Colo-Rectal Cancer, Love Spell, Chronic Diarrhea, Ataxia, Arthritis,Amyotrophic Lateral Scoliosis,Fibromyalgia,Fluoroquinolone Toxicity
    Syndrome Fibrodysplasia Ossificans ProgresSclerosis, Weak Erection, Breast Enlargment, Penis Enlargment,Hpv, measles, tetanus, whooping cough, tuberculosis, polio and diphtheria Diabetes Hepatitis and Cancer I was so excited but frighten at the same time because I did not come across such article on the internet then I contacted Dr James on his {EMAIL}. he tells me how it works then I told him I want to proceed I paid him so swiftly Colorado post office I received my herbal medicine within 3/4 working days and I used the herbal medicine as he prescribed for me MORNING AND NIGHT and here living healthy again can imagine how God uses men to manifest his healing and powerful  works I'm writing this article in appreciation to thank Dr Sunday herbal centre and to let you all know there is a cure for HIV/AIDS.THANK YOU  
