Sunday, June 14, 2020


I was watching Finding Dorry last night. That's my mom, haha.

My mom was feeling ok this morning, so that was good, but her memory was just plain awful. I picked her up and we went over to Target. She did remember a list she had written some things down and as we get inside she says she needs heartburn medicine. ?? I said no you don't. That's the prescription pill you take every morning, when you wake up. She acted like she had no idea what I was talking about. Then she said she needed some Cortaid. I said I know you have some in your bathroom because we just bought some not too long ago and you already had some then. I asked her what she needed to use it for and she said she didn't know, she just thought she was running low. I reminded her that the dr. said do not use that on her rash, it was probably making it worse. When I checked when we got back she has 3 tubes of Cortaid in her drawer!

We picked up 2 tubes of the Lotrimin for her yeast infection rash as the one purchased Monday, after the dr. appt, isn't very big and putting it on 2x a day she was not going to have enough to keep using it another week or two. She probably actually has at least a 1/3 left in the tube but she'd been telling me for days she was almost out.  She also wanted a basket to carry her laundry in to take to the laundry room down the hall. We get it home and she asks me what that basket is for.
She had also been asking me for days if she could take that 2nd pill for her yeast infection/rash and I kept saying no, you have to wait a week. Then she called me on Friday and asked me to call the dr and see if she can take it sooner. A week meant Sunday, but the stuff stays in your system for 6 days, so they said since she took the first pill Monday am that ok to take Saturday evening. I get there Sunday morning and she hadn't taken it. It was also not taped back up on her fridge like I told her to do. She also forgot to take her yesterday morning pills.

So, I take her pill box into the bathroom to fill it up for the week and get her pill bottles out of the little medicine cabinet. You know......the bottles I taped a note to each one in bright red ink that said "only open to fill pill box" on?? Well, the notes were taken off! Who knows why. She doesn't remember doing it or that there had been notes on it. I got some more yellow post it's and wrote on them the same message and below it wrote "do not remove this note" and taped them across her bottles again. We'll see......

I then went to her digital calendar/clock and programmed it to have an alarm go off 2 x a day every day to remind her to take her meds. It will have an audible alarm buzzing as well as the display will say "time for your morning (or evening) meds". She tried everything she could think of to talk me out of using that. What if she decides to go somewhere. (you aren't going anywhere) What if it's too loud and bothers the neighbor (you don't have a neighbor on this side of your apartment and it's not that loud). I told her she needs to be home when it's time to take her meds or know to take them before she leaves, if she is going somewhere and won't be home to take them. I did a test and it went off and displayed the message. It is turned off by pushing the "ok" button in back. I taped a yellow sticky note to the edge of the front telling her to press ok button on back to turn off alarm. Then I told her I don't care how loud it is, making sure she takes her medications every day is more important right now. I told her the only other option is to hire someone to come and check on her daily to make sure she's taking them and she said "oh I don't want to do that".  (actually I will probably try that medicine dispenser next, but I didn't bother trying to explain that to her)

Then I went back to the bathroom to take out all the Tylenol PM bottles (we had bought some last week shopping as she said she was out and she wasn't). She didn't seem to remember our discussion about the pills on Friday evening but again she was very receptive to the idea to not take them for awhile and she said just take them with you, so I did. I hope I found them all!

I told her it was DD's husbands birthday coming up in case she wanted to send something, so she wrote out a check (as she usually does for gifts the past couple of years). I didn't expect her to know the date, but she didn't know the year either.

I have been telling her we had an extra microwave she can have, so I brought it today. We still need to get a cart for it, but when I looked online this morning none of the nearby stores seem to actually carry them in the store, so I'll have to order it shipped. I had set the box (DH put it in a box) on her kitchen floor and later she asks what that box is.

Her alarm for her evening pill is set for 6:15 pm. I set my phone alarm to call her a few minutes before so I can remind her it's going to go off soon and how to turn it off.


  1. If she removes sticky notes, maybe you can try a I use sharpies and nail polish to make notes on bottles. I have two pills that I alternate even and odd days taking, so mark the bottles. Was she happy to see the microwave?

    1. I should have wrapped the tape around the bottles a couple of times, haha! DH had put the microwave in a box and until I get her a cart to put it on she doesn't have anywhere to set it, so it's still in box. Which of course she then asked "what's in that box?".

  2. I'm sorry it is getting to a point where she is forgetting so many things. You are doing the best you can, but, you might have to take away her medications and just leave only the week's dosage in the pill dispenser.

    1. I haven't wanted to do that yet, just in case for some reason I could not get to her place on the day it needs to be refilled (especially when winter comes). Right now, I have been able to refill it, but if for some reason I could not I know I could at least talk her through filling it up over the phone. That's kind of why I think this 30 day automatic med dispenser might be a good thing to try.

  3. I am so sorry. Please try to understand that she is not willfully changing the things you have set up to help her memory. It would probably be best for you to control her meds, like Bless said and have them at her place only for the week. If the new pill system you are getting does not work I would seriously consider hiring someone to stop in every morning. I used to think memory loss was harder for the care givers than for the one who was losing their memory, but after watching Mom's confusion and frustration because she could not remember anything I had to rethink everything.

    1. I know she is not doing anything on purpose and can no longer help the things she is doing/thinking. I will just keep trying until we get a system that works, whether it be that auto pill dispenser or hiring someone.

  4. She needs someone to give her the meds everyday. She could literally forget and overdose on her meds. From the things you say she seems worse or because you see her more often you are noticing just how bad it is.

    1. She was worse yesterday, but "normal" all the rest of the days I've seen or talked to her. I'm sure I am just noticing much more now, being around her more often.

    2. Is your mom more confused in the morning or night? My mom had sundown which made her very confused in the evenings. She told me once there was an octopus on the floor and her memory was horrible at night.

    3. mornings - which I think is because she has still be so hazy from the sleeping pill(s) after she gets up.

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