Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Just this and that Tuesday

Saturday afternoon, for something to do, I took mom out to a neighboring town that has a touristy gift shop. They have quite a bit of wall art/paintings for sale and we have gotten several from them the past few years. I've been wanting something (and waiting to have the extra money to spend) for the guest bedroom that has the bear carved log bed. The only thing on the walls in that room is a mirror. I found this painting of a black bear and it compliments the room nicely.

Last night we decided to go out to dinner for the first time in months and months. We went to our usual steakhouse, which has always been very good. I must say I was very disappointed! I know a year ago or so I had overheard the owner talking with some one about if she had sold the place yet. I'm guessing it now has new owners. I almost always order the grilled salmon. It is very good and melts in your mouth. I order their garlic mashed potatoes for my side. The salmon was half the size it normally is and not near as good (I'm guessing its from frozen, not fresh). The mashed potatoes were obviously instant type. Certainly not worth the $24 plate cost. DH always gets the fish and chips and said it hadn't changed any.

I think my mom's yeast infection rash is improving. The part that was the worst, open sore area was probably 3 inches across her groin area and when I changed the bandage yesterday it was now 2 much smaller sores. The area around it (still covered by the big 4" bandage) is still fairly red, but the area outside the bandage area is much better now. I know the wound care dr. took a picture of it last week, so that will be a good comparison to see how much it's improved. She goes back to that doctor on Thursday morning.

Today we see her new primary care physician at 11am. She did get up yesterday and remember that she was showering, so that was good. I am washing her dirty clothes up this morning so she will go back to her place with all clean stuff.

It poured rain yesterday and today is doing the same. Will not be a nice drive back to the city. Oh well. After I am done with mom I am picking up a Walmart grocery order. This is the first order I have done since the virus hit that they have our toilet paper in stock.


  1. Once the red is gone and the skin looks normal, it is not really gone. Ask me how I know. The fact she has a wound care person shows the seriousness of the problem. It is great she remembered! I would look and smell and see if clothes put away in her apartment are really clean. You really go a lot of things done for her during your visit.

    1. I will definitely be keeping an eye on the yeast infected area for quite awhile, though she still has a ways to go to heal all the way, it appears.

  2. I'm glad your mom's rash looks to be improving. I'm sure ensuring she showers and changes her clothes will help, although goodness knows that can't be easy for you.

  3. I'm relieved your mom is improving. The bear picture look nice. Isn't is to disappointing when a rare night out doesn't meet expectations?

    1. it was really disappointing. Especially because other than one other restaurant, that is the only other one and it was the better of the 2. Not that we go out to eat a lot, but that place had really good food :(
