Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Saving dollars

I'm trying to be mindful of saving dollars and not wasting. I did pretty well this past week or so, with one exception.

Those thick 2"+ steaks that I have and wasn't having the best of ease broiling/cooking so thick....Sunday I let one steak thaw out about halfway and then cut it in half, thereby making 2 1" steaks. They worked perfect and perfect size for us. So, now 5 steaks left will become 10.

I made a casserole the other day for dinner and didn't freeze half and ended up just dumping out what we didn't eat. BAD! I was very lazy (I think this was last Friday or Saturday). Last night I made a tuna casserole for dinner and put half in the freezer.

Our propane/gas company had sent out a postcard reminding about the summer fill lower rates and to call by 6/30 to schedule the fill. I called yesterday. Since our tank is at about 45% and we don't use much in summer, she said they will put us on the schedule for later rather than sooner and we are locked in. The main guy had called or texted DH about it a few weeks ago but now I can't remember what he told DH the price/gallon is. I think he said $1.25. Then in August or September we will also do the "pre pay winter contract", to lock in a winter fill at lower price. I think we have finally figured out how this all works to save the most possible.

DH's health insurance just sent out a notice that for June's premium they are giving a small discount due to Covid-19, so will save about $7 there. I think they spent more to send out the notice than the discount, LOL. There was 2 pages to the notice plus another 3 pages of privacy notice.

DH's "new" lawn tractor is having issues staying running. It's like after it's been running awhile it heats up and shuts down. He's thinking/hoping it's just the fuel pump and wants to get a new one from the John Deere dealership. Like he said - there's always a reason someone is selling their stuff, LOL.

A year and a half ago I bought my iphone 6s (ya, I'm always way behind, but not willing to spend those ridiculous amounts for the latest and greatest). It was on sale/special for $5/mo for 24 months. Except they bill it strange. It's billed at $15 a month and then a $10 credit, equaling out to $5 (no interest). I had hoped to just pay off the phone in full, without continuing the extra $5 month payments, but they won't let me, LOL. If I want to pay it off early, I lose the $10 month credit and would have to pay the $15/mo for the remaining payments left. Oh well, it's interest free, so no biggie. I'm sure as soon as I get mine paid off, DH's phone will need to be replaced. Always seems to work out that way.

Working on MTurks again today. At $5.34 so far.


  1. That is a strange payment. I do not like to buy a phone over time because I have to get a plan which is always more.

    1. I didn't have to change my plan any by upgrading to the new phone (or DH's before that). We are just on the smallest data plan Verizon offers, for 2 phones.

  2. I have to figure out a new phone. Mine will be five years old this Ocotber-ancient in terms of cell phones. I don't need latest model, but need a funcitoning one.

    1. I try to keep mine as long as possible, too. Usually just take the oldest model they are still selling, LOL.

  3. That is an odd payment plan especially since they allow no payoff.

    1. well, I could pay it off, but then it includes the $10 a month discount, so to pay off now would be $90 instead of $30

  4. I'm the same as you with phones. No way will I pay those ridiculous prices for something top of the range that will be out of fashion in about 6 months. In fact, when this one is done I think I'll get a Samsung. They're cheaper than iphone and take much better pictures.

    1. I'm tempted to go android next phone. DD switched to android a few years back.

  5. I have always had android. A couple of my kids switched to iPhones and said it was easy, but I don’t know if I believe them lol I switched from Verizon to straight talk once all the kids were off my plan. My dh’s phone is paid by his company And Verizon was costing me something like $80 a month. I like $45 better!

    1. I first had android, but then after having my ipad mini (and the kids had iphones at the time) I went with iphone. DH is stuck with iphone now, because he hates change. I like my phone fine. We are on a Verizon plan with 2 phones, but only like 2gb of shared data (we area usually at home, so don't use much data at all) and it's about $84 mo total. But I get a discount thru my employer payroll company, which brings it down to $78. Verizon also seems to be the cell service that works best in this remote area, so we are keeping it. Some people come here with other carriers and don't have service when they visit us.

    2. Verizon is definitely the best in Montana. Straight talk uses Verizon towers so my service is good though.That’s a good price. My dd has Verizon and she pays more than that for just one line, but she’s got more data than that. I have a crazy amount of data-40 GB or something like that. I never use that much obviously, but if it’s ever safe to go somewhere again I do use more When traveling. And a year ago in February when it Was so cold and wouldn’t stop snowing for a Month my internet was basically out for weeks and I had to use my phone for everything. I used a lot of data that month.

    3. I haven't had any problems with my internet service during the winter, so thank goodness for that, since I work from home. It's thru the phone company and has been reliable for me.

    4. I use a local company and 99% of the time it’s great. But a year ago February they had trouble with their tower that sits up in the mountains on the edge of town and they were unable to get up there to fix it. It was either too cold or too snowy for weeks.

  6. I've always found that cutting pieces of meat partially frozen is so much easier - and with a sharp knife, too. Also seafood (we grill a lot of salmon - I cut it up & freeze in pieces).

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