Monday, June 29, 2020

Here we go again...........

Our neighbor texted DH last night. Guess what? They have their sons 2 dogs AGAIN all summer, for at least 2 months. This is now the 4th summer in a row (that we know of) and always an excuse why they need to dump their dogs off on their parents. The first summer they were moving. The second summer (that was the summer we were building) was she was having a baby (their 3rd) and last summer it was because they were putting in a yard and didn't want the dogs around. (so they came and messed up the yard WE were trying to put in). This summer it's they are remodeling and don't want the dogs there. What crappy dog owners. We always feel sorry for the dogs to get separated from their family and home for months every year. And it's always longer than they say it's going to be (and because you know remodeling will take 3x as long as the estimate)

I also feel for their newer/problem dog that they got last Fall (right after the sons 2 dogs went home). He's finally adjusting to his new home and the other dogs and now has something new to deal with in 2 dogs he's not familiar with. Hopefully this isn't going to be another summer of barking issues - again. Good grief.

I'm usually up at 7am (dogs schedule) but got to sleep in until almost 7:30. That was after being woke up at 4:30 with our oldest dog puking up a chunk of grass. Not again! It took me awhile to fall back asleep. Then I'm up here in my office drinking coffee and typing this out and hear my mom get up (8am). She's standing outside her bedroom door and I ask how she's doing and she says oh, not the greatest. She kind of had a confused look on her face and then says I'm not sure but I thought they said I could call down to have breakfast brought up. I said well, yes at your apartment they are bringing your breakfast up to you in the mornings. Then she said ya, I don't know if I was just dreaming about that or what. I talked her into going back to bed for awhile, told her DH wasn't even up yet. I talked her into going back to bed for a bit. I could tell she wasn't ready to get up yet and I think she thinks because I am up she needs to get up. (nope! I like my free "me" time in the mornings! haha!)

Yesterday she remembered that she is taking a shower today. I wonder if she will still remember about it when she gets up this morning.

I don't think I mentioned it, but Saturday morning I did chop up all the red bell peppers and 3 of the onions. I got a quart sized ziploc full of each on the freezer now. I kept 3 of the onions whole, in my pantry, as I figured I'll probably use them up. I was going to make the peach cobbler, but then realized the peaches were not very ripe yet, so I am still waiting on them to get riper/softer. I did get my ice cream made at 4pm yesterday. Yummy!

Ok, mom's back up. Here we go :)


  1. Does your mother have diabetes?

    Those dogs would annoy me. I would have to mention to the neighbors that they spoil my enjoyment of my home I spent time and money making enjoyable. Is this going to be an every summer thing?

    1. she didn't have diabetes as of her last physical last summer, but I'm sure the new dr will do all the blood work on her, etc.

    2. so far for at least 4 years it's an every summer thing. The dog has basically been barking off and on all morning, so obviously they either didn't put the bark collar on him before they left for work, or it doesn't make a difference to the dog. And of course once he starts in their other dogs get agitated and start barking too

  2. My mom used to get up at the crack of dawn too (because she went to bed so early). When she came out to see me I put her in a room that had heavy wooden shutters and closed them. We went in to wake her at 10 a.m.! Sneaky!

    1. that's funny! She went back to lay down again after breakfast, so just got her showered and it's almost noon.
